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Update on Orlando TS Lodge Matter

Oct 12, 2011 07:33 AM
by MKR

We have discussed the attempt by TS in America to close the Orlando Lodge
and seize its valuable properties. Just published is the official resolution
of the Board of Directors, which is as follows:

Resolution # 1 by email I March 2, 2011

Whereas the National Board of Directors has responded to the
petition of the Florida Federation Board to close the Orlando
Theosophical Lodge; and

Whereas the National Board has determined their case to be
valid and closed the lodge; and

Whereas legal avenues were undercut due to the International
President's decision to affiliate the Orlando Lodge directly with
Adyar, in contradiction to the National Board's several petitions;

Be it therefore resolved to dismiss without prejudice the Theosophical
Society in America's legal case against the Theosophical
Society in Orlando.

MKR Comments:

There are several points that are relevant to the above resolution. Firstly,
it is one of the last board resolutions adopted/approved under the
leadership of the previous President, who is known world-over in the ultra
secret disenfranchisement attempt in 2008. Also it was adopted by email,
which is rather unusual.

It is strange that Florida Federation got into the act of trying to close
the lodge. We do not know what is the real story behind. Federations should
not interfere in lodge matters and this sets a bad precedent because
Federations can be used to instigate closing  of lodges. Also to this day
members do not know of specific violations of the lodge serious enough to
close the lodge.

International rules permit lodges to appeal decisions of Sections to the
International President. International President takes these decisions very
seriously and if the Section is unable to convince the International
President, obviously the case to close the 75 year old lodge seems weak.
Also the legality of decision of the International President has not been
questioned as is obvious from the decision to dismiss the law suit filed to
recover the property of the lodge.

If there is a a strong case to close the lodge, transparency helps. Why not
let the facts and allegations which are the basis for the decision to close
the lodge come out openly and members are intelligent enough to understand
why the Section chose to close the lodge. Unnecessary secrecy only raises
doubts about the basis of the decision of the Board.

Now that there is a new administration in place, let us hope the President
and the District Director make a personal trip to Orlando and meet with the
lodge officers and members and discuss the issues of concern to the Section
and find a way to resolve the real or apparent issues. Complex problems are
amenable to solution only with personal one on one involvement. We cannot
afford to lose a single lodge or single member in TS.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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