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Re: Anand "merely staggers about....."?????

Mar 05, 2009 11:55 PM
by nhcareyta

Dear Anand

In my posting to Daniel below I wrote, "My greatest concern is that a newby might venture onto t/talk, assume Anand is educated, and accept his assertions."

This should have read, "...assume Anand is educated in these matters..."

It was not my intention to disparage your level of education, 
as the original sentence might be perceived.


--- In, "nhcareyta" <nhcareyta@...> wrote:
> Hello Daniel
> You write, "Unfortunately for Anand's case, he doesn't even have 
> many facts at his fingertips.  He simply gives mere assertions usually unsupported with any evidence or coherent reasoning."
> Agreed, however the most disturbing aspect to this is that Anand 
> is himself completely unaware of his own contradictions and incoherence. 
> My greatest concern is that a newby might venture onto t/talk, 
> assume Anand is educated, and accept his assertions.
> Thank you for your efforts in counteracting some of his more 
> bizarre delusions.
> Kind regards
> Nigel
> --- In, "danielhcaldwell" <danielhcaldwell@> wrote:
> >
> > I would suggest that A. P. Sinnett's assessment of Richard
> > Hodgson's "method" of handling the evidence about H.P. Blavatsky and
> > the Masters ALSO APPLIES TO Anand Gholap's own "modus operandi" in
> > approaching and dealing with the same subject:
> > 
> > ". . .he merely staggers about among the facts, ignoring one [fact]
> > while he is framing a hypothesis [A], incompatible with it, to
> > explain another [fact], and then attempting to get over the first
> > fact by suggesting alternative hypothesis [B] incompatible with the
> > second [fact]. The multiplication of theories on this principle ad
> > nauseam is not legitimate argument. . . ."
> > 
> > Quoted from:
> > A.P. Sinnett, The "Occult World Phenomena" And The Society For
> > Psychical Research, 1886, pp. 32-33.)
> > 
> > Unfortunately for Anand's case, he doesn't even have many facts at
> > his fingertips.  He simply gives mere assertions usually unsupported
> > with any evidence or coherent reasoning.
> > 
> > Daniel
> >
> >

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