RE: Theos-World What Art's impressed with ...
Sep 09, 1999 07:07 AM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck
Sept 9th
Dear Art:
I fear I am misunderstood again. I placed no 7 year period of silence
on you. Pythagoras used that when he accepted pupils to his school.
I suggested that you study basic Theosophy before you go off with a
bunch of opinions on subjects you do not seem (from what you write) to
be quite familiar with.
If you have a copy of THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY you will be able to see if
a subject is handled there, and what HPB had to say on it. If we are
going to discuss Theosophy , then all of us ought to be at the very
least, familiar with the KEY. If then, we disagree with what HPB
wrote, or have other ideas, we can all zero in on those.
Theosophy as such is not nebulous or misty, it is a definite
metaphysics and the metaphysics project a philosophy of life, an
ethos, for all of us to consider.
It is very difficult to have to constantly refer to fundamentals when
those are not know by both parties.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of The Clan
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 1:49 PM
Subject: Theos-World What Art's impressed with ...
Daniel wrote:
>Art apparently is totally unimpressed with HPB's writings or with the
>Mahatma Letters. Yet the Mahatma Letters alone is a remarkable
>so full of knowledge, wisdom and yes guidance relevant even today as
I write
>these words. More on this later in another email.
>Am I'm missing out on something or is there new esoteric knowledge
out there
>that makes the HPB/Mahatmic productions look like a naive 101
>textbook? ???
>I believe that HPB's books and articles deserve careful study AND
>contemplation. That doesn't mean that what HPB wrote should be
>as the final word on anything. To study her works is not to suggest
>one shouldn't study what has been written on similar subjects by
>authors and writers. But what's wrong with a deep and careful study
of her
>writings???? This I think is what Dallas is basically always
>Last time I checked no one was holding a gun to anyone's head saying
>Blavatsky or die!"
Dallas has placed a seven year vow of silence on me so I can't defend
myself. But seriously Daniel, if you like the Mahatma Letters so
and they are the prestine product of the Masters, a more pedantic and
culturally stuffed up production it is with KH writing very humanly
the affairs of their day...turn of the century England and C.C.
Massey, an
independent AIB, and the codes of gentlemen... ah yes... to what
can we ascend?
Within the TS I have advised and urged that there be total freedom of
investigation... we don't have this much where the formation of
study groups are concerned. The first year of their existence they're
required to study certain approved materials, and so on....
I will say less against Madame Blavatsky herself who I think in many
defied the standards of her day and pioneered in a lot of areas
unknown in the West. At the same time, I don't think we need to start
her as a basic study of theosophy could be drawn from many other
especially in this day.
Even I am growing weary of this emphasis and feel the point has been
regarding study materials and Dallas will be happy to hear this, I
move on to some other topic.
In Friendship,
Arthur Gregory
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