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Alice Bailey & H.P. Blavatsky on the Christ

Apr 20, 2010 08:04 AM
by Daniel

Alice Bailey wrote:

They will prepare and work for conditions in the world in which
Christ CAN MOVE FREELY among men, in BODILY Presence; He need not
then remain in His PRESENT RETREAT in Central Asia....

His reappearance and His consequent work cannot be confined to one
small locality or domain, unheard of by the great majority, as was
the case when He was HERE BEFORE. The radio, the press, and the
dissemination of news, will make His coming different to that of any
previous Messenger; the swift modes of transportation will make Him
available to countless millions, and by boat, rail and plane they can
REACH Him: THROUGH TELEVISION, His FACE can be made familiar to all,
and verily "every eye shall see Him" [on the tv screen??].
The Reappearance of the Christ - Chapter II - The World Today

H.P. Blavatsky wrote in December 1887:

In CARNALIZING the central figure of the New Testament, in imposing
the dogma of the Word MADE FLESH, the Latin Church sets up a doctrine
diametrically opposed to the tenets of Buddhist and Hindu Esotericism
and the Greek Gnosis. Therefore, there will always be an abyss
between the East and the West, as long as neither of these dogmas
yields. Almost 2,000 years of bloody persecution against HERETICS
and INFIDELS by the Church looms before the Oriental nations to
prevent them from renouncing their philosophic doctrines in favor of
that which degrades the CHRISTOS principle. [372-373]

...Whether it be Krishna, Buddha, Sosiosh, Horus or Christos, it is a
universal PRINCIPLE. . .

...the Christians, by localizing and isolating this great Principle,
and denying it to any other man except Jesus of Nazareth (or the
Nazar), CARNALIZE the Christos of the Gnostics; that alone prevents
them having any point in common with the disciples of the Archaic
Wisdom. . . . [374]

. . . I have not the slightest intention of hurting the feelings of
those who believe in Jesus, the carnalized Christ, but I feel myself
compelled to emphasize our own belief. . . .

. . . It is in this ancient wisdom, and in the Christos of the
Gnostics under its various names, that the Theosophists, disciples of
the Mahatmas, believe. . . . [385]

. . . true Theosophists will never accept ...a Christ made
Flesh. . . .[390]

Quoted from H.P. Blavatsky's COLLECTED WRITINGS, Volume VIII.

H. P. Blavatsky in her E.S. Instruction No. I., 1889 wrote:

". . . A new and rapidly growing danger. . . is threatening . . . the
spread of the pure Esoteric Philosophy and knowledge. . . . I
allude to those charlatanesque imitations of Occultism and
Theosophy. . . . By pandering to the prejudices of people, and
especially by adopting the FALSE IDEAS of a personal God and A
PERSONAL, CARNALIZED SAVIOUR, as the groundwork of their teaching,
the leaders of this 'swindle' (for such it is) are endeavoring to
draw men to them and in particular to turn Theosophists from the true
path." Caps added.

Elsewhere HPB wrote:

"Wherever [genuine] Theosophy spreads, there it is impossible for the
deluded to mislead, or the deluded to follow. It opens a new path, a
forgotten philosophy which has lived through the ages, a knowledge of
the psychic nature of man, which reveals alike the true status of the
Catholic saint, and the spiritualistic medium the Church condemns. It
gathers reformers together, throws light on their way, and teaches
them how to work towards a desirable end with most effect, but
forbids any to assume a crown or sceptre, and no less delivers from a
futile crown of thorns. Mesmerisms and astral influences fall back,
and the sky grows clear enough for higher light. It hushes the "Lo
here! and lo there!" and declares the Christ, like the kingdom of
heaven, to be within. It guards and applies every aspiration and
capacity to serve humanity in any man, and shows him how. It
overthrows the giddy pedestal, and safely cares for the human being
on solid ground. Hence, in this way, and in all other ways, it is the
truest deliverer and saviour of our time.

Again HPB wrote:

". . . "the coming of Christ," means the presence of CHRISTOS in a
regenerated world, and NOT at all the actual coming in body
of "Christ" Jesus; . . . this Christ is to be sought neither in the
wilderness nor "in the inner chambers," nor in the sanctuary of any
temple or church built by man; for Christ--the true esoteric SAVIOUR--
is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being. He who
strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own
terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the "sepulchre" of his
sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of
matter from the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen
Christ in him. The "Son of Man" is no child of the bond-woman--flesh,
but verily of the free-woman--Spirit, the child of man's own deeds,
and the fruit of his own spiritual labour."

"Many and many a time the warning about the "false Christs" and
prophets who shall lead people astray has been interpreted by
charitable Christians, the worshippers of the dead-letter of their
scripture, as applying to mystics generally, and Theosophists most
especially. The recent work by Mr. Pember, "Earth's Earliest Ages,"
is a proof of it. Nevertheless, it seems very evident that the words
in Matthew's Gospel and others can hardly apply to Theosophists. For
these were never found saying that Christ is "Here" or "There," in
wilderness or city, and least of all in the "inner chamber" behind
the altar of any modern church. Whether Heathen or Christian by
birth, they refuse to materialise and thus degrade that which is the
purest and grandest ideal--the symbol of symbols--namely, the
immortal Divine Spirit in man, whether it be called Horus, Krishna,
Buddha, or Christ."

Daniel Caldwell
Blavatsky Archives

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