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Re: Being just and fair

May 17, 2009 04:38 PM
by Anand

Dear Anton,
I think in democracy it is important that members should discuss issues and arrive at good decisions. Discussions are one of the most important factors in democracy. In democracy, decisions are supposed to be taken after discussions. TS is a democracy and it's future depends on it's members. So it is important that members should discuss and try to find out best solutions. Questions like who should be the President or General Secretaries are also  subjects of discussions. In democracy all decisions are supposed to be taken after discussions. Internet greatly helps in effective discussions. Members and officers should take advantage of new opportunities presented by the internet. One of the major problem in TS is many officers and members don't discuss enough. There has been some progress in last few years, but it is required that more officers and members should discuss issues. 
When members discuss and take decisions, it helps in their evolution. Mr. Leadbeater rightly adviced aspirants that they should initiate good actions themselves without waiting for orders from the Masters. Discussions and democracy make people responsible, they make people think and take decisions. 
Anand Gholap

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