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Re: Rare Pamphlet Account by WT Brown

Apr 20, 2012 07:02 AM
by Mark Jaqua

Cass writes:  >Which raises the question Mark, that although we might through our selfish or evil thoughts attract these elemental demons, how do we get rid of them when attached to us?<

          Like Mark inferred, a lot of it is our own mind-created reality.  HPB has 11 references to Obsession in BCW Index, and other references.  Here's a quote from her article "A Case of Obsession" (BCW II, pp 395-400) and I supposed what is good for big cases is so for little ones as well.

    "What remedy is there to suggest? Does not our very diagnosis indicate that? The sensitive must have his sensitiveness destroyed; the negative polarity must be changed to a positive; he must become active instead of passive. He can be helped by a magnetiser who understands the nature of obsession, and who is morally pure and physically healthy; it must be a powerful magnetiser, a man of commanding will-force. But the fight for freedom will, after all, have to be fought by the patient himself. His will-power must be aroused. He must expel the poison from his system. Inch by inch he must win back the lost ground. He must realize that it is a question of life or death, salvation or ruin, and strive for victory, like one who makes a last and heroic effort to save his life. His diet must be of the simplest, he must neither eat animal food, nor touch any stimulant, nor put himself in any company where there is the smallest chance for unclean thoughts to be provoked. He should be alone as little as possible, but his companions should be carefully chosen. He should take exercise and be much in the open air; use wood-fire, instead of coals. Every indication that the bad influence was still working within him should be taken as a challenge to control his thoughts and compel them to dwell upon pure, elevating, spiritual things, at every hazard and with a determination to suffer anything rather than give way. If this man can have such a spirit infused into him, and his physician can secure the benevolent help of a strong, healthy magnetiser, of pure character, he may be saved. A case almost exactly like this one, except that the patient was a lady, came under our notice in America; the same advice as the above was given and followed, and the obsessing "devil" was driven out and has been kept out ever since. "

>4a. Re: Rare Pamphlet Account by WT Brown on HPB & the Master KH
    Posted by: "Cass Silva" silva_cass
    Date: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:05 pm ((PDT))

>Which raises the question Mark, that although we might through our selfish or evil thoughts attract these elemental demons, how do we get rid of them when attached to us?


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