Re: To Darren: internet lecture
Jun 08, 1998 09:39 AM
by M K Ramadoss
Dear Dallas:
I believe that Internet itself a master technology pushed by those "powers"
be for future of Humanity, however much it may cause headaches to
organizations in the short run due to its openness, volume and velocity of
information that moves. The results are showing up. The recent world wide
agreement on eliminating mines was possible due to the extensive use of
e-mail world wide. With very little funds, the activists were able to pull
it through.
Internet is also a true leveller. All of us are able to communicate on
level - with no distinction on account of our personal characteristics or
even learning and as I have mentioned earlier, it has helped to pierce the
walls set up by organizations separating man and woman from fellow man and
Any intelligent person is going to use all available technology to
effectively and efficiently achieve results. If anyone, due to ignorance or
fear or sheer stubbornness does not want to use them, then it is their
choice. But in the long run all accounts will be justly settled.
At 06:10 AM 6/8/98 -0700, you wrote:
>June 8th
>Dear Doss:
>Well, I had not thought of that. If they have had to wait this
>long I am sure that no "directives" from the "Himalayas" will
>Taking the comment seriously for a moment:
>I would opine that the Mahatmas leave it to the individuals who
>are under Their training to make up their own minds, as part of
>the great and ongoing tests of chelaship and the endeavors of the
>chelas to make their own way and progress.
>Why should the Mahatmas bother about some detail such as that --
>use the 'phone, or mail a letter or now, use INTERNET. Perhaps
>instead of horses they use planes or helicopters ! Would it not
>be reasonable to assume that they use the facilities of the times
>all down the ages ? Can you imagine the among of "power" that it
>would require on the psychic side of Nature to transmit messages,
>sounds, etc. ? And when the technology of the age is amiable why
>would they shirk that ?
>"Self-devised ways and mans" are the path that each student has
>to devise. How can one better serve ? That is the criterion.
>Anything that is devised has both "good" and "bad" uses. The
>knife edge is motive -- is the time spent on learning and working
>for one's own selfish enjoyment, or is it for the general
>improvement of humanity?
>Best wishes, Dallas
>Must be HPB's "sense of humor" peeking out
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "M K Ramadoss" <>
>Date: Sunday, June 07, 1998 9:19 AM
>Subject: Re: To Darren: internet lecture
>>Resistance to technological change is not new. May be all the
>devout ones
>>are waiting for orders from Himalayas before being convinced to
>move with
>>technology. Let us see what happens.
>>At 10:51 PM 6/7/1998 +0900, you wrote:
>>>Thoa as always the voice of reason. Yes I beleive it is just a
>>>gap situation. I offered to donate a computer to the library
>but they were
>>>more than happy to just continue with a manual card system. I
>was hoping to
>>>make some of the older members a little less sacared and
>daunted by
>>>technology. I've managed to get my grandfather into computers
>and he is mid
>>>I also think our lodge is very small only around 10-12 people
>turn up for
>>>the weekly lectures. If our wisdom is as 'correct' (or close
>to) as we
>>>beleive it to be we need to spread the teachings more. We need
>to use the
>>>latest technological tools and we ought to have a media prsence
>if only in
>>>the role of 'devils advocate' so as to get people thinking.
>>>Thanks for your input,
>>>as always
>>>Darren (#467) MI
>>> At 10:59 PM 6/5/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>>I've offered a course "The Internet and Theosophy : A
>beginners guide from
>>>>>HPB to HPC, but the lodge doesn't seem to interested. They
>find my
>>>>>enthusiasm amusing for some reason.
>>>>>Oh well, if I make people happy thats fine by me. I'm worried
>that there
>>>>>are so many splinter factions on the meanings of the
>teachings because of a
>>>>>lack of true initiates. We are heading the way of the
>christian Church -
>>>>>thousands of interpretations, new ethics, our true purpose
>>>>>I see a synthesis of doctrines melding shortly
>>>>Darren, you might want to ask Eldon about how to give a
>lecture about the
>>>>internet and theosophy. I think Eldon already gave several
>lectures on
>>>>that topic. I'm sure Eldon had several roadblocks along his
>way. I think
>>>>you read, last week, about Eldon's internet failure (can't
>remember the
>>>>name, a magazine?) His Theosophy World list was almost dead
>for at least a
>>>>year, and now it's hopping.
>>>>Perhaps there's another way to get through to the lodge about
>your serious
>>>>intent. On the other hand, they could be backwards when it
>comes to the
>>>>internet. Perhaps there are people on this list who could
>use your
>>>>internet expertise to promote theosophy.
>>>>It's too bad that the enthusiasm of the young is not being
>used. The thing
>>>>that the young is lacking is knowledge of established customs,
>>>>experience. The former is good in that the young can see
>beyond the rigid
>>>>establishment, but bad in that the young do not know how to
>deal with the
>>>>establishment. When you don't know how to deal with the
>establishment, the
>>>>establishment can be a big brick wall.
>>>>Can you imagine the dynamism that would arise if the
>establishment knows
>>>>how to use the enthusiasm and the power of the young? Young
>people are
>>>>idealistic and energetic. Young people also attract other
>young people.
>>>>Instead of being afraid at the rowdiness and unconventionality
>of the
>>>>young, the establishment should flow with the tide and guide
>it. And guide
>>>>it in a way that would not squelch the energy. If the
>establishment fails
>>>>to do that, the young will go elsewhere that would fit with
>>>>enthusiasm. The establishment will end up with a bunch of
>long time
>>>>established folks gathering cobwebs. When the older
>generation dies, what
>>>>then is left? A slab of brick wall.
>>>>Thoa :o)
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