1b. Re: Non-Sectarianism??
Jan 19, 2012 12:20 PM
by Mark Jaqua
That's all right Morten, you don't have to agree with me, and beyond disputing something, I don't think it is worthwhile nor wish to try to convince any one of anything.
- jake j.
>1b. Re: Non-Sectarianism??
Posted by: "M. Sufilight" global-theosophy@RDzuSbubS4xNy1S4c83HZ0NeFsD4qXAclqRTX0kLqLtz7I6S_MFG98gfs35GJvLUyQkD0rMUXh1vl-P31Nm9LhdO3pSftA.yahoo.invalid kidhr7
Date: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:58 am ((PST))
>Dear Mark Jaqua and friends
>My views are:
>You wrote:
"Well, Morten, Just more of your multi-page BS, and the "same ol', same ol'" fog screen and dissimuilation (which is a psychological term also, I see, as well as referring to arguement-style), and avoiding main points."
>M. Sufilight says:
Lets keep a civil tone of voice.
I am open-minded on the idea that you might be able to learn me something - provided that you are able to forward some examples that will make your view solid. And not only assertions.
>You wrote:
"I forgot to add, among the other ignored points, that your ersatz "non-sectarian" stance is anti-Discrimination - Discrimination being perhaps the greatest developed attribute for the spiritual path - and productive of the same type of paralysis of the reason, discrimination, that I've seen in the Alice Bailey writing style and books."
>M. Sufilight says:
I am not sure I understand what you are actually saying here. I am open-minded on the idea that you might be able to learn me something - provided that you are able to forward some examples that will make your view solid. And not only assertions.
>You wrote:
"I identify with Blavatsky Theosophy, and consider you an enemy of this view, or rather Know it."
>M. Sufilight says:
I am open-minded on the idea that you might be able to learn me something - provided that you are able to forward some examples that will make your view solid. And not only assertions.
>You wrote:
Oh.... I am not your "friend."
>M. Sufilight says:
And you seek to promote altruism?
>I hold it to be true, that an open-minded, well-intentioned and well-meaning person with regard to Blavatsky's theosophy - hardly - can be called a direct enemy of Blavatsky theosophy. Try to ask other members of Theos-talk forum who has been here for 10 years or more whether I am in opposition to Blavatsky or whether I seek to promulgate her teachings. I think they will agree that I in fact seek to promote Blavatsky's teachings - above and before - many other teachings; - to the best of my ability of course. - As I see it: One thing is my personal views - another is my organisational views.
>Here is my private website - with my own personal views (not the organisational views):
(I have, for instance, on it the first full translation of the Key to Theosophy, 2. ed. 1890, - in the Danish Language - frrely available.)
>Here is the forum I have created - based on the Original Programe for the Theosophical Society given in 1875-1891.
>Maybe we just will have to agree on disagreeing, well perhaps even it only is - apparently.
>M. Sufilight
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