Re: theos-talk Update on Secret Doctrine Commentaries
Feb 20, 2011 03:44 PM
by Cass Silva
Yep, here are the details
including the
Mahatma Letters
Collected Works of HPB,
Secret Doctrine
Isis Unveiled and more
Copyright 2003 Theosophical Publish House, Manila, 1 Iba Street, Quezon City, Philippines and Wheaton Il, USA.
--- On Sun, 20/2/11, MKR <> wrote:
From: MKR <>
Subject: Re: theos-talk Update on Secret Doctrine Commentaries
Received: Sunday, 20 February, 2011, 5:23 PM
I did not know that someone is selling it on CDs. I am not aware that the
publisher has put out CDs.
On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 10:48 PM, Cass Silva <> wrote:
> I purchased a CD containing Vol1 and Vol2 Secret Doctrine for considerably
> less than this.
> Cass
> --- On Sun, 20/2/11, MKR <> wrote:
> From: MKR <>
> Subject: theos-talk Update on Secret Doctrine Commentaries
> To: "theos-talk" <>
> Received: Sunday, 20 February, 2011, 12:31 PM
> In the Internet, there has been discussions about how pricey the recently
> published Secret Doctrine Commentaries is - costing nearly US$100.00.
> The material is primarily the transcription of professionally recorded
> stenographic discussions that H P Blavatsky had in London Lodge and the
> value added by the author/editor and publisher is marginal, in the opinion
> of many theosophists, and makes many wonder who and how the pricey pricing
> model was developed and which is unworkable from a business standpoint
> considering the minuscule market there is for it because of the number of
> theosophists who can afford it.
> Since disseminating information to poor and eager student of theosophy
> should be the prime motivation of any theosophists at heart, attempts were
> made to see if an electronic file can be released for free or for a
> donation. This can be done at no cost since the book was prepared in
> electronic form for the printer to print it.
> It looks like electronic format availability is not going to happen any
> time
> soon as I read in a blog:
> âIt is rumored that the Theosophy Company of Los Angeles, California, may
> finally come out with their edition this year and at half the price.â
> While this may meet the needs of many who want to adorn a hard copy in
> their
> book shelves and many of those who abhor electronic editions and still
> stuck
> to print media, it still does not go to the heart of the issue of how to
> disseminate and distribute theosophically valuable information efficiently
> and effectively.
> Unless one removes the hat of a hard-nosed businessman/woman and puts on
> the
> hat of a theosophist at heart, one cannot open the eyes and see what is the
> right thing to do.
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