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Re: Theos-World An excellent series of videos on Alien presence

May 24, 2009 01:36 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Dear friends

My views are:

You keep asking me, and I willl answer.

Of course any physical evidence like that in can be tampered with or might have been tampered with. Or can be accused of it. Of course except what was actually seen in the live transmissions.

The core of the issue UFO's, Aliens/Devas, others worlds versus theosophy at the moment is, that various governments during recent years and months have released info about their UFO programs etc. And that science is already in a dilemma about its Aether and its Superstring theories etc. And what was it about water on the Moon, and life on Mars and life as such in the outer space? (Blavatsky talked about millions of worlds exists right here near us, in other dimensions.)

The Disclosure Project with Greer and the Fife Symingtons wing, and others will keep their pressure on various politicians on this little physical planet - with doucmentation etc. - Such a project and pressure implicates - a the moment - a rather strange almost pseudo-afilliation with the parapsychological issues related to a certain number of UFO and Alien/Deva cases. And recently a high level spokeman at the Vatican admitted that UFO's might not be contradicting the Bible.

As long as the parapsychological issue is not involved most people will remain sort of calm.
But when they find out, that it is related to it - for instance like the IGAP and Adamski-related groups would like people to think - a paradigm-shift of a more spiritual kind will be shining clearly through.

Some will say it is already here, because of the stage of information about the existence of the issue through the use so-called "real" documentation as well as the use of fiction like X-Files, X-Men, Star Trek etc. (Just look at the high-level viewers the X-files got, and the viewers of UFO videos on Youtube already has.) But so far no alien/deva and UFO is available on display for everyone to see, so the issue remains clouded.  The situation is almost the same - in a sense just in reverse - which people went through when they learned that the forrest-trolls did not exist and that fairies was just mere superstition, because the Christian Church and Science revealed it to them through Witch-hunting and similar. The Christian Church are embarassingly aware of that their religion is not motivating the Youth, so now the pope has gone live on Facebook - so to play his role as something like, what I in a humourous sense call, the "The Pied Piper of Hamelin".

But as said, so far, no alien/deva and UFO is available on display for everyone to see, so the issue remains clouded. 

All of it of course due to Karmic related issues.
We could ask ourselves: After all why are we incarnated here? Why are people incarnated to experience so much doubt about what is real and unreal? Why do people incarnate to experience the removal of ignorance in the physical if it instead is needed on the Buddhic level?

The 4th/5th dimension is already slowly becoming a reality to some people.

To some of us it is already a clear reality, and we have begun to operate in various groups and organisations together with the Masters and the Chelas.
Others are protected from the truth due to their own unwillingness to the realities.

There are people incarnated on this physical planet, which are in the range of real live-Animals in human bodies, weird psychos, primitive humans in almost all cultures, average (fearful)humans in each country, intellectuals of various kinds, specialists in their fields, spiritual bigots - and the "assumptioners", theosophists, and other kinds of creatures, as well as Chelas and Masters. And a tons of declared Channelers of Master or Selfproclaimed Avatars and Messiahs.

My inner readings and others views, which I am relying on, tells me, that a certain group of about 252 Earth and non-Earth Masters from this Solar System and a few from others are - related - to activity on and around this weird planet - with all its problems ranging from heavy pollution of the world seas and the globe as such, Climate Change on the increase, Nuclear Bombs, non-official Genetic Engineering and cloning, and "secret Spiritual" experiments, and initiates running mad into dugpaship from time to time etc. etc. Not to talk about what happens in Kama-Loka and in the other worlds.

I thought about a very short answer, but the words kept coming.
Time is ticking, doing an effort is what is required of us.

M. Sufilight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 6:16 PM
  Subject: Re: Theos-World An excellent series of videos on Alien presence

  In checking the Link I sent about "The Secret NASA Transmissions I see that the intended page is now one page back in the listing on page 20 now. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 5:09:20 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
  Subject: Re: Theos-World An excellent series of videos on Alien presence 

  Interesting, Leslie mentions" Rik Williamson" who is George Hunt Williamson alias Brother Phillip alias Micheal de Obrenovic last of the Romanov's( alledgedly ). He wrote "Secret Places of the Lion" 1958, "Other Tongues - Other Flesh" 1953, "The Saucers Speak", and "UFO's Confidential" 1958. George Hunt Williamson made an expedition to the Marcahuasi Plateau in So. America and made discovery of unique stone figures of an Egyptian, Sphinx, Hippopotamus, Crocodile and other figures, it can be Googled Online. I knewhim briefly metting him only two times before he passed on. He last was investigating the mysterious Glastonbury Zodiac living in Santa Barbara California under the aegis of the Pacific Holistic Institute. 

  Here is a link on it is a video of a Manager of two Commuity Television Channels in British Columbia who made discovery of space "Life Forms" of three types associated with Manned Space Flights and the video evdence. He details an amazing technical study he performed which revealed by forensic disection of the Video Frames a Lifeform was to be seen. 

  UFO - The Secret NASA Transmissions 

  >>> <<< 

  The Marcahuasi Plateau 

  >>> <<< 

  A Personal "Experience" on the Marcahausi told by Alan Matthew 

  >>> <<< 

  Here is George hunt Williamson's "Secret of the Andes" 

  >>> <<< 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "Anton Rozman" < > 
  Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 12:51:47 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
  Subject: Theos-World An excellent series of videos on Alien presence 

  The Pioneers of Space - Lord Leslie on George Adamski 

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