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Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of Truth"?

May 29, 2009 04:40 PM
by Cass Silva

Music - of course!

From: Leon Maurer <>
Sent: Friday, 29 May, 2009 4:27:03 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of Truth"?

The final question, then, becomes;

What means is your Maitreya going to use to "reeducate mankind" as a 
whole -- without using force backed up by a New World Order 


On May 28, 2009, at 5/28/091:41 PM, Antonio wrote:

> Which one is correct depends on the intentions of the perciever.
> If the perciever has evil intentions then an evil Maitreya will be 
> appealing and vice versa.
> Regarding Morten's question. I did answer, perhaps not directly but 
> i asked if he would wait for the album which will explain my 
> perspective and take on things.
> However given the demand surrounding an answer i would best answer 
> by saying i promote the better side of Maitryea. According to BC 
> (Share International) Maitreya is a world teacher here to bring 
> peace and sharing to the world. The more argumentative believer 
> would happily associate Maitreya with the Antichrist. Once again 
> this is a situation of perspective. I however am more than happy to 
> promote a world teacher who's aim to make a chaotic world of greed, 
> war, famine, disease and corruption dissapear through the 
> reeducation of mankind.
> I hope this answers your questions.
> Peace and blessings
> Antonio
> --- On Thu, 28/5/09, Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@aol. com> wrote:
> From: Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@aol. com>
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of 
> Truth"?
> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
> Date: Thursday, 28 May, 2009, 1:27 AM
> On May 27, 2009, at 5/27/098:00 PM, Antonio wrote:
>> Maitreya is different things to different people.
> The question is... Which one is correct?
> And, besides, you didn't answer Morton's question -- which now I'm
> asking. Are you or are you not "promoting a personal Saviour named
> Maitreya adressing the world"?
> On May 27, 2009, at 5/27/098:00 PM, Antonio wrote:
>> --- On Wed, 27/5/09, Morten Nymann Olesen <global-
>> theosophy@stofanet. dk> wrote:
>> From: Morten Nymann Olesen <global-theosophy@ stofanet. dk>
>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>> Truth"?
>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>> Date: Wednesday, 27 May, 2009, 6:54 PM
>> Dear friends and Antonio
>> My views are:
>> So I was wrong in reading your words as if you were promoting a
>> personal Saviour named Maitreya adressing the world?
>> M. Sufilight
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Antonio
>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 7:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer
>> of Truth"?
>> I think it is important to keep things in perspective and not make
>> assumptions based on lack of information or fact.
>> Like i have reiterated time and time again my intentions are
>> love, peace and truth based.
>> If people wish to assume otherwise that is their perogative.
>> I think people will understand better my intentions and outlook
>> on the 22nd of July, once my album is completed.
>> Until then keep the love flowing.
>> Peace and Blessings
>> Antonio
>> --- On Wed, 27/5/09, Morten Nymann Olesen <global-theosophy@
>> stofanet. dk> wrote:
>> From: Morten Nymann Olesen <global-theosophy@ stofanet. dk>
>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer
>> of Truth"?
>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>> Date: Wednesday, 27 May, 2009, 4:15 PM
>> Dear friends
>> My views are:
>> Antonio wrote:
>> "The only difference is that the world will not truly know of
>> Maitreyas intentions until it is out of the hands of the people and
>> the government and the bankers and the world elite. Once he has
>> risen to the central axis of power i think he will address the
>> world and tell them it is time for change, he will give humanity
>> two options 1 to accept his world view of love and peace or 2 to
>> perish into total choas and anarchy. "
>>>>> The following view by H. P. Blavatsky aught to be considered. <<<
>> Extract from H.P.B.'s
>> E.S.T.S. Instruction No. I
>> H. P. Blavatsky wrote:
>> "By pandering to the prejudices of people, and especially by
>> adopting the false ideas of a personal God and a personal,
>> carnalized Saviour, as the groundwork of their teaching, the
>> leaders of this "swindle" (for such it is) are endeavoring to draw
>> men to them and in particular to turn Theosophists from the true
>> path."
>> "Stealing from us our esoteric Sanskrit terms, our facts --- which
>> he disfigures --- and even our motto, "There is No Religion Higher
>> than Truth," this self-styled illuminator is sure to prepare
>> thousands of enemies to Theosophy, when those "awakened" by him
>> will awaken to the sad truth of having been swindled by this
>> "Brahmin" & Co. Let all Theosophists be warned in time by the
>> Esotericists. "
>> http://www.blavatsk yarchives. com/hpbes1extrac t.htm
>> - - -
>> H. P. Blavatsky wrote:
>> "Year after year, and day after day had our officers and members
>> to interrupt people speaking of the theosophical movement by
>> putting in more or less emphatic protests against theosophy being
>> referred to as a "religion," and the Theosophical Society as a kind
>> of church or religious body. Still worse, it is as often spoken of
>> as a "new sect"! Is it a stubborn prejudice, an error, or both? The
>> latter, most likely. The most narrow-minded and even notoriously
>> unfair people are still in need of a plausible pretext, of a peg on
>> which to hang their little uncharitable remarks and innocently-
>> uttered slanders. And what peg is more solid for that purpose, more
>> convenient than an "ism" or a "sect." The great majority would be
>> very sorry to be disabused and finally forced to accept the fact
>> that theosophy is neither. The name suits them, and they pretend to
>> be unaware of its falseness. But there are others, also, many more
>> or less friendly people, who labour
>> sincerely under the same delusion. To these, we say: Surely the
>> world has been hitherto sufficiently cursed with the intellectual
>> extinguishers known as dogmatic creeds, without having inflicted
>> upon it a new form of faith! Too many already wear their faith,
>> truly, as Shakespeare puts it, "but as the fashion of his hat,"
>> ever changing "with the next block." Moreover, the very raison
>> d'être of the Theosophical Society was, from its beginning, to
>> utter a loud protest and lead an open warfare against dogma or any
>> belief based upon blind faith."
>> http://www.blavatsk arts/IsTheosophy AReligion. htm
>> So why
>> M. Sufilight
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Leon Maurer
>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 6:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer
>> of Truth"?
>> And that's the same kind of thinking that led to the Holy Roman
>> Empire, the inquisition, the dark ages and the 30 year war... Not to
>> mention Hitler's New World Order Holocaust. If anyone thinks that a
>> messianic based "new world order" could be any different -- they are
>> either totally naive, or brain washed dupes of the dark side.
>> Invariably, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
>> Leon
>> On May 19, 2009, at 5/19/098:31 PM, Cass Silva wrote:
>>> Antonio wrote: Once he has risen to the central axis of power i
>>> think he will address the world and tell them it is time for
>>> change, he will give humanity two options 1 to accept his world
>>> view of love and peace or 2 to perish into total choas and anarchy.
>>> Cass: This is a christian view on Armegeddon/Apocalyp se -
>>> theosophy completely rejects this idea.
>>> Cass
>>> ____________ _________ _________ __
>>> From: Antonio/Tony None <spirit777child@ uk>
>>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 May, 2009 7:43:22 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>> Truth"?
>>> Hi Cass,
>>> Thank you for your view point. I understand what you say but there
>>> are truths that only those in the higher echlons of power know.
>>> This darkness in my opinion is simply tool. Like the motto that the
>>> illuminati use "order out of chaos" i feel that the new world order
>>> has been given a bad rap. In my opinion the new world order is an
>>> ancient plan that can be used not only for evil but also for good.
>>> It is a centralisation of power. Once this power is centralised and
>>> it will be then and only then can the agenda be enforced. I
>>> honestly feel that satan and god are working together to teach
>>> humanity to grow and evolve. In this process we fight against
>>> principles of good and evil within ourselves and eventually we come
>>> to a point where we realise within that evil is no longer something
>>> which benefits us. Without satan as a teaching tool we would simply
>>> have nothing to invest our more innate negetive selves in. Satan is
>>> like a mirror , a mirror of all our evils.
>>> The image of satan or dark powers evolves in our minds as time
>>> moves forward until we are able to form a more clear picture of
>>> what evil is. I feel the real people behind the new world order
>>> know this and are merely playing their part in a great theatricle.
>>> I don't feel the power elite, the bankers and politicians are at
>>> the heart of this movement. I feel they are being used by those
>>> even higher up the ranks. The end result will manifest in our
>>> reality and our time of this i have no doubt. It will be down to
>>> all of us individually as humanity to come together to heal a dying
>>> world or to remain individualistic and see the world around us fall
>>> apart. I know what you mean when you say there are good forces that
>>> will not allow the earth to perish and i beleive this too however
>>> the structure of our society could easily fall away and either
>>> bring about total chaos or the greatest change, something aking to
>>> the likes of the Venus project. Their are so many
>>> conflicting pieces of information but all my personal and spiritual
>>> studies and experiences intuitivly lead me to one conclusion and
>>> that is that the new world order is on the cusp of bringing their
>>> plan into fruition. The past may have had isolated pockets of
>>> society being introduced to this controlled mind state/hypnosis but
>>> never on a totally global scale. What hitler did was a half hearted
>>> attempt at what the new world order will do. The only difference is
>>> that the world will not truly know of Maitreyas intentions until it
>>> is out of the hands of the people and the government and the
>>> bankers and the world elite. Once he has risen to the central axis
>>> of power i think he will address the world and tell them it is time
>>> for change, he will give humanity two options 1 to accept his world
>>> view of love and peace or 2 to perish into total choas and anarchy.
>>> This will be either the great deception before christs arrival or
>>> it will be the true way forward for
>>> humanity either way the end result (peace) will justify the means
>>> (total control).
>>> Peace and blessings
>>> Antonio.
>>> --- On Tue, 19/5/09, Cass Silva <silva_cass@ yahoo. com> wrote:
>>> From: Cass Silva <silva_cass@ yahoo. com>
>>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>> Truth"?
>>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>> Date: Tuesday, 19 May, 2009, 2:51 AM
>>> Will someone please explain to me in theosophical terms what the
>>> motive is for these dark powers?
>>> Cass
>>> ____________ _________ _________ __
>>> From: Frank Reitemeyer <ringding2009@ t-online. de>
>>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 May, 2009 7:24:51 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>> Truth"?
>>> Leon, you have my day with your level-headed comments.
>>> But one should not fall into the trap to assume that another
>>> candidate is better.
>>> They are all one and the same, otherwise they would not "set aside".
>>> And if they ever get off track, they will have an accident.
>>> Democracy needs enlightened people, whose eyes are open and who
>>> have access to unfiltered information and are mental able to make a
>>> right decision.
>>> But that is not the case is those countries which claim to be a
>>> democracy.
>>> Neither get the people true information, nor are they teached who
>>> to make decisions, on the contrary, the social pressure and mass
>>> media do all to hypnotize the people and format the brains.
>>> Doubt is regarded as criminal.
>>> Non-believe in mass-media ideologies can bring you into jail.
>>> So no real progress since the alleged dark middle ages, only the
>>> taboos have changed.
>>> BTW, Ben Gurion announced in the American "The Look" magazine in
>>> 1968 the brave New World order with an Emperor, who will have His
>>> coronation in Jerusalem.
>>> So I hope that the Jews may awake before and recognize that Judaism
>>> is misused as a mask by dark forces.
>>> Frank
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Leon Maurer
>>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>> Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 9:49 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>> Truth"?
>>> Antonio,
>>> I don't want to burst your bubble, but that's the same kind of talk
>>> that the early founders of the Catholic Church used -- that ended up
>>> causing long periods of warfare and pogroms that caused deaths,
>>> injuries, broken families and destruction of homes of countless
>>> millions of people.
>>> No matter what the motives are of the "false prophet" (Matthew
>>> 7:15-20) calling himself "Maitreya" (actually destined to come at 
>>> the
>>> end of Kali Yuga in about 400,000 years from now) -- who comes to
>>> supposedly take charge of the global "New World Order" government --
>>> it will be his sycophant inner circle of followers who will actually
>>> rule.
>>> And, as is well known to all students of history -- such absolute
>>> power, in the hands of unenlightened and greedy people, always
>>> corrupts absolutely. So, any government based on organized religion
>>> centered around a divine Messianic figurehead, and dependent on
>>> restrictive dictatorial laws to control the thoughts and actions of
>>> the people, is destined to fail.
>>> My hope (not fear) is that such a police state dictatorial 
>>> government
>>> never sneaks up on us -- like was attempted recently by another 
>>> sweet
>>> talking Jesus Christ loving, born again evangelical Christian -- who
>>> slyly stole an election, became the US President and lied us into a
>>> seemingly endless religious war -- with the help of his cabal of 
>>> evil
>>> minded political cronies. So, count on me to be one of the many
>>> enemies of this false Messiah posing as Maitreya, and the New World
>>> Order shadow government that backs him -- whoever he is or they are.
>>> I'm afraid that any true theosophist who has already, or is studying
>>> and practicing to reach full self realization, knows that none of 
>>> the
>>> works of man can ever solve the problems that man's works (guided by
>>> edicts and rules created and sanctioned by their leaders, and
>>> condoned by their personal greeds) has created. And no dictatorial
>>> government set up to solve those problems can flourish without such
>>> power, in the hands of the few, ending up just as corrupt as all
>>> revolutionary movements eventually become, when they take over
>>> dictatorial control of governing peoples lives.
>>> Of course, no real theosophist is for a fully self governed, "no
>>> rules" world... That is, untll ALL people are self realized and
>>> enlightened. But, until then, the only good government would be a
>>> true democratic government "of the people, by the people, and for 
>>> the
>>> people"... With a leadership that can be kicked out when the people
>>> decide they are not serving the purpose they were elected for.
>>> Surely,, such a government will never be ideal... But it is 
>>> certainly
>>> better than any dictatorship or monarchy over the long run.
>>> And, agreed, the global monetary system would have to be radically
>>> changed if such a true democracy could work effectively. But, we
>>> must never forget that each group of people with similar customs
>>> would have to remain free to practice them without interference 
>>> -- so
>>> long as they harm no one. So, a homogenous global governed world by
>>> any dictatorial religious leader is not a realistic solution to the
>>> world problems.
>>> As it stands, the "New World Order" government you speak of, is the
>>> same old plan for world dictatorship and takeover of the global
>>> economy by the "Secret Society" of world bankers and brokers -- who
>>> are just waiting for another phony Messiah to, knowingly or
>>> unknowingly, act as their stooge in the role of world dictator --
>>> under their guidance and control.
>>> In no way can the ancient brotherhood of non interfering Masters and
>>> Adepts be confused with this New World Order cabal of greedy 
>>> elitists
>>> and would be dictatorial monarchists.
>>> While I don't believe in your personal God or his supposed coming
>>> savior, I don't doubt your good intentions.. . Although, there is an
>>> old truism saying that "the road to hell is paved with good
>>> intentions." ;-)
>>> But, be assured that no true theosophist has to worry about
>>> "releasing the devil that is (supposedly) within them." ;-) The only
>>> one's who have such devils in them are those who would sacrifice
>>> individual liberty to a dictatorial government. So, maybe you should
>>> study the fundamental teachings of theosophy before you start
>>> preaching to those who truly understand and follow its Heart
>>> Doctrine.
>>> So, stick with your love-teaching music, and stop trying to convert
>>> into your religious beliefs, theosophists or any other spiritually
>>> minded independent thinkers who, while they, too, may respect your
>>> ideals, won't fall for smarmy, holier than thou talk -- when its
>>> underlying motives lead to any sort of mind-controlling,
>>> dictatorially religious governmental organization.
>>> Incidentally, after going back in my unread letter files and reading
>>> about your "overshadowing" as you call it -- I think you may have
>>> experienced unconscious mediumistic Astral epiphanies that could 
>>> have
>>> been falsely interpreted as spiritual experiences. .. If so, I
>>> recommend that you study some of the articles written by Blavatsky
>>> about the Astral realm and the errors and dangers of such 
>>> mediumship,
>>> as contrasted with true adeptship. According to the occult laws,
>>> there is no way for a living individual to contact an entity on the
>>> spiritual plane -- although there are entities on the astral plane
>>> (Buddhists call "hungry ghosts") that could mislead and be quite
>>> evilly dangerous to a non adept. You can find such articles at:
>>> http://www.blavatsk blavatsky- articles. htmt
>>> Try this one for starters:
>>> http://www.blavatsk arts/CaseOfObses sion.htm
>>> Apparently your jumping from one mystical teaching to another and
>>> your psychiatric breakdown experience are signs that should not be
>>> ignored before your next Astral experience, unsolicited visions, or
>>> uncontrolled kundalini awakening causes irrevocable damage... (That,
>>> incidentally, could be especially dangerous if you have ever or are
>>> now using psychoactive drugs.)
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Leon Maurer
>>> On May 13, 2009, at 5/13/097:28 AM, Antonio/Tony None wrote:
>>>> Hi Leon,
>>>> I overstand your stance and your world views for a future based on
>>>> no rules. I feel this is commendable and eventually will become a
>>>> reality. Before this occurs the chaos in the world needs to be
>>>> addressed. I feel that the worlds choas needs to be drawn to one
>>>> central point and at that moment when the world awakens to the true
>>>> realisation will that point be destroyed and thus allow humanity to
>>>> move forward void of negative emotion. Fear surrounding the new
>>>> world orders plan is natural but the fact remains the freternal
>>>> brotherhood do exist and they do have an agenda to centralise all
>>>> power to one operating body. This is a very worrying and yet
>>>> exciting propesition. As head of this order, Maitreya will change
>>>> both internally and externally the processes by which we as humans
>>>> operate. From re-education, to the eradication of weapons. To
>>>> sharing with one another as a spiritual rush and taking the
>>>> monetary system totally out of the equation. The fact that
>>>> Maitrey may come to us via music is not something that should be
>>>> dismissed. God's biggest gift to Lucifer was music. My album will
>>>> be different and will totally challange spiritual concepts in our
>>>> reality but that will also be down to peoples interpretation.
>>>> People like yourself unwilling to accept such a movement as being
>>>> anything other than genuine and devinly inspired. You are the
>>>> people i need to reach most, the lost ones in the dark, searching
>>>> for the light, hoping for one day to realese the devil from within
>>>> you. Armegeddon is as much an inward battle as a world
>>>> transformation. It is ultimatly about vanquishing the evils from
>>>> within and emerging evolved into a connected higher state of
>>>> consciousness. If you fail to take this change on board your evils
>>>> will overwhelm and overcome you and evetually destroy you. So i
>>>> hope and pray that when you receive my words and my music that you
>>>> look on it with an open heart and you see the true intentions. The
>>>> intent to change a dying world through that one binding universal
>>>> truth. Love.
>>>> Peace and blessings
>>>> Antonio
>>>> --- On Wed, 13/5/09, Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@ aol. com> wrote:
>>>> From: Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@ aol. com>
>>>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>>> Truth"?
>>>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>>> Date: Wednesday, 13 May, 2009, 12:36 AM
>>>> Since the Masters knew what problems resulted from the
>>>> revealing of
>>>> their names by their first messenger (HPB) -- do you think they (or
>>>> their successors) would make the same mistake again when the new
>>>> messenger begins the new mission?
>>>> And, by all the rules set down by the Masters (and promulgated
>>>> through HPB) -- wouldn't the actual work on that mission have to
>>>> begin in I975 by someone already mature in the practical ways of 
>>>> the
>>>> modern world, fully educated and experienced in ALL the fine and
>>>> applied arts of current science, engineering and all levels of high
>>>> technology communication -- while also being fully indoctrinated
>>>> with
>>>> the theosophical teachings -- to at least the beginning of 
>>>> adeptship
>>>> -- as was HPB when she began her mission in 1875?
>>>> And, wouldn't all the occult powers -- that also attracted 
>>>> hordes of
>>>> superficial sycophants and resulted in many fraudulent copycats
>>>> during and after HPB's time -- be intentionally withheld from their
>>>> new agent (such as the power of foresight and other siddhis was
>>>> withheld from HPB)?
>>>> Obviously, of course, none of the present Masters would ever reveal
>>>> themselves, personally, or allow their messenger to expose their
>>>> names this time around. There would also no longer be a need to
>>>> attract members to the teachings through an organization, or to a
>>>> notorious personality. .. Since all that now matters would be to
>>>> prove the theosophical teachings beyond a shadow of a doubt, free
>>>> each human to be their own judge and master, as well as discredit
>>>> all
>>>> forms of organized religion based on supernatural causation,
>>>> personal
>>>> Gods, vicarious atonement and living messiahs.
>>>> .
>>>> Think about all that, and try to imagine anyone in the Theosophical
>>>> Society, or appointed by its leaders, being in a position to fill
>>>> that role... Especially, anyone who is not fully indoctrinated into
>>>> the entire secret doctrine -- as thoroughly taught by HPB in ALL 
>>>> her
>>>> writings.
>>>> Didn't William Q. Judge say that there were only three books
>>>> necessary to fully comprehend theosophy -- which were, the Secret
>>>> Doctrine, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali?
>>>> (Is it any wonder, then, why he transliterated all three -- along
>>>> with their detailed commentaries and answers to questions?)
>>>> Isn't it, then, also obvious why the real identity of the messenger
>>>> could not be revealed until the actual scientific "proof" of the
>>>> Secret Doctrine metaphysics actually shows up in the scientific
>>>> journals and the mass media, and becomes worldwide public 
>>>> knowledge?
>>>> And, even then, the true messenger will not be known, since the
>>>> accredited, peer reviewable physicists who win the prize for such a
>>>> proof will never acknowledge who or what inspired them -- (as
>>>> Einstein never would think of giving credit to HPB for his
>>>> theories.;-) See:
>>>> http://leonmaurer. info/einstein. html
>>>> Only, then, will all true theosophists recognize the new teachings
>>>> (with no need to make the retired messenger their leader) and rally
>>>> together as true "companions" to form the nucleus of the "universal
>>>> brotherhood" ... That, by their example, teaches the rest of the
>>>> world
>>>> the true meaning and practice of the Heart Doctrine of theosophy as
>>>> the basis of *true* democratic government.. . With no need of a
>>>> messiah and his hierarchical leadership, New World Order police
>>>> state
>>>> governments, personal gods, priests, or religious organizations.
>>>> Thus, anyone who claims to be the new messenger, world teacher,
>>>> messiah, returned Christ, Maitreya, etc., before (or after) that
>>>> time, would necessarily be an impostor (or false prophet). And, the
>>>> biggest joke of all is the delusional idea that the "new message"
>>>> will be in the form of a musical album, sung by the messiah
>>>> himself ;-)
>>>> So, let's stop this endless speculative nonsense, and knuckle
>>>> down to
>>>> learning and teaching pure theosophy -- so we'll all be ready when
>>>> that "new message" shows up... And, afterward, have no need for
>>>> organizations or leaders to tell us how to act (as one) in whatever
>>>> way is necessary to turn this world back into the paradise it was
>>>> meant to be.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Leon Maurer
>>>> On May 11, 2009, at 5/11/099:55 PM, Cass Silva wrote:
>>>>> Does this mean that the person was born in 1975 - which would now
>>>>> make him 35 years old or that in 1975 his mission began?
>>>>> Cass
>>>>> ____________ _________ _________ __
>>>>> From: danielhcaldwell <danielhcaldwell@>
>>>>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009 3:25:00 AM
>>>>> Subject: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>>>> Truth"?
>>>>> Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of Truth"?
>>>>> Alice Bailey claimed that "her teachings came from the same Occult
>>>>> Brotherhood that taught HP Blavatsky . . . . Bailey's guide
>>>>> professed to be the same Djual Khool that was one of HPB's
>>>>> teachers. Bailey also declared that her guru was the same Master
>>>>> Koot Hoomi that Blavatsky knew."
>>>>> Many Bailey students have quoted the following passage from
>>>>> H.P.B.'s pen in supporting the claim that Alice Bailey was the
>>>>> expected new messenger of the Masters in the 20th century:
>>>>> "In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and far
>>>>> better fitted, may be sent by the Masters of Wisdom to give final
>>>>> and irrefutable proofs that there exists a Science called Gupta-
>>>>> Vidya; and that . . . the source of all religions and
>>>>> philosophies . . . has been for many ages forgotten and lost to
>>>>> men, but is at last found." S.D., 1888, Vol I, p. xxxviii 
>>>>> (original
>>>>> edition)
>>>>> But Students should compare this 1888 statement with the following
>>>>> two passages from HPB's pen. The first extract was written in
>>>>> December 1888 and the second one dates from the middle of 1889.
>>>>> The first passage reads:
>>>>> "Let every member [of the Esoteric Section] know . . . that the
>>>>> time for such priceless acquisition is limited. The writer of the
>>>>> present is old; her life is well-nigh worn out, and she may be
>>>>> summoned 'home' any day and almost any hour. And if her place is
>>>>> even filled up, perchance by another worthier and more learned 
>>>>> than
>>>>> herself, still there remain but twelve years to the last hour of
>>>>> the term - namely, till December the 31st, 1899. Those who will 
>>>>> not
>>>>> have profited by the opportunity (given to the world in every last
>>>>> quarter of a century), those who will not have reached a certain
>>>>> point of psychic and spiritual development, or that point from
>>>>> which begins the cycle of adeptship, by that day - those will
>>>>> advance no further than the knowledge already acquired. No Master
>>>>> of Wisdom from the East will appear or send any one to Europe or
>>>>> America after that period, and the sluggards will have to renounce
>>>>> every chance
>>>>> of advancement in their present incarnation - until the year 1975.
>>>>> Such is the LAW, for we are in Kali Yuga - the Black Age - and the
>>>>> restrictions in this cycle, the first 5,000 years of which will
>>>>> expire in 1897, are great and almost insuperable. " HPB's 
>>>>> Collected
>>>>> Writings, Vol XII, pp. 491-492. Italics added.
>>>>> The second passage is as follows:
>>>>> ". . .during the last quarter of every hundred years an attempt is
>>>>> made by those 'Masters' . . . to help on the spiritual progress of
>>>>> Humanity in a marked and definite way. Towards the close of each
>>>>> century you will invariably find that an outpouring or upheaval of
>>>>> spirituality - or call it mysticism if you prefer - has taken
>>>>> place. Some one or more persons have appeared in the world as 
>>>>> their
>>>>> agents, and a greater or less amount of occult knowledge and
>>>>> teaching has been given out . . . . .If the present attempt, in 
>>>>> the
>>>>> form of our Society, succeeds better than its predecessors have
>>>>> done, then it will be in existence as an organized, living and
>>>>> healthy body when the time comes for the effort of the XXth
>>>>> century. The general condition of men's minds and hearts will have
>>>>> been improved and purified by the spread of its teachings . . . .
>>>>> but besides a large
>>>>> and accessible literature ready to men's hands, the next impulse
>>>>> will find a numerous and united body of people ready to welcome 
>>>>> the
>>>>> new torch-bearer of Truth. He will find the minds of men prepared
>>>>> for his message, a language ready for him in which to clothe the
>>>>> new truths he brings, an organization awaiting his 
>>>>> arrival . . . ."
>>>>> The Key to Theosophy, pp. 306-7. Italics added.
>>>>> The three passages taken together indicate that HPB was referring
>>>>> to an emissary of the Masters coming in 1975 or later. These
>>>>> statements by HPB would seem to rule out the messenger being Alice
>>>>> Bailey or many other claimants. For a list of such claimants, see:
>>>>> http://blavatskyarc latermessengers. htm#six
>>>>> Daniel
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