How a Guru in India is shaking up the Indian Government
Jun 02, 2011 03:29 PM
by MKR
In a very unusual development, a Guru in India is shaking up the Indian
Government. Only in India, something like this can happen. Here is a news
New Delhi: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev, who has threatened to field candidates in
every Lok Sabha constituency in 2014, has stopped the Union government in
its tracks with a set of demands, ranging from the serious to the bizarre.
The demands of the jetsetting Baba â whose acolytes recently bought him a
little Scottish island to open an ashram â include:
â Tough Lokpal Bill, with a provision for death sentence for the corrupt,
especially corrupt officials
â Immediate return of all black money stashed away in tax havens abroad to
the country
â Declaring all wealth in foreign countries being held illegally by Indians
as national property and charging those with such accounts under the
sedition laws
â Abolishing Rs.1,000 and Rs.500 currency notes
â Disabling the operations of any bank which belongs to a country that is a
tax haven
â Replacing the British-inherited system of governance, administration,
taxation, education, law and order with a swadeshi alternative
â Reforming the electoral system to ensure that the Prime Minister is
directly elected by people
â Ensuring that all citizens declare annually their incomes
â Bringing income-tax details under the Right to Information Act
â Increasing substantially the Minimum Support Price of grains
â Making wages of different categories of labourers uniform across the
â Revoking the Land Acquisition Act, as farmers should not be deprived of
their land for industry
â Promoting Hindi at the expense of English.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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