Re: Theos-talk policy and missing post(s)
Aug 06, 2010 01:36 PM
by M. Sufilight
At least all e-mails are safe and sound in the Akasha for those who due to Karmic knowledge are allowed to read them.
Let us not worry som much.
That is my view.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-talk policy and missing post(s)
I wonder if this is the source of the problem. Around two months ago I read a post here and wondered why I hadn't read what the other poster had read. soon I noticed that the way the E-mail was being archived had changed from the historical norm. Instead of all the individual posts being listed alone as sent from each person, I noticed that several posts were now integrated to an original topic thread post so that you didn't see them unless you opened the thread leader again. I didn't understand then why the change occurred thinking that it was due to some update by my E-maill OEM or ISP or Windows update and I still don't know why it remains that way. But I have also recently considered that the List Moderator may have reorganized how the E-mails are processed for some personal reason to give ease to looking at thread respondents posts. i don't know if that is true only the Moderator could indicate it, but it is a possibliity. Whoever or what ever did it I find it to be a royal pain for us users as it is very confusing.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Erica L. Georgiades" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2010 11:45:28 PM
Subject: Theos-talk policy and missing post(s)
Dear Doss,
Are you planning to go on ignoring the questions about the policy of the forum,
and about the post which disappeared?
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