Re: Theos-World Nibura
Oct 03, 2009 05:03 PM
by Cass Silva
Thanks for your response John. I am still skeptical as there is very little transparency in US policy, however, this could just be a personal predilection.
>From: "" <>
>Sent: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 4:04:03 PM
>Subject: Re: Theos-World Nibura
>Let me explain some points.
>>>>but they certainly delay making their findings public.<<<
>This is simply not true Comet NEAT happened in Feb. 2003, It is tracked by SOHO and LASCO for a year before the main event Feb. 16 through 28 Fe. 2003 The enite world Astronomical Obsrvatorys watched and reported on it in real time dailey. There is a SOHO Archive that can be accessed and it requires a application Java Plugin and they don't list Firefox Browser as compatible so I cannot look a this time, but other can access the archive and view dailey SOHO views of Comet Neat in the archive.
>>>>Whatever this great mass was it was dangerously close to the sun<<<
>Cass, the great mass you see is in fact Comet NEAT! It was reported by NASA Press Releases to all the world Media it thing devolves upon the Media to report it! Don't blame NASA! OnNASA Home Page there is a link for "Press Releases" perpetually.
>>>>and only got small exposure on the NASA site at the time<<<.
>Cass, the main NASA Home Page has a more "general" context for the General Public if you want SOHO Events in Real Time go to the Main SOHO Home Page that is where the in depth Solar Events recorded by SOHO are to be found . SOHO even has an RSS REAL TIME FEED where you can have it's actual event observations on your desktop moment to moment if desired. No one is deliberately chort changing people in my personal view. The only ones doing that are people who invent wild accusations as I have previously said.
>>>>Similarly the sun at present is showing unparalled sun spot activity <<<
>Cass, at this time our sun is at an extended solar low of activity which is almost record setting for "Lack of sunspots" it was only in September that the first usual normal sunspots have occured.
>>>>he surface of Neptune is heating up<<<
>That is true, but it is not only Neptune but also more of the outer planets that are showing differential ,minute increases, this has been a trend for more than a year that I am aware of.
>>>>Also, the Vatican has widespread investment in global observational telescopes - don't you find this curious?<<<
>The Vatican recently absolved Galileo and they have an Observatory here in the USA in the State of Arizona in addition to the Vatican Observatory and any others they operate in the world. Well it would be curious if they were attempting to see Jesus approaching on a large cloud lol. The Vatican Astronomer has gotten good press in the last few years and he has said some very surprising things and still has his position that is amrked contrast to being burnt at the stake lol.
>Also, no I don't think, believe or accept the contentious charge that NASA is fraudulently manufactering or changing or withholding SOHO Images or other scientific imagery, as I have said the entire world scientific and educational community has free complete dailey access to the science that the NASA Missions and Satellites deliver to everyone almost entirely free of charge at the expense of the American Taxpayer and I am damn happy it happens.
>My advice read the direct report of NASA or other Authentic resources rather than second or third party accounts which in many cases are faulted.
>SOHO Observatory Listing- Google Images
>>>>http://images. images?hl= en&source= hp&q=SOHO+ Observatory& btnG=Search+ Images&gbv= 2&aq=f&oq= &aqi=<<<
>SOHO HOME Listing Image Collection ( you can watch the comet movies using windows media player or quick time or just look at jpeg images. There are also real time boards for the solar wind and other criteria here.
>>>>http://images. imgres?imgurl= http://www. centers/goddard/ images/content/ 65943main_ soho1.jpg& imgrefurl= http://www. centers/goddard/ solarsystem/ comet_asas. html&usg= __uqbMivfOPTLKb6 Ywwiv8cM1vgmw= &h=300&w= 300&sz=12& hl=en&start= 32&tbnid= LhKCO6qELd4qcM: &tbnh=116& tbnw=116& prev=/images% 3Fq%3DSOHO% 2BObservatory% 26gbv%3D2% 26ndsp%3D21% 26hl%3Den% 26sa%3DN% 26start%3D21<<
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Cass Silva" <silva_cass@yahoo. com>
>To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>Sent: Friday, October 2, 2009 6:36:49 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
>Subject: Re: Theos-World Nibura
>I'm not saying they fake observations - but they certainly delay making their findings public. Whatever this great mass was it was dangerously close to the sun, yet it didn't reach the mainstream media and only got small exposure on the NASA site at the time. Similarly the sun at present is showing unparalled sun spot activity and the surface of Neptune is heating up. Perhaps a chunk of Jupiter sliced off. lol.
>Also, the Vatican has widespread investment in global observational telescopes - don't you find this curious?
>>From: " Augoeides-222@ " < Augoeides-222@ >
>>To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>Sent: Friday, 2 October, 2009 11:54:27 AM
>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Nibura
>>People that invent these idiotic allegations against NASA need psychiatric care and attention. SOHO is way out from the Earth and NASA can't change it's content. Don't you ever consider that the entire worlds Astronomical Profession is using SOHO's content, the Germans, French , Japanese, Russians , British, So. Americans literally every Obeservatory in the world and if NASA were hypothetically able to distirt or falsify the Images of SOHO then all the other Solar Observatories in the worl would immediately see the difference between their same time image and NASA's false image and raise holy hell to thwe high heavens? This is not the case ask any other NATION not a nazi redactionist or socialist that thrive off of creation of oxymoronic garbage for illiterate uninformed uneducated masses of pot smoking young people who latch onto it due to the pot inspired paranoia. This it nothing but nonsense conspiracy thoery fringe nonsense. I looked and all I saw
>was a comet with a tail on your link.
>>On one of the diagramic boxes there is diagram the orbital path of the comet itself but that is not a comet shown in the diagram.
>>--- Original Message -----
>>From: "Cass Silva" <silva_cass@ yahoo. com>
>>To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2009 5:47:09 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Nibura
>>You might care to look at this - it doesn't look like a comet - it has no tail?
>> http://www.exopolit t.htm
>>>From: " Augoeides-222@ " < Augoeides-222@ >
>>>To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>>Sent: Thursday, 1 October, 2009 4:42:35 PM
>>>Subject: Re: Theos-World Nibura
>>>Sorry, He is only speculating and inerror in my book. A comet isn't a Planet no matter how much you want it to be. I have watched dozens of comets proceed into the sun on SOHO since 1999 and none of them pulled Mercury into the Sun lol. I don't agree that the Comet Near was the Planet Nibiru either. Google Pavel Smuty Narmer Palette. Pavel Smutny was a NASA Scientist that specialized in Orbital Mechanics and Feep Space Communications. His analysis of the Dendera Temple and Narmer Palette that reveals the historic trajectory of the twelth planet through the solar system seems the best I have read so far. The Mass of the Comet and the Mass of Jupiter are two different things, and I haven't seen any comet that hhad the mass of even a small planet yet.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Cass Silva" <silva_cass@ yahoo. com>
>>>To: "Theosophy" <theos-talk@ yahoogro>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 7:41:35 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
>>>Subject: Theos-World Nibura
>>> com/watch? v=wTlqtoQf3Ik& feature=related
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