Re: Theos-World Bring the Theosophical Society back to its original lines!
Feb 11, 2010 07:13 AM
by Drpsionic
It is rather hard to ask one of the Masters anything as they tend to be
high on something in Morya's pipe and give really strange answers.
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 2/10/2010 10:01:43 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Dear Cass and friends
My views are:
A new Esoterical School might be necessary or a good and compassionate.
Remember that we emply agents in various groups and organisations. But I
find, that another Theosophical Society following the original lines would be a
much better idea, - well provided that the present Theosophical Society is
not able to show us that they still follow the original lines given by the
Masters, and why their lines or program are better than the original one.
Such a Knowledge is esoterical knowledge. And that kind of Knowledge is
not, (so I have been told here at Theos-talk), officially claimed by the
leaders Theosophical Society today. An example: Try to ask the Master whether
they consider their Himalayan group to be an elite group. Do you think that
the Masters Himalayan group will reveal all and everything esoterical to
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: Cass Silva
_ ( _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_
( _
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Bring the Theosophical Society back to its
original lines!
I hope you are not suggesting that new esoteric schools be formed? What
knowledge is so esoteric that it can now only be shared by an elite group?
>From: Morten Nymann Olesen <_ (
_global-theosophy@global-thgl_ ( _>
>To: _ ( _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_
>Sent: Wed, 10 February, 2010 6:18:19 AM
>Subject: Theos-World Bring the Theosophical Society back to its original
>Dear friends
>My views are:
>Sometimes one would do well in reading the words given by H. P. Blavatsky
>about the reason for the formation of the Esoteric Section...
>H. P. Blavatsky said to the members of the Esoteric Section:
>"This degree of the Esoteric Section is probationary, and its general
purpose is to prepare and fit the student for the study of practical occultism
or Raj yoga. Therefore, in this degree, the student--save in exceptional
cases--will not be taught how to produce physical phenomena, nor will any
magical powers be allowed to develop in him; nor, if possessing such powers
naturally, will he be permitted to exercise them before he has thoroughly
mastered the knowledge of SELF, of the psycho-physiologica l processes
(taking place on the occult plane) in the human body generally, and until he has
in abeyance all his lower passions and his PERSONAL SELF.
>The real Head of the Esoteric Section is a Master, of whom H. P.
Blavatsky is the mouthpiece for this Section. He is one of those Adepts referred to
in theosophical literature, and concerned in the formation of the
Theosophical Society. "
>. . . . . . .
>"The Theosophical Society has just entered upon the fourteenth year of
its existence; and if it has accomplished great, one may almost say
stupendous, results on the exoteric and utilitarian plane, it has proved a dead
failure on all those points which rank foremost among the objects of its
original establishment. Thus, as a "Universal Brotherhood, " or even as a
fraternity, one among many, it has descended to the level of all those Societies
whose pretensions are great, but whose names are simply masks,--nay, even
SHAMS. Nor can the excuse be pleaded that it was led into such an undignified
course owing to its having been
>impeded in its natural development, and almost extinguished, by reason of
the conspiracies of its enemies openly begun in 1884. Because even before
that date there never was that solidarity in the ranks of our Society which
would not only enable it to resist all external attacks, but also make it
possible for greater, wider, and more tangible help to be given to all its
members by those who are always ready to give help when we are fit to
receive it. When trouble arose, too many were quick to doubt and despair, and few
indeed were they who had worked for the Cause and not for themselves. The
attacks of the enemy have given the Society some discretion in the conduct
of its external progress, but its real internal condition has not improved,
and the members, in their efforts towards spiritual culture, still require
that help which solidarity in the ranks can alone give them the right to
ask. The Masters can give but little assistance to a Body not
thoroughly united in purpose and feeling, and which breaks its first
fundamental rule--universal brotherly love, without distinction of race, creed
or colour; nor to a Society, many members of which pass their lives in
judging, condemning, and often reviling other members in a most untheosophical,
not to say disgraceful, manner."
>. . . . . . .
>"For this reason it is now contemplated to gather the "elect" of the T.S.
and to call them to action. It is only by a select group of brave souls, a
handful of determined men and women hungry for genuine spiritual
development and the acquirement of soul-wisdom, that the Theosophical Society at
large can be brought back to its original lines. It is through an Esoteric
Section alone--i.e., a group in which all the members, even if unacquainted
with one another, work for each other, and by working for all work for
themselves-- that the great Exoteric Society may be redeemed and made to realize
that in union and harmony alone lie its strength and power. The object of
this Section, then, is to help the future growth of the Theosophical Society
as a whole in the true direction, by promoting brotherly union at least
among the few.
>All know that this end was in view when the Society was established, and
even in its mere unpledged ranks there was a possibility for development
and knowledge, until it began to show want of real union; and now it must be
saved from future dangers by the united aim, brotherly feeling, and
constant exertions of the members of this Esoteric Section. Therefore, anyone who
has signed the pledge without realizing this is earnestly recommended to
reconsider his position, and to withdraw unless he is prepared to devote
himself to the carrying out of this purpose. Once offered the grand example of
practical altruism, of the noble lives of those who learn to master the
great knowledge but to help others, and who strive to acquire powers but to
place them at the service of their fellow-men, the whole theosophical
community may yet be steered into action, and led to follow the example set before
>The Esoteric Section is thus "set apart" for the salvation of the whole
Society, and its_ course from its first steps will be an arduous and uphill
work for its members, though a great reward lies behind the many obstacles
once they are overcome.
>_ ( _http://www.katinkah_
(http://www.katinkah/) esselink. net/blavatsky/ articles/ v7/yxxxx_ 019.htm
>M. Sufilight asks and comments:
>I ask your compassionate hearts as honest Seekers after Truth :
>Do you my dear readers understand that, the Esoteric Section was
according to H. P. Blavatsky created in 1888 so that "the Theosophical Society at
large can be brought back to its original lines"; the lines openly deviated
from in 1884?
>Did this imply turning it towards a more or less blurred or openly
declared political involvement à la A. O. Hume - National Congress of India? I
would clearly say no, and no a thousand times!
>Did this imply asserting a Messiah in the flesh as the World Teacher of
the Age (The Maitreya) as a dogma or propagandized doctrine to follow? I
would clearly say no, and no a thousand times!
>Did this imply rejecting the view that "No Theosophist should be silent
when he hears evil reports or slanders spread about the Society, or innocent
persons, whether they be his colleagues or outsiders. " (The Key to the_
Theosophist, 2ed., 1890, p. 250)? I would clearly say no, and no a thousand
>Did it only imply this with reagard to physically present humans or did
it also imply it with regard deceased ones? I would clearly say both issues
count, because people not living in the physical are present in our
>M. Sufilight
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