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Re: Theosophical Doctrines (HPB)

May 19, 1998 08:13 PM
by Pam Giese

> From: "Dallas TenBroeck" <>
> What does it matter ?  HPB was initiated and there is a Grand
> Lodge that has survived the aeons since "Man was Man."  And
> through Theosophy we have an opportunity of making a closer
> contact with the wisdom that the Brothers preserve.  Are we going
> to waste time on the details of temporality when we have a grand
> philosophy to work with and use ?  Are we seriously working with
> that philosophy to prove or not prove to ourselves its value ?

I am glad to see this paragraph.  I think it sums up some of the other
on-going threads.  And it implicitly asks the next question:"Where do we go
from here?".

Has Dallas stated the starting point of concession?:  That in addition to
the Three Objects, the statements of
	1.  HPB was initiated and there is a Grand Lodge that has survived the
aeons since "Man was Man."
	2.  And that through Theosophy we have an opportunity of making a closer
contact with the wisdom that the Brothers preserve

can be a starting point for work.

Are these points where we all agree?  Can we start addressing real issues
that deal with " a grand philosophy to work with and use"? Are we prepared
and willing to go that path?  I would think this would mean dealing with
empirical knowledge outside the security of acknowledged adepts.  I would
also think this would mean taking a real cross-cultural approach to
interperating this knowledge and experience.

Maybe I'm off-base here. Please correct me if I'm wrong.   I've only been
on the list a few months and officially with the TSA a little over a year.
Maybe the whole thrust is just an exercise in the archeology of Victorian

 As I've been staring at my TSA renewal notice, I've been asking myself if
the TS is still a vital organization where new thought and the energy is
being pumped through its veins.  I'm not sure.  Do the Masters talk to
through the TS more than to Bill Gates or members on this list?  I don't
know.  Some on this list believe that the modern legacy of HPB lies with
ECP and the I AM movement, I don't.  What I do believe is that we have
established multi-dimensional connections via this list and have an
opportunity to use the agreed upon philosophy of HPB for some real work.
What is this real work?  Is it service?  Investigation?  Let's open for

Libidia and Alan had some banter about doing coffee 15,000 years ago.
(Okay, maybe I'm clueless and you two have recent history together, but..)
I do believe that we all have had some connection before, whether is was
coffee with Libidia or trailing after Avicenna as he fled princedom to
princedom, we have shared history.  Can we use this knowledge?  Can we
except the philosophy we know to be true without trying to force it through
the screens of the antiquated "objective science"
we were taught as children?

..just a few thoughts..

> Pam

"Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light..."

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