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Re: Theos-World The Next Torch-Bearer

May 04, 1999 00:35 AM
by Lucio

TS decline ?

Hello Fellows Theosophist
I do not consider there is a decline in interest in 
Theosophical works. This is based on my experience
If anything there is an increase in spiritual awareness.
Am i basing myself in a positive note without proof.?
Well during my daily work as a electronic technician 
I came into contact whith many peoples .whith which
 I can exchange views. And  I can assure you . that here
in Australia the talks on  radio etc the libraries 
are very popular.
In my opinion the third object of the society has not been touched
effectively yet . Except by HPB and Leadbeeter. and G. Hodson ........
I do not think the philosophy of   India is not well acepted In the so
called *WEST* With the exemption of Karma and reincarnation ,Most people
seam to except such concepts nowLodge meets are held most of the times when
working persons are at work .About 50% of us are. This makes it very
difficult. For the young's and  easy for the older folks

Sai BABA , greatest teaching is that of  LOVE.
and unification. He  Produce a lot of unexplained Phenomena.
 So  did Jesus. But ultimately the torch bearer must come
 from within oneself . The most important Quality to get 
rid of for the  2 k century in my opinion has to be 
INTOLERANCE  I think that religion economics and science
 would have to be unified .before there is any  progress and quite
 a lot of unhappiness could be alleviated by the
 proper distribution of food as half of the
 population Of the world is underfed.

>Doss, does the next "Torch-Bearer" have to be an individual
>person?  Does he or she have to be charismatic?  Maybe he or 
>she has already come and is simply not recognized?  Maybe
>the coming to the West of Tibetan Buddhism is a "Torch-
>Bearer?"  Or does he/she have to be a member of a TS?
>If so, which one?
>Just some thoughts.
>Jerry S.
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