Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
Oct 29, 2011 05:25 PM
by Cass Silva
Bailey caused no less confusion than Leadbeater did with his formation of his church
>From: Duane Carpenter <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Saturday, 29 October 2011 8:54 PM
>Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>One of the greatest stumbling blocks to many who have studied HPBâs work is what they see as Alice Bailey personalizing the idea of Christ. If you take into account that DK himself stated that he deliberately gave the ancient wisdom teachings a Christianized emphasesfor a broader audience here in the west it will explain much. Did AAB fuse Esoteric Christianity with Esoteric Buddhism? This audacious undertaking could only be done by a Master of the Wisdom who could bypass the dogmas and historical baggage both religions bring and see the Âsame esoteric truths that are be found in all Âreligious traditions and Âemanating from the same One Source of spiritual life. For those theosophical students who have been told by erroneous sources that AAB has overly personified the principal of Love or Christ please read carefully the next passage and quote by AAB.
>âThere have always been those in every land who developed and expressed the Christ consciousness; this is loving understanding and intelligent, living service, no matter by what words or terminology they expressed the tremendous spiritual event of which they were aware. â
>Today, as a result of a spiritual awakening which dates from 1625 A.D., and which laid the emphasis upon a wider, general education and upon a revolt from the imposition of clerical authority, the radiation from the world of souls has greatly intensified and the Kingdom of God is becoming a corporate part of the outer world expression, and this for the first time in the long, long history of humanity.
>The effect of this radiation or magnetic aura is now so extensive that we need no longer talk in terms of bringing in the kingdom or of its manifestation on Earth. It is already manifesting, and its aura is co-mingled with the mental, astral and etheric auras of mankind. Recognition only is required, but (and this is a factor to be noted) recognition is being withheld until the kingdom of souls can be safeguarded from the narrow claims of any church, religion or organization; many will claim (as they have ever done) that admittance into the Kingdom of God is to be found through their particular reparative group. The Kingdom of God is not Christian, or Buddhist, or to be found focused in any world religion or esoteric organization. It is simply and solely what it claims to be: a vast and integrated group of soul-infused persons, radiating [Page 408] love and spiritual intention, motivated by goodwill...â
>ÂFor all of the endless debates about Bailey vs. HPB, Bailey clearly puts the idea of the Bodhisattva or Cosmic Christ as an impersonal deity or power that expresses both intelligence and Love. In fact, if you fully comprehend the thrust of Alice Baileyâs work, you will see that the study of Fohat-Will or the First Ray of abstraction and power was at the very top of the list in the order of importance of all the subjects that he (DK)Âwas trying to convey to humanity. ÂA Treatise on Cosmic Fire is a manual for those advanced disciples in preparation for initiation along the First Ray line hence there is a natural correlation between Cosmic Fire and the Secret Doctrine and it is not uncommon to see both treatise used as resource material simultaneously by advanced groups. Most students of theosophy who think they are advanced unfortunately do not study either treatise.
>The aspirant and probationers are baffled by the depth and profundity of both treatises but have not developed the wisdom to remain silent until they know more. True disciples recognize the immense opportunity that the works of HPB and AAB offer and begin creating analogies, correspondences and links between the two.
>Those theosophist who claim each individual person must do their ownÂinner work and no one can come to save them are entirly correct.
>The question I have for my reader is it possible that an avatar or master along any one of the 7 Rays could work on both levels simultaniously, both as an individual person who is simultaniously a Cosmic Principal?. If this is true might it exsplain some of the apparent inconsitencies and paradoxes we are discussing here? These two concepts may not be mutual exclusive but a part of One Life which seen in all its composite parts - simultaniously, not an easy thing to recognize or register if the intuition is not highly developed.
>Excerpts from HPB vs AAB by Duane Carpenter
>See the entire commentary attached :
>From: M. Sufilight <>
>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:07 PM
>Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>Did she actually - quote - heavily fromn it? How heavily?
>I find that she at various places correct misleading content in it. Did she not?
>M. Sufilight
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:37 AM
>Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>Also the Anaclypsis is also a work that Blavatsky heavily qoutes from and listed as a "Q" resource, bot h the Anaclypsis and The World Sixteen Crucified Saviors are free downloads on Google Books.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "M. Sufilight" <>
>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 4:24:09 PM
>Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>The following might also be good to know about...
>The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors
>M. Sufilight
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 12:52 AM
>Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>Jeremy and all,
>A certain book that Blavatsky also mentioned "The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors or Christianity before Christ" by Kersey Graves 1879, Boston: Colby and Rich Publishers, No. 9 Montgomery Place, 384 pages. it is a survey of ancient history of religion of cultures dessertates upon the "Saviour" fi gures of pre-christion history. Madame Blavastky mentions as a "Q" source respective to her readings.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jeremy Condick" < >
>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:31:15 PM
>Subject: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>HPB first key work proclaimed the Christ the Christian saviour and Christos, AAB second key work expanded somewhat, the Christ which is a rank of office of the head of hierarchy, and not the so called Christian son of a personal god, Jehovah like, of the church fathers so worshiped and personalised by the Roman Catholics also. This is often greatly misunderstood. But it is part of our teachings. JPC.
>"The personal God of orthodox Theism perceives, thinks, and is affected by emotion; he repents and feels "fierce anger." SD1 2.
>"Christian theology has evolved its self-created human and personal God" SD1 613.
>"The Church enforces belief in a personal god and a personal devil, while Occultism shows the fallacy of such a belief." SD2 475.
>"This Entity, Whom we call the solar Logos, is in no sense the same as the personal God of the Christian, who is no more nor less than man himself, expanded into a being of awful power, and subject to the virtues and vices of man himself." TCF 239.
>"On the other hand, regarded in the light of the LOGOS, the Christian Saviour, like Krishna, whether as man or logos, may be said to have saved those who believed in the secret teachings from "eternal death," to have conquered the Kingdom of Darkness, or Hell, as every Initiate does. This in the human, terrestrial form of the Initiates, and also because the logos is Christos, that principle of our inner nature which develops in us into the Spiritual Ego -- the Higher-Self -- being formed of the indissoluble union of Buddhi (the sixth) and the spiritual efflorescence of Manas" SD2 230.
>"those whom the Christian Saviour addressed as ïthe generation of vipers". CW X
>"Like Buddha and Jesus, Apollonius was the uncompromising enemy of all outward show of piety, all display of useless religious ceremonies and hypocrisy. If, like the Christian Saviour, the sage of Tyana had by preference sought the companionship of the poor and humble"... IU2 341.
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