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Re: Theos-World Re: [bad text]

Feb 18, 2010 08:10 AM
by Drpsionic

They never could forecast beyond a few days.  That is why this climate  
business nonsense and the earth no more requires cleansing than Pluto  does.
Chuck the Heretic  

In a message dated 2/17/2010 6:59:07 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Explain yourself Chuck, 'no shift in climate conditions' but a cyclic  
The earth, like everything else, requires cleansing in order  for it to 
continue to generate, therefore I see these climate changes as the  means of 
doing this, and yes I agree, they are cyclic changes, some mini, some  maxi.

Weather patterns can no longer be forecast beyond a few  days and it seems 
the forecasters are unable to determine the strength of  those patterns.


>From: "

_ ( _Drpsionic@aol.Drp_ 
( _" <_ ( _Drpsionic@aol.Drp_ 
( _>
>To: _ ( _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_ 
>Sent: Thu, 18 February, 2010  3:31:49 AM
>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: [bad  text]
>I see no shift at all in climate  conditions, merely a cyclic change that 
>happens every few hundred  years.
>Nothing to be concerned about, certainly no reason to  wreck civilization.
>Chuck the  Heretic
>In a  message dated 2/16/2010 8:10:46 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
>I have never  accepted the global warming scenario, but we can see for 
>ourselves  shifts in climate conditions. Who iyo is behind this 'socialist 
>stampede' and what would they benefit from a bankrupt developed  Nation? 
>would they benefit from a third world,underdevelope How  would they 
>from a 
>>Never had any time  for the UN either, other than the work that is 
>carried out by doctors  and rescue workers sent to the scenes of recent 
>devastations. They  call themselves a peace force yet continually send in 
troops to  
>>From:  "
_>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _<WBR>) _Augoeides-222@ 
>(mailto:Augoeides-(mailto:Augoeides-<WB<_  (_ 
( _http://www.charlesc_ (http://www.charlesc/) _ osima
>_Augoeides-_Augoeides-<WBR>222@ Augoeides- 2_ (m_Augoeides-<WBR>222@ Au>
>>To: _ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/)<WBR>) _theos-talk@  
>>Sent: Tue, 16 February, 2010 4:59:21 PM
>>Subject: Re:  Theos-World Re: [bad text]
>>For me the answer is "YES" and here is the reasons why. This  climate 
>fiasco is a well planned and organized "Socialist Stampede"  calculated to 
>seriously injure, harm, disable the economy's of the  developed Nations 
for the 
>benefit of the third world and  underdeveloped Nations as well as the 
>Socialist bloc in effect to  reorder the world order by means of punitive 
>restrictions,  punishments, extorted monetary largess to those who are 
>corrupted and who have shown no willingness to alter thier nations  
>histories of thiefing world bank, international monetary  fund, United 
>monies ( which are over 60 % United states  contributions) while exempting 
>them all from the same standard they  wish to have the western developed 
>nations subjected too. Perhaps you  hadn't read the _recent admittantances 
>the so called Scientists at  the United Nations and their scandalous 
>contributors so let me_ show  you: 
>>U. N. admits Himalaya Glacier Data Faulted  
>>>>>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _ os_ ( 
_http://www.terradai_ (http://www.terradai/) _ _ 
>(_ ( _http://www.terradai_ 
(http://www.terradai/) _ /) _ UN_climate_  panel_admits_ Himalaya_ 
>glacier_data_ poorly_substanti ated_999.  html<<< 
>>U. N. Report Riddled with Errors  
>>>>>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _ os_ ( 
_ ( _ _ 
>(_ ( _ 
( _ /) _ net/articles/ news-national/  20100120/ SCI.UN.Climate. 
>>E-Letter to Bagla PDF File  
>>>>>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _ os_ ( 
_http://www.sciencem_ (http://www.sciencem/) _ _ 
>(_ ( _http://www.sciencem_ 
(http://www.sciencem/) _ /) _ eletters/ 326/5955/  924<<< 
>>IPCC Doubts: only the tip of the  iceberg 
>>>>>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _ os_ ( 
_http://www.terradai_ (http://www.terradai/) _ _ 
>(_ ( _http://www.terradai_ 
(http://www.terradai/) _ /) _ IPCC_Doubts_  Only_the_ Tip_of_the_ 
>>U.N. Climate Report Blunders again over Himalaya  
>>>>>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _ os_ ( 
_http://www.timesonl_ (http://www.timesonl/) _ _ 
>(_ ( _http://www.timesonl_ 
(http://www.timesonl/) _ /) _ tol/news/ environment/  article6999975. ece<<< 
>>UN Climate Report  based on Student Essay 
>>>>>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _ os_ ( 
_http://www.terradai_ (http://www.terradai/) _ _ 
>(_ ( _http://www.terradai_ 
(http://www.terradai/) _ /) _ UN_climate_  panel_based_ claims_on_ 
>student_essay_ report_999. html<<<  
>>World may not be Warming say Scientists  
>>>>>_ (_ ( _http://www.charlesc_ 
(http://www.charlesc/) _ os_ ( 
_http://www.timesonl_ (http://www.timesonl/) _ _ 
>(_ ( _http://www.timesonl_ 
(http://www.timesonl/)  /) tol/news/ environment/  article7026317. ece<<< 
>>This is a long way  from over! The UN Head of the IPCC Panel has a well 
>paid unpublished  Chairmanship on a major non-profit benefit from UN 
>and some  believe it is very improper and should be looked into dilegently 
>and  thoroughly. 
>>There is a lot more that can be poijnted  to including the Japanese 
>Protocol that was rejected years ago due to  inherently unfair parameters 
>leaving China, Russia and a lot  others outside the protocal. India and 
>compose tow Nuclear  Powers that aspire to place the world under their 
>domain. Are we to  lay down and submit like sheep? I dare say my finger is 
>in the  air lol! 
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Cass  Silva" <silva_cass@ silva_cass> 
>>To: theos-talk@yahoogro 
>>Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 5:15:17 PM GMT -08:00  US/Canada Pacific 
>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: [bad text]  
>>I hope its not going to take another Atlantis sinking  before we realise 
>that the times they are a changin.  
>>>From: " Augoeides-222@ " < Augoeides-222@ > 
>>>To: theos-talk@yahoogro  
>>>Sent: Tue, 16 February, 2010 11:52:38 AM  
>>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: [bad text] 
>>>CNN is a lot younger  than I am lol. One of the main anchors on CNN once 
>said "Saudi Arabia  doesn't even have an Army!" Lol. That was when Saudi 
>Arabia was the  only buyer who saved the production of the US Abrams-II 
Tank by 
>buying  it. The Pentagon didnt want to buy the now more capable version. 
>And  If I remember there was earlier years where snow fall also covered at 
>least 48 states twice in the 20th century. 
>>>----- Original Message -----  
>>>From: "Cass Silva" <silva_cass@ yahoo. com>  
>>>To: theos-talk@yahoogro 
>>>Sent: Monday,  February 15, 2010 3:51:58 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
>>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: [bad text] 
>>>According to CNN there is no recorded evidence that this has  happened 
>the past. 
>>>>From: " Augoeides-222@ "  < Augoeides-222@ > 
>>>>To:  theos-talk@yahoogro 
>>>>Sent: Tue, 16 February, 2010  10:46:35 AM 
>>>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: [bad text]  
>>>>Yep, 26 beow zero icy frozen everything, and that  wonderful 50 mph 
>breeze blowing acroos thge 1/2 mile of ice on the  shore of Lake Michigan 
>reaching any of us chicagoans lol!!! Sbow  was higher than I was when I 
>kid in Chicago. We used to grab a  ride and shoe surf on the ice by 
>onto the back bumpers of the  cars ! Wheee what fun!!! And the MONSTER 
>summer electrical storms amde  my mom disappear because she was hiding in 
>closet. And it was  estatic to wake up drenched with wet sheets in the hot 
>summer time of  Chicago. I also said "Whats the big deal?" we had snow 
like that 
>every  year back on the 40-50's! 
>>>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>From:  Drpsionic@aol. com 
>>>>To: theos-talk@yahoogro  
>>>>Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 8:14:59 AM GMT -08:00  US/Canada 
>>>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: [bad text]  
>>>>I can remember a number of years where 95% of the US was  under snow 
>>>>cold so bad it froze the oil in car  engines. This year is nothing. Oh 
>>>>East Coast  had a snow storm and the southerners got to make snowmen, 
>but I'm  
>>>>from Chicago, I live in Wisconsin and you ain't gonna  impress me with 
>>>>As far  as the planets being aligned with the Milky Way, the planets 
>>>>always aligned with something. The Mayans were simply  nuts, or is it 
>>>>folks who are taking them  seriously who are nuts? Sorry, I'm not 
>>>>Chuck the Heretic 
>>>>In a message dated 2/14/2010 7:35:43 P.M. Central Standard  Time, 
>>>>silva_cass@ yahoo. com writes: 
>>>>Hi Chuck 
>>>>Seeing we have no recorded  evidence of all the planets being in 
>>>>with the Milky Way (which is all the Mayans predicted) we  have no way 
>>>>knowing what, or cannot predict,  how or if this event will impact the 
>>>>We  have had pole shifts in the past and survived them, we have had ice 
>>>>mini ice ages, so what I am saying, is not  that the earth will be 
>>>>annihlated but what is causing  these climatic changes such as 95 
>percent of the USA  
>>>>under snow? 
>>>>We  have evidence of islands sinking and evidence of mountains 
>>>>and if a chamber was found in the sphinx foot it would  suggest that it 
>>>>constructed to hold something  which could have been removed. As Cayce 
>>>>a  christian perhaps the Jesus thing was more about the Christos 
>>>>Are there no more  clairvoyants left in the TS? 
>>>>In AgnosticsRefuge@ yahoogroups. com,  "HumanCarol" <humanist@> wrote: 
>>>>> >  
>>>>> > Unable to correctly attribute material to the  correct author, 
>>>>mangummurdock <no_reply@> alleged:  
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > > Richard  Dawkins argues in Chap 3 of his book "The Dawkins 
>>>>> >  
>>>>> > It is already know that that is a lie.  
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > << "it is  more parsimonious to conjure up, say, a `Big Bang  
>>>>singularity' or some other physical concept as yet  unknown" to account 
>for the 
>>>>existence of the  universe. The word parsimonious is meaningless in 
>>>>Whatever it might denote, how could it be measured? But  conjure is the 
>>>>verb, suggesting as it does  both misdirection and inattention. 
>>>>The Big Bang singularity does not represent a physical  concept, 
>>>>cannot be accommodated by a  physical theory. It is a point at which 
>>>>theories give way. Inattention: The physical concept in  which Dawkins 
>>>>placed his confidence is  something that is either infinite and 
>>>>or otherwise unknown. Men have come to faith on the basis  of far 
>>>>This is, I suppose, not surprising. His  atheism notwithstanding, 
>>>>believes that he  is a "deeply religious man." He simply prefers an 
>alien cult.>>  
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > Why don't you  correctly attribute that passage? 
>>>>> >  
>>>>> > Here is the context and a correct citation:  
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > ---begin  excerpt--- 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > >  > 
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