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Tekels Parks Update??

Sep 08, 2011 04:30 PM
by MKR

What is the status of sale of Tekels Park?

There have been a lot of discussion on Internet about the pending sale of
Tekels Park, thus making the English Section the richest in the world even
surpassing that of the United States.

One great concern of many animal rights activists and âtheosophistsâ is the
wild life in the Park. Once the Park gets developed, it is only a question
of time before all of them are killed. This potential development is not
acceptable to every theosophist in the world.

However, as the legal framework of TS does not say anything about how
property is to be managed or even if anyone has to be a vegetarian, legally
the Section can do anything so long as none of the International Rules are

What is the current situation? Can anyone from England give some feedback?


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