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RE: RE: Re: FW: Relativity, synchronisticity, quantum and chaos theories, Black Holes and Dark matter, etc, etc.

Dec 03, 1998 07:06 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Dec 3rd 1998

Dear Friend:

I would look for the good that can be found in any presentation.
And if there is error, let the philosophy show it, rather than
anything we may say.

Although part of the methods which can be employed to refute a
statement is through contention and a frontal attack, that does
not usually help the individual concerned, but may serve to
strengthen his intent to "resist."

In a "thought exchange" group such as we have here we all share
in many kinds of ideas, but seeking the truth of things is I
think, the common primary objective.  If we do that then others
will see there are different view-points and they can decide on
that which is most appropriate.

Theosophy relies on universal propositions, some of which seem
uncommon, but on reflection are found to be true and accurate.
Time has to be given for those ideas to sink in, to be mulled
over, and then gradually adopted.  Each one does this for

I strongly believe that Theosophy explains itself.  But not all
students have approached the study of Theosophy by ascertaining
exactly what the fundamentals are.  They perhaps start out with
questions on the "side issues," and with some preconceived idea
that they hope Theosophy will verify their assumptions and
interests.  Many find that theosophy does not do this, and then
they decide to let its too accurate and too impersonal approach
drop - in favor of their own hobbies and preconceived ideas and
goals.  This cannot be helped.  Each is always free to hew their
own path through the jungle of life.  And they may not like to
use the path that we have already cut.  If you review our
experience at school and our classmates, you will remember that
there are those who work hard, those who coast along and those
who slack off.  The results that show up in time are the result
of the discipline they adopt, even if the teaching is the same
for all.

Many have been allured by the "side issues."  It is desire and
passion that do this, but in most the difference between thinking
and desire is indistinct.  Modern "Psychology" does not help in
this, as the "Personality" is glorified and pandered to instead
of being identified as  usually, a barrier and a delayer of
accurate perception.  And we are in a situation where we need
only present the logical result of what we see as the result of
adopting such conditions.

I offered anyone who reads these contributions to send them the
exchange of information about Tantrika works and attitudes that
were originally printed in THEOSOPHIST - which made them quite
clear.  So far there are no requests.

If in the SECRET DOCTRINE one desires to know what the occult
view-point on phallicism and sexual abuses is, then one need only
consult the Index and follow up on the reference pages given
there.  But one this is advanced those who read about it will
have to do the work for themselves.  There is no other way that I
know.  Again it is the allurement of those who want personal
"powers," personal "enjoyment," and do not concern themselves
with the ultimate cost to themselves.  Most of the "New Age" is
in this situation.  They want "excitement" without having to
think about the consequences.  And, there are those who are ready
to provide exactly that.

Also it is made quite clear in several places that in Tibet there
are the remains of the old Bhons religion which Tson-Ka-Pa came
to reform.  The purely Buddhist and Lamaic reforms he introduced
are those which brought back the studies and the esotericism of
the ancients, the Rishis, the Buddhas, and which was taught 2,500
years ago by Gautama Buddha.

Again, since his time there have been many attempts made to
combine and confuse students by the re-admixture of the two
diametrically opposite systems.

In my opinion it is far better to present the philosophy, and
especially the link between any erroneous conclusions and
practices with the original and fundamental concepts than to try
and secure a retractions from any individual.  Theosophy teaches
mind-control and passion (Kama)-control.  Not everyone is
prepared to adopt even the idea of such a discipline.

But, everyone follows that path which is most familiar.  In
considering another's point of view one has to enlarge one's area
of comprehension and generosity, while adhering to that which we
have perceived to be accurate and practical for the ultimate and
true conclusion of both individual and personal evolution.

In my esteem an honest philosopher presents a logic based on
universal truths, and then shows their logical development and
application in an impersonal manner.  It is for others to
consider, question and use them.

We have found the concepts and ideas of Theosophy to be valuable,
accurate and practical in our minds and lives, but we cannot
expect everyone else to adopt them uniformly.  If those who claim
to be students of Theosophy are unfamiliar with such basic texts
as the KEY TO THEOSOPHY then they can only understand what we
offer if they make a careful re-reading of that text.  Next, come
the three (3) Fundamental Propositions of the SECRET DOCTRINE
 Vol. I, pp 14-19)

If there is error, it is sufficient in "original theosophy" to
point out the alternatives.  I find that Theosophy enables me to
extend my sense of futurity - it permits one to anticipate
results and conclusions.  It de-mystifies.

How does a wound heal ?  First by the astral body sending the
blood of the physical body there to create a plug of platelets
that bond - and that closes the wound (certain aspects of the
blood sacrificing their lives for the greater life of the whole
body) and to staunch the flow of blood.  This is rapid.  Then a
scar is formed (following the lines of force in the astral body)
and under the scab, is the gradual healing process that reunites
ruptured structures.  Theosophy is like the blood - it flows in
its intelligence, to areas where there is a rupture of thought
and energy that keeps the mind and form united - but the healing
process is always helped by adjacent structures which extend in
their turn bonding filaments into the breach and eventually unite
again.  Then the protective scab drops off, its work done.  In a
way, this is how I see our work.  We, as emissaries and
ambassadors of theosophy, offer the universal protection of unity
(that we discern there), and brotherly interest to those who seek
for reasons and explanations.

Mr. Judge and HPB used the phrase "to change the Manas [mind] and
the Buddhi [wisdom] of the Race."  It is Theosophy that does
that.  If I present quotations and sources for what I write it is
so that I will not stand as a barrier between those IDEAS and the
reader.  Let theosophy do the work.

I hope this confirms what you write about.  Techniques differ,
and the wise general concedes the indefensible;  and the real
Kshatriya is one who lets the errors defeat themselves and this
battle is in the mind.  I think that this is where there is real
strength.  It always bridges gaps.

I hope this helps


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