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Jan 24, 1998 07:35 AM
by Keith Price

>From: "Brenda S Tucker" <>
>Date: Thursday, January 15, 1998 10:27 PM
>Subject: government

>>It seems to me that the Masters who launched the TS would have a certain
>>of karmic responsibility as to its progress.  On the other hand,  they
>write on
>>several occasions in their letters to Sinnett that they are very limited
>as to
>>what they actually can do, since they cannot interfere with the karma of
>>others.  If this is so (and I think it is), then a comment from another
>>that the Masters protect the TS and would never allow it to become
>corrupt, is
>>both naive and goes against what the Masters wrote about their own
>>limitations.  More likely, the Adyar TS is little different from any other
>>political body in that the people vote for their leaders and as a group,
>we get
>>exactly what we deserve.  Democracy only works when the people take up
>>responsibility to be informed of the issues and participate in the system.
> As
>>soon as we shift our own responsibilities onto our representatives,  the
>>system, as naturally as a rock rolling down a hill,  becomes corrupt.
>Your idea may be right, but slightly misplaced. Everyone doesn't need to
>know about corruption. The system still works given that the GOVERNMENT
>knows about corruption and can use due process. I have my own business by
>my own choice. If you would like a role in government, go for it, but I
>doubt that everyone feels the way you do that it is every citizens
>responsibility. It may be our right, but it is not our responsibility.
>It isn't just masters who want to protect. There are lots of people who
>believe that protection is as valuable of an asset as healing, for
>instance. When you know the characters of the human race you can't help but
>see some of them as "destructive." It is possible to prevent problems,
>prevent destructive individuals from acting, and protect ourselves from
>destructive individuals and we should do it.

Keith:  I know some have absolutely no interest in politics, but how can we
ignore the Clinton situation. What would the Master's think?  Would they
care?  Would they intervene on Mr. Clinton's behalf in order to stop a war
with Iraq which would be a much needed distraction for Prez right now.

It is very UNCLEAR whether adepts interfere in politics.  KP Johnson has
done a lot of research to verify that there was a lot of illuminati,
Rosicrucian, Carabeneri stuff going on in the last century.  Many
esotericists were the aristocracy and poltical leaders.  They were the only
ones with enought time to devote to more than earning the daily bead and
paying taxes which is getting true for some of us today.

As far a Mr. Clinton's effort at a New World Order of free trade and human
rights.  He was going in that direction, no doubt. As far a moral purity,
well, who am I to point a penis?

Mr. Gore loves to hug trees.  He would be an ideal candidate to bring in the
AGE OF AQUARIUS, don't you think?  Then if he screws up, Gingrich will be
there.  The Masters, may not intervene, but don't you think they might be
saying;  "what fools these mortals be?"

I know Brenda was talking about an INNER world government, or I think so
anyway.  Maybe that is what spirituality is "inner" world governement of the
individual to over come egotism and reveal the light of spirit in the daily
life.  Political solutions have never worked.  Maybe in the sixth race, now
being formed on this continent and Australia we will see people who need
neither punishment or welfare.  But what cleansing catastrophe will be
necessary to get us there?  Any ideas?

 Keith Price

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