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Re: theos-talk Some issues regarding discovery of SD owned by Einstein

Sep 15, 2010 04:36 AM
by MKR

Good question. I am fully confident that if it is around, it is in the
custody of a theosophist who may be unwittingly unaware of its importance.
Once discovered, next is the question of the willingness and speed with
which it is made available to the world. Let us wait and see.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:02 AM, Leon Maurer <> wrote:

> That's about as easy as trying to find a stolen DaVinci painting already in
> the hands of a collector. We'll still keep hoping, of course.  But, unless
> the current owner is an avowed theosophist and leaks out photocopies
> anonymously, I doubt that any of us will see what Einstein wrote in the
> margins in our lifetimes.
> I'm just interested in who could have copped it after it was delivered to
> the Lodge in India?
> Leon
> On Sep 15, 2010, at 9/15/1012:32 AM, MKR wrote:
> > From the various sources, all available evidence points to the fact that
> > Einstein had a copy of Secret Doctrine and this should not surprise
> anyone.
> > Now many theosophists are interested to track it down. If it is to be
> found,
> > in all likely hood it would be in the library of an individual or that of
> an
> > organization. Even if we succeed in locating it, there are some very
> > difficult issues before it can see the light of the day. I feel this way
> > based on the discovery of the transcript of the discussions HPB had in
> > London Lodge. Let me share my analysis of the atmosphere in which
> > theosophists are operating.
> >
> > It was in 2004 or 2005, I heard some vague comments in cyberspace point
> to
> > some material in some oneâs archives. There was no inkling of the kind of
> > material and what the issues surrounding them were.
> >
> > When the recent publication of transcription and explanation of the
> > discussions HPB was announced, and subsequent discussions on the
> publication
> > convinced me that the subject of the material was indeed HPBâs
> discussions.
> >
> > The publishing industry had radically changed since the time of HPB. When
> it
> > became clear that the unpublished material is indeed genuine transcripts,
> no
> > one in the know made any attempt to alert theosophists about the
> discovery.
> > Those in the know kept it to the vest. In todayâs Internet world,
> > dissemination of the information is quick and free. The theosophists
> > involved should have made all of us aware of the discovery.
> >
> > Once the material is legit, it could have been photocopied and scanned
> and
> > uploaded to Internet for all of us read them. It was not done. No one
> knows
> > why. It is to be recalled that the discussions took place not among
> members
> > pledged to secrecy or confidentiality. Nor the material was marked as
> > Private or Confidential. I am sure HPBâs intent was to make her
> discussions
> > available to anyone interested in theosophy so she would not have
> objected
> > to their publication even if she is alive.
> >
> > If the original material was available on the Internet, each earnest
> > theosophist who had the time an interest to read them, would have
> > contributed their interpretation and explanation for the benefit of
> > theososphists world-wide. Multiple source of explantion and
> interpretation
> > would have been lively and contributed much to theosophical literature.
> >
> > Explaining and discussing the material while scholars and historians and
> > theosophists are good. However, discussion by an Intuitionist or an
> > Occultist would be more valuable than any one else because head learning
> and
> > simple intellectual analysis and explanation would have serious
> shortcoming
> > no matter how famous the theosophical author is.
> >
> > It almost took five or more years to see the material in print. I am sure
> > there was discussion going on behind the scenes as to who should be given
> > the task of writing a book transcribing and explaining the material and
> of
> > course the typical political and business considerations would have been
> > integral to the decision about the author to be used and who should
> publish
> > it. Finally when it was published, it was too pricey to many theosophists
> > around the world living on modest means. Thus the book is going to reach
> not
> > many theosophists.
> >
> > Today, with free availability of Internet, when the production of the
> work
> > was going on, it could have been serialized and distributed on Internet
> over
> > a period of time so all of us could be reading it in small chunks.  No
> one
> > in the top decision making chain seems to have considered this option. It
> is
> > a pity that a great opportunity was missed due to lack of creative
> thinking
> > motivated to disseminate information to widest possible audience.
> >
> > The SD copy Einstein owned and perhaps made a lot of marginal comments,
> will
> > be a priceless one worth millions of dollars. So anyone who gets hold of
> it
> > is likely to store it in a vault for its material value and not what is
> > contained in it. Hence, as soon as the copy is located, I think the
> entire
> > book should be scanned into a computer file and distributed on Internet.
> > This would ensure that anyone interested in it would be able to access it
> at
> > no cost.
> >
> > Let us keep look for the SD and hope we find it soon.
> >
> > MKR
> >
> > There is no religion higher than Truth
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
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