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Jan 24, 1998 06:44 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Jan 24th 1998

A few more key ideas to consider.

	From Gautama the Buddha:

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."  	Dhammapada, p. 1

"Those who abide in the world of right thought see truth in the real and
untruth in the unreal.  They arrive at TRUTH."			Dhammapada, p. 3

"Desires enter not the disciplined mind."		Dhammapada, p. 3

"Vigilance is the path to Life Eternal.  Thoughtlessness is the path to
							Dhammapada, p. 6

"When the prudent man overcomes sloth by vigilance he ascends to the
terrace of wisdom."						Dhammapada, p. 7

"Wisdom fills not the unsteady mind."			Dhammapada, p. 9

"Fear there is not for him whose mind is not burning with desires."
							Dhammapada, p. 10

"The real meaning of the word "philosophy" is "love of wisdom;"
esoterically, "The Wisdom of Love," or Compassion...That can neither be
recorded nor have any limits."		-- RC	Answers to Question on the OCEAN, p.

                                       Dallas TenBroeck
                             (818) 222-8024
                                   23145 Park Contessa,
                             Calabasas, Ca., 91302, USA.

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