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Re: Theos-World Re: Synthesizing Organizatonal Discussion 2

Jul 06, 2009 09:43 PM
by Drpsionic

The ES has no information that the Dugpas, or anyone else for that matter,  
can find to be of any use.  And if they wanted to learn anything an ES  
meeting is very easy to remote view by just about anyone.
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 7/6/2009 8:07:25 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:


That begs the question, what could clever dugpas do with the  information 
released through the ES? What, perhaps, have they already  done?

--- In _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_ ( ,  
Cass Silva <silva_cass@sil> wrote:
> Perhaps it is as  simple as thinking that a pledge is a precautionary act 
- a hope that if  certain knowledge is given out that this knowledge will 
not be used for  selfish rather than altruistic reasons.   There have been 
certain  scientists in the past that have intuitively known, eg Keely, that if 
what he  learnt was given out freely to the world this knowledge could be 
used to  destroy humanity.  I guess in science one cannot surround the truth 
in  parable or allegory.
> Cass
>  >
> >From: Anand <AnandGholap@Ana>
> >To: _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_ ( 
>  >Sent: Monday, 6 July, 2009 4:36:33 AM
> >Subject: Theos-World Re:  Synthesizing Organizatonal Discussion 2
> >
> >
>  >
> >
> >
> >--- In theos-talk@yahoogro,  "robert_b_macd" <robert.b.macdonald 
@...> wrote:
>  >>
> >> 
> >> Dear Anand,
> >>  
> >> I missed answering one question that you had. You asked  where the 
higher self comes into this pledge. The pledge is ended with the  words "So 
Help Me, My Higher Self." The Higher Self is made witness to the  pledge, and 
occult forces from your Higher Self are activated and cannot be  put back to 
sleep until you either succeed or fail on your journey over  however many 
lifetimes it takes. It is a serious pledge.
> >>  
> >
> >Jerry told that ES members under Mrs. Radha make a  pledge to follow 
Mrs. Radha. Words used in current pledge are not the Outer  Head or Masters. 
Does that mean their souls will be following Mrs. Radha for  many lifetimes?
> >
> >You wrote:
> >"The Higher  Self is made witness to the pledge, and occult forces from 
your Higher Self  are activated and cannot be put back to sleep until you 
either succeed or fail  on your journey over however many lifetimes it takes." 
> >How can a  person "either succeed or fail(permanently) ", when he would 
be trying again  if he fails?
> >
> >You wrote:
> >> Regardless,  as I do not see a binding pledge as being necessary for a 
reformed ES, the  second part of this clause could be done away with, and 
the pledge would be  left as a set of moral guidelines.
> >> 
> >
>  >You don't need separate ES organization for taking such a pledge. One 
can  sign the pledge of following moral guidelines, keep it with himself or 
send it  to the HQ and they will file it. May be it is better to keep secrecy 
regarding  who made such a pledge.
> >Divisions get created in TS when you form  a separate Esoteric Section. 
Politics and other evils enter due to creation of  such separate Section.
> >Best
> >Anand Gholap
>  >
> >
> >
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