Re: Theos-World Re: Betty Bland's Statement on 1980 Election
Jul 31, 2009 05:34 PM
by Cass Silva
Perhaps then a need is there for an TS anti-corruption commission! lol
>From: Frank Reitemeyer <>
>Sent: Saturday, 1 August, 2009 4:44:23 AM
>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Betty Bland's Statement on 1980 Election
>Folks, Boris de Zirkoff once wrote in a letter to Germany, that since 1907
>no election at Adyar was real.
>I guess a copy of the letter is in the safe in Wheaton.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: preethi muthiah
>To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 12:29 PM
>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Betty Bland's Statement on 1980 Election
>This is just curiosity again, but why do I get the feeling that you are
>purposefully taking attention away from the scenario at Adyar vis-a-vis the
>corruption practised and endorsed by the President and her relatives to
>things that happened much earlier than these revelations?
>Please do forgive me if I am wrong, but are you working for someone at Adyar
>who ensures that you talk against those who opposed the President during the
>recent elections, so that too much attention is NOT focused on the corrupt
>goings-on at Adyar?
>I am just a curious member who observes certain things that the "messenger"
>--- On Fri, 31/7/09, MKR <mkr777@gmail. com> wrote:
>From: MKR <mkr777@gmail. com>
>Subject: Theos-World Re: Betty Bland's Statement on 1980 Election
>To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>Date: Friday, 31 July, 2009, 7:46 AM
>In a statement put out several weeks ago on a quaint website, Betty Bland,
>National President of Theosophical Society in America stated:
>+++For example, the international presidential contest in 1980, when Radha
>Burnier won over Rukmini Devi, was also fraught with differences of
>No one has heard of any complaints regarding the 1980 election, either from
>Rukmini or her supporters inside TS or outside TS (there are many outside TS
>due to her long time involvement in the revival of Indian Dance and her
>activities for Animal Welfare in India).
>So this was a great surprise to me and many members around the world because
>we have never heard of this even in the gossip grape vine. Elected General
>Secretaries of National Sections hold important and prestigious positions in
>TS. Normally members highly regard and trust them. So anything they say or
>put in writing is expected to be truthful and backed up with verifiable
>Having made the statement, is it unreasonable for dues paying members to
>expect details behind the statement. I wrote to Betty on June 3 inquiring
>about it. To this day, there is no response.
>When a theosophical leader heading the second largest TS section, makes such
>statements, keeping silent only affects the opinion members have in their
>leader and in turn reflects on TS. Since the motto of TS is There is no
>religion higher than Truth, it also negatively affects the TS.
>I hope we will hear from Betty soon. Continued silence cannot help her or
>visit www.theosophy. net
>On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:31 PM, jasonsriram <jasonsriram@> wrote:
>> MK
>> Maybe it is just a case of "see it happened before". However, I agree with
>> your assessment that there was no case of claims of either electioneering
>> or
>> false or misleading statements from either party as I recall in 1980. In
>> fact I was in Adyar in 1980 and have no recollection of rancour or ongoing
>> spatting as is occurring now.
>> In 1976 she (Rukmini) was nominated to be President of India, a post she
>> declined. I spoke with her in 1981 about it and she stated she declined
>> because she had "no interest in political life". So I really doubt that it
>> was anything other that an unwanted result from a post she felt she was
>> qualified for.
>> If Betty can disclose more on the source of her information I would be
>> very
>> interested to know more on this.
>> Jason
>> --- In theos-talk@yahoogro <theos-talk% 40yahoogroups. com>, MKR
>> <mkr777@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > Six weeks ago, Betty Bland, President (National Secretary) of TS in
>> America,
>> > in a cyberspace write-up stated:
>> > .
>> > +++
>> > Although no one is contesting the outcome of the 2008 presidential
>> election,
>> > the problem remains that the machinations of the international elections
>> are
>> > unsound. For example, the international presidential contest in 1980,
>> when
>> > Radha Burnier won over Rukmini Devi, was also fraught with differences
>> > of
>> > opinion.
>> > +++
>> > .
>> > The comments coming from the National Head of TS in America, is
>> surprising
>> > and need elaboration so that members can clearly understand the
>> statement.
>> > .
>> > Dictionary defines machinations as:
>> > .
>> > ** a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish
>> some
>> > usually evil end
>> > .
>> > When anyone holding a high position in a spiritual organization such as
>> TS
>> > makes such statements, I think members are owed an explanation backing
>> > up
>> > the statement.
>> > .
>> > The second comment about the 1980 election, is even more interesting. . I
>> have
>> > never seen any allegation from Rukmini Devi or her supporters inside TS
>> or
>> > outside TS about anything questionable about the 1980 election.
>> > RukminiDevi, whose husband George
>> > Arundale was President succeeding Annie Besant, is very widely known in
>> > India and around the world due to her long active involvement in TS and
>> her
>> > other outside activities. If there was any problem whatsoever with the
>> 1980
>> > election, we would have heard them loud and clear soon after the
>> election. I
>> > have not heard of any allegation or complaint. I do not know what
>> > information Betty Bland is privy to that ordinary members around the
>> world
>> > are ignorant of. When such public statements are made, it is not
>> > unreasonable for members ask for substantiation.
>> > .
>> > Several weeks ago, I wrote an open letter to Betty requesting
>> clarification.
>> > We have not heard anything so far.
>> > .
>> > The above situation does not help anyone. Already, level of trust many
>> > members have in the TS leaders is very low. This was the result of the
>> > election campaign and post election ultra secret attempt by general
>> council
>> > members to disenfranchise members world-wide and seize the power to
>> appoint
>> > the president.
>> > .
>> > I hope soon we will get some response substantiating the above
>> statements.
>> > Due to the nature of the statements, by keeping silent, the questions
>> > surrounding the statements, are not going to go away.
>> > .
>> > MKR
>> > .
>> > Visit www.theosophy. net
>> >
>> >
>> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> >
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