Theos-World Secret Doctrine - not so Secret
Jan 18, 2000 00:55 AM
by LeonMaurer
In a message dated 1/15/0 7:59:00 AM, "Tony" <> writes:
>> <<<<< (snip)
>> They way i see it is, that in Blavatsky's 'The Secret Doctrine', she is
>> doing a hole lot on refferring to scientists, philosophers, and religious
>> authors of her OWN time - her OWN time......................>>>>>
>It is:
>The Secret Doctrine:
>the synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy.
>The SD can be studied in many different ways.
>When the SD is seen as the SYNTHESIS, then there is no science, religion
>and philosophy, as such, that is just the clothing.
The SD, as presented by HPB for this cycle of the Theosophical Movement was
to give us (students of theosophy) the means to carry out the three "Objects"
-- and for no other reasons. This was to wake up our own latent knowledge,
as well as to prepare us to teach the truths of reincarnation and karma
(Universal Laws) to the masses -- by changing their false understandings of
religion, science and/or philosophy (whichever divisions or groupings of them
governs their individual thinking) . Thus, we were given the "synthesis" of
all these disciplines as a logical and consistent substitute for the wrong
views promulgated by any single one of them. This "synthesis" fulfills the
precept that "There is no Religion Higher than Truth" and empowers all true
theosophists with the knowledge and wisdom to confront or correct the wrong
view thinking of anyone, on their own grounds, and in their own language.
>The Secret Doctrine, is in fact SECRET, and the door is very firmly shut,
>until we start doing something about it. We first of all need a key to
>open it, and basically we have to make that key.
And "that key" is simply our own intuition, coupled with an understanding of
the real purposes of the SD. The Secret Doctrine reveals all that is
necessary to empower us with the means to ultimately bring on, through our
own self devised and self determined efforts, a true universal brotherhood on
this planet. In addition, it gave out the scientific principles and
universal laws separating the absolute from the relative, along with new
ideas of transcendent universal energies that underlie all the scientific
discoveries in the 20th century that led to our current high technology --
and the Internet. (And, which will lead to entirely new scientific paradigms
and super psychic neo-technologies in the next century.)
The SD also contains the paths to all the "Secrets" of the "unexplained
psychical powers latent in man" that must eventually be used by all of us,
together -- to not only help reinforce and support this brotherhood, once
formed, but also to reverse the impending destruction of the planetary
biosphere that we have instigated by our wrong materialistic thinking and
actions over the past centuries. What advantage is the attaining of a
universal brotherhood if there is no longer a planetary home to support it?
And how can we attain, perhaps centuries from now, such a final UNIVERSAL
brotherhood, without changing the minds of the ENTIRE human Race? So, aside
from these ends in view, in addition to our intuitions and our desire to
learn the truths of universal reality for our own self realization, as well
as to help and teach others -- what other keys are there?
All such "Secrets" have been effectively hidden within the overall
commentaries in the SD, so that only the fully intuitive student could find
them.... This was cleverly done by HPB, to the best of her abilities (hint:
working with both her left and right brain in synchronism), by burying the so
called "secrets" within masses of convoluted scriptural data confirming the
Three Fundamental Truths, and explaining, from the standpoint of each
religion, the true course of cosmic and human genesis and their evolution
without resort to a personal God or "Creator." This was also done to insure
that, before such "secrets," or dangerous new ideas could be attained, the
students or casual readers would first have to wade through much moral and
ethical teachings... Not only to give the intuitive students the necessary
clues, hints, and "pointers" along the way, but also to more or less
guarantee that such powerful (former) "secrets" would not be used in selfish
manners harmful to others.
Unfortunately, one must always take the bad with the good. Potential Dugpas
and black magicians could also be highly intuitive, and can find and use
these "secrets" as well as distort the ethical teachings to suit their own
purposes. (Vide; Hitler and his Nazi cohorts -- who also studied the Secret
Doctrine and used the "magic" they learned from it and from other mystic
teachings mentioned in it.) I'm sure that both HPB and the Mahatmas also
understood this problem, and took the best precautions they could to prevent
such dangerous "secrets" from reaching the less intuitive students or casual
readers of the SD. But, for those who really want to know and have the
necessary patience, perseverance and intuition -- there are no secrets, of
which at least the first four keys wasn't already turned by HPB... With the re
st of the seven Keys no further away than the focussed concentration and
perceptive intuition of dedicated chelas couldn't find, turn and unlock for
>Actually, the SD goes far back into prehistory, ASURAMAYA, the great
>Atlantean "Astronomer", for example...and to Lemuria...18,000,000 years
>ago and more... and back far far further, or "forward"...faster than the
>of thought, light is just crawling along at a snail's pace...Yes, lets
>be open-minded. The last 100 years or so is nothing...nor for that matter is
>internet, just different clothing...a passing phase
Regardless of how far back in history or prehistory the underlying truths go,
the Secret Doctrine, per se, was written, and the "Secrets" given out, solely
to solve the problems of the world created in these last few centuries --
which will culminate, if we can't prevent it, in the possible destruction of
human civilization as well as the Earth itself before the end of the next
century. To think that this is just another "passing phase", and that the
actions of human beings that could destroy ourselves and our home in a few
hundred years as "Nothing" -- not only shows a complete misunderstanding of
why the SD was written, as well as a misunderstanding of the Fundamental
Truths and the Objects -- but also shows a sad lack of concern for what is
essentially a matter of life and death for the entire human race at this time
in its long history...
Already, as HPB pointed out, we are a million years behind in evolution due
to the similar activities of our Atlantian ancestors... And, now, we are
facing the last acid test that could either end this evolutionary experiment
forever -- or, should we succeed in conquering our lower (Kama) natures --
begin a new age of higher (BuddhI) nature evolution leading toward a
"paradise on Earth" in the next millennium... (And, possibly, not only catch
up on our million years of lost evolution, but advance a million years to
In a universe of infinite possibilities, a species could be destroyed in the
same short length of time that it could take to realign the distorted energy
field of a planet (should every human mind be changed and focussed on it at
the same time). "As above, so below" we are told. If acupressure can cure
the illnesses of the human body by readjusting the Chi (Prana) energies, or
we can cure ourselves through self-healing mental visualizations, why
couldn't the Earth also be cured of its maladies in similar manners? Could
this be what HPB meant in the Third (and final) Object when she literally
ordered us to "investigate the unexplained laws of nature, and the psychical
powers latent in Man"? (Doesn't "Man" in that context mean Mankind -- as a
whole?) For what prophetic purpose did HPB have that in mind -- knowing that
there were those among us who would inadvertently, under such mandate, attain
the necessary knowledge that would enable them to control and apply those
powers? And, there's certainly no reason why ALL of us couldn't do the same.
Think about that.
So, wake up, all you old and new theosophists -- some who go back long before
Asuramaya -- and understand the great role in the evolutionary history of the
Fifth Root Race on Earth that we, who are alive today, have been given (or
chosen;-). Remember that the great blessing of the marvelous Internet and
all the other electronic mass media that enables us to reach out with our
"messages" and communicate immediately with almost everyone in the world,
both individually, as well as in immense groups, was given to us through the
"Secrets" intuited by Einstein from his study of HPB's SD at the beginning of
this past century. (See:
It's time to stop listening to the "false prophets" who surround (and
infiltrate) us. Question those who try to turn us from the path and the plan
laid out by HPB, or belittle her great educational work, her teachings, or
the TM that she initiated in this cycle to solve the horrendous problems that
the human race finds itself in today. Yesterday, and all the yesterdays
before, is what led up to this critical turning point. Tomorrow, and all the
tomorrow's following depend upon the ideas we hold and the choices we make --
NOW -- by each and all of us.
For those who hear the call, look for the "right action" for yourself, and
join in with others of like mind to help fulfill the real needs of the
Movement and insure that what has to be done will get done. In any event, we
MUST eventually fulfill all the Three Objects, and overcome all these
problems facing both mankind and the Earth... Or, perhaps, there will be no
tomorrow's -- beyond the not to far off "tomorrow" when total catastrophic
disaster may finally overcome us all (due to our individual and group failure
to begin to act on this last phase of the PLAN during the next few years).
So, each of us must choose for ourselves what we are to do during these
critical times in our evolutionary history. For many it will be to continue
studying and learning how to "be better able to help and teach others" in
whatever way they can and situation they are in. For others, it will be to
join together with groups that can best make use of their talents and skills
as well as their combined knowledge and wisdom for transmission through the
Internet and the mass media to promulgate the "message" of the Movement to
the world at large. And for others, it may be to use their talents and
skills to help layout the plans and blueprints, so as to focus the visions of
all those who will be instrumental in recreating, designing and
reconstructing our future world -- that must eventually be rebuilt in total
harmony with nature, and function in accord with natural law.
Best wishes,
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