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Re: Theos-World Re: International President endorses Casteism as a Criterion for Chelaship

Jul 18, 2009 08:43 PM
by MKR

Let us get all the facts out. Nobody need to fear Truth and let the chips
fall where they may.

The ultra secret attempt to take over the appointment of the president by a
small group of general council members by disenfranchising all the members
worldwide is based on the facts everyone has seen. If anyone has any
information contradicting the facts, let them post it here for all of us get


On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 8:11 PM, nhcareyta <> wrote:

> Dear Preethi and all
> It now appears from your comments that there was much more to
> the attempt to offer another President for the Adyar Theosophical
> Society at the last international convention.
> And it is certainly becoming apparent that the so called "ultra secret
> attempt" idea, promulgated repeatedly by Doss (Mkr), may
> not have been so after all.
> Inferring from what you expose, and from what others have
> written, the procedure for presenting an alternative voting system
> for international president was both in accord with the rules and
> in the interests of fair play, but may have been politically manipulated by
> those in Adyar to appear differently?
> Do you have any direct knowledge of this process as it unfolded
> at Adyar?
> And can you cast any light as to why Mary Anderson nominated
> John Algeo for president, after having worked closely with Radha
> Burnier at Adyar for so many years?
> You are presenting us with a system that appears prima facie
> rotten to the core, exposing favouritism, nepotism and political
> machinations of the worst kind. I am sure genuine seekers after
> truth appreciate your candid expose and trust others will acknowledge your
> facts with impartiality rather than blind fanaticism.
> Regards
> Nigel
> --- In <>,
> "seeker_preethi" <seeker_preethi@...> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Mrs Burnier,
> >
> > Trust you have started to feel regret, remorse and all those
> growth-oriented feelings. Some things i forgot to mention in my last email
> [No subject] to you:
> >
> > Did you see the latest issue of Wake Up India? The contents page has a
> big blunder on it. Your name is mentioned for the Editorial Article while
> the article was written by Mr Surendra Narayan. Of course, the article has
> his name on it as does the 'About the Author' section, but how could your
> Editor, Dr Geetha Jaikumar miss such an obvious error? I now know why Dr A.
> Kannan thought that i had written irrelevant things in my initial emails to
> you.
> >
> > Actually, do you know there are common definitions for everything you do?
> For example:
> >
> > Putting your name on someone else's hard work is called Plagiarism.
> Geetha Jaikumar and Subha Nilakanta have been putting their name on
> Preethi's hard work. Of course, you endorse their plagiarism, don't you?
> >
> > Threatening people with imprisonment so that they will not speak the
> truth and be dishonest is called Hooliganism or in Hindi, Goondagardi. That
> is the usual language spoken by Mr S. Harihara Raghavan, General Manager,
> TS.
> >
> > Using fear to rule people is called Dictatorship. That is the behaviour
> you follow with Federation Secretaries, General Secretaries worldwide.
> >
> > Following one rule for Pedro Oliveira, one for Uma Nilakanta, and one for
> everyone else is called favouritism.
> >
> > And in the July 2009 issue of the Theosophist you have also lied openly
> Mrs Burnier. In Theosophical Work around the World, you mention that Mrs
> Linda Oliveira attended the 2008 Convention as international Vice-President.
> That is a lie, Mrs Burnier, because Mrs Oliveira did not attend the 2008
> international Convention. She was admitted in Isabelle Hospital along with
> her husband, Mr Pedro Oliveira with a bad case of Chikungunia during the
> entire period of the international Convention. They did not get back from
> hospital till 5 January 2009, much after the Convention period is over.
> Remember, Mrs Burnier, your pets Pedro and Linda did not even get to address
> the convention gathering, even though their speeches were ready and waiting
> at the Editorial Office.
> >
> > In fact, when you illegally appointed Mrs Linda Oliveira early in
> November 2008 as IVP, the machines at the Editorial Office put up a strong
> fight. The Nova Sheet printer converted itself into a house for thousands of
> ants. It was an issue filled with breaks, gaps, problems and obstacles of
> every kind.
> >
> > And now see how, Mrs Burnier, "Theosophists" can no longer have the
> privilege of having their bodies exhumed on campus of Adyar. Dr Agarwal had
> his final rites not on campus at Adyar, as past deceased Theosophists have
> had, but outside the campus at Besant Nagar Electrical Crematorium, and C.
> Malathi's father at Thiruvanmiyur Electrical Crematorium.
> >
> > Why i am bringing all of this to your and other members' attention is
> because you can kick out Preethi from her home Adyar, but you cannot fight
> the Forces of Adyar, the Forces of Nature and the Force of Life, who are all
> stronger than you or all your cronies put together will ever be.
> >
> > It is time for you to step down from your post Mrs Burnier and to allow
> younger blood and younger generations to lead the TS, someone more spiritual
> than you are; someone more Theosophical, united than you are.
> >
> > I was shocked to read your Watch-Tower Notes in the July 2009 issue of
> the Theosophist, where you stress so much on Brahminism as being the
> criterion for a person to be accepted as a chela. So finally in your
> declining years, shall we say you have come back to your element and now are
> intending to practise casteism in the form of offering chelaship to brahmins
> by birth? And who would be your most preferred candidate -- Subha Nilakanta
> or Harihara Raghavan?
> >
> > This is, indeed, shocking from someone who claims to be a 3rd-generation
> Theosophist. Shocking not only because of the casteist-flavour of your
> statements in the Theosophist, but also because one would expect that the
> head of the EST would know that chelaship or being a vehicle for the Masters
> of the Wisdom has got nothing to do with birth but more to do with the
> quality of the soul.
> >
> > Recipients to this email/message, welcome to the Brahminical Society of
> Mrs Radha Burnier, who fraudulently addresses herself as the President of
> the Theosophical Society.
> >
> > Preethi
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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