Fw: [CosmicCookies] 110623
Jun 23, 2011 06:42 PM
by Cass Silva
Any comments?
----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: GT Eleven <GT11@OE8-fbEkFUc1LFnC1rMRyFcE9h-ItmkMebUtZr_51mNq7-jBOKeFu4Kn97PBj00j-emEap4.yahoo.invalid>
>To: cosmiccookies@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Friday, 24 June 2011 12:13 AM
>Subject: [CosmicCookies] 110623
>Cookie Break...
>Cosmic Cookie
>The Solar System and her Earth
>are rapidly approaching
>the End of a great Cosmic Cycle.
>The Matter oriented Human Race
>will terminate its Third Density Existence
>and a New Race of Mankind will prevail.
>The New Age Man and Woman
>will be detached from Material Possessions
>and will be involved
>in nurturing and living at peace with the Earth
>after a possible Pole Shift.
>New Land masses would arise
>and existing ones will disappear.
>Mankind on Earth will meet their Sky Brothers
>of which not all are Friendly.
>Some will arrive and try to dominate the World of Man.
>The present New World Order is preparing their arrival.
>Mother Earth will be a Fourth/Fifth Density Planet.
>Cosmic Cookies are loved world-wide since 1996/12/01
>You may share them with any List or Party.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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