Re: Second death
May 14, 1998 02:37 PM
by Mark Kusek wrote:
> From the Theosophical Viewpoint we are in the 4th round, 5th race, which
> suggests developing MANAS, and thus to try and clean the mirror, and to then
> keep it clean.
> No dust, no mirror (i.e., no MIND), and therefore "nothing," comes over as a
> selfish state at this stage of the "planet's" evolution. It is something the
> Buddha did not chose. Hence he is known as the Buddha of *compassion*.
> Is this what you are suggesting?
No, It is rather the selfless state.
Buddha realized that he and all else WAS THAT. From the enlightened
realization of essential nature, compassion moved to help the rest of
sentient life to liberation ... and he arose.
I agree that it is the most amazing thing and I love him for it.
When spoke to
Love loves,
one preserves it.
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