Re: Theos-World Response to Andrew on Population
May 16, 1999 01:21 AM
by LeonMaurer
In a message dated 5/7/99 4:07:21 PM,
<< >> G de Purucker commented on the same subject once that human beings
>>are out of incarnation much longer than we are in incarnation - ie we
>>are literally a long time dead! There is therefore, a much larger
>>reservior of souls out of incarnation than on the Earth at any one time
>>(he said, I believe by a ratio of 100 to 1).>>
>Andrew, although I am a fan of G de P, his 100 to 1 ratio is
>not enough to account for the time spent out of incarnation.
>He also said that the average lifetime on Earth was about
>15 years (probably true), and that this meant an average
>between-life-time of 1,500 years. Of course, this means
>that if we live 80 years, we can expect a between-life-time
>of 8,000 years. That still doesn't make it, because we
>know very well that 8,000 years ago there were not this
>many people in incarnation.
What relationship has the length of time between incarnations got to do with
the lifetime of any individual--or even the "average lifetime on Earth"? I
thought that theosophy teaches it is individual Karma that determines the
time out of body between lives. If the Universal Laws of cycles apply to all
karmic causes and effects, and if such karma is self determined, how can a
mere ratio of those in or out of the body be any determinant of how short or
long any one individual takes to reincarnate?
>The archeological evidence
>suggests to me that the 100 to 1 ratio is a very gross
>yardstick, because most of us are likely in dis-embodiment
>for as much as 10,000 or even 100,000 to 1 ratios.
Upon what evidence or reference to the teachings do you base such
assumptions? What archeological evidence is there to suggest any such
ratios? Perucker's opinions as well as yours have no weight in determining
these facts and such assertions are highly misleading to those unfamiliar
with the fundamental teachings as well as with the natural laws that govern
the initiation and the fulfillment of karma. As they say, "history
repeats"--and this to could also have an effect as to when a particular karma
initiated in one time cycle is capable of being resolved in another similar
period. Those who NEED such an historical repeat to resolve a particular
karma, could very well wait until such time to reincarnate. And, this
in-between life period could be of any length of time as determined by such a
NEED in conjunction with the historical cycle. Tha fact that we are in a
repeat of the Roman Empire cycle, and that the majority of us here now
(running the new Roman [American] Empire show) had their last life around1500
years ago, is the only determinant of that particular average cycle of
reincarnation, as HPB pointed out.
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