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Re: Theos-World Re: How can we define consciousness as an essential part of a unified field theory

Feb 28, 2009 00:45 AM
by Augoeides-222

When I click your hot links I get "Forbidden error 402 Leon Maurer Server Apache blah blah blah". ??? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leon Maurer" <> 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 3:21:18 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Theos-World Re: How can we define consciousness as an essential part of a unified field theory 

On Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:34 am ((PST)) "rybo6" os_jbug 
> On Feb 21, 2009, at 10:52 PM, Leon Maurer wrote: 
>>> Leon, it appears to be all magnetics for you. 
>> LM] Right. Once metric spacetime manifests out of the Singularity 
>> (spin momentum representing this latent *physical* Universe) -- 
>> there is nothing that isn't electrodynamic in nature -- and thus, 
>> magnetic. 
> Your comments show that it is *not* all magnetics or even 
> electrodynamics for you. 

Maybe it will all clear up is you study the descriptions and 
illustrations at All fractal fields are 
fundamentally composed of spinning (spirally vibrating) lines of zero- 
point space in linear motion, and thus, have a magnetic component -- 
that is resonant with all other fields at different frequency phase 
orders. This is the root of all harmonics and electrodynamic 
processes on our lowest order physical plane... And is the basis of 
the overall Âgravitational force on the cosmic levels and the strong 
and electro-weak forces on the quantum and classical levels. Note 
that all material forms are fundamentally based on spherical wave 
forms, and NOT on solid straight linear structures -- which only 
occur at the gross atomic and molecular crystalline levels 
> Now you introduce a *something* called Singularity (spin momentum 
> representing this latent *physical* universe)" 

The "singularity of Einstein is the beginning of this physical space- 
time. Since it is located at a single point of the underlying 
unconditioned "absolute" space (0ÂK) -- it must contain the entire 
potential mass-energy of this physical universe as nonlinear cyclic 
spin, or infinite angular momentum. (This cyclic spin is the basis 
of all subsequent electrodynamic energy fields -- whether in 
hyperspace or metric space. 

At the big bang, the initial field of physical space emanates in a 
three cycle continuous loop (See: ) 
and (due to the horizontal rotation of this triple cycle loop) it 
radiates centrifugally as a hyperspherical (toroidal) spiral vortex 
triune gravitational field. This is analogous and corresponding to 
the initial field (1st Logos) of cosmogenesis. See 2D and 3D 
diagrams at: (Note 
the 4th lowest order "physical" field) 
(This is the 3D version) 

To comprehend how all hyperspherical toroidal fields (at any level of 
frequency/energy phase order) radiate harmonically from any zero- 
point singularity -- starting with cosmogenesis, see: 
(This, incidentally, is the same as the harmonic electromagnetic 
fields surrounding the entire body, the heart, as well as every 
individual cell.) 

> You have left me confused as to what you think the word "all" 
> actually means. 

"All" means the entire hyperphysical cosmos and its lowest (frequency/ 
energy phase) order physical spacetime after its third fractal 
involution (when symmetry breaking on the physical plane causes 
precipitation of the fundamental quantum particles as spherical 
standing waves of different fundamental frequency-energies) 
>>> Spirit / spiritual = atmo-magnetics( highest frequency ) 
>>> { whatever an "atmo" may or may not be } 
>> LM] The "atmon" (my coined word) is the metaphysical analog of the 
>> electron on the 4th highest frequency phase order (spectrum) 
>> spiritual hyperspace field. ("Spirit", in Sanskrit = "atma".) 
> I'm sorry Leon, your use of word "metaphysical" and "analog" in 
> relation to a "frequency phase, spectrum, spiritual, hyperspace and 
> field". Makes no sense to me. 

Metaphysical means the hyperspace fields (spiritual mental, and 
astral) that surround all material mass-energy fields (of ponderable 
matter). Each field (at any frequency-energy phase order and their 
harmonics) are analogous to each other -- since all energy fields 
that radiate from a zero-point spinergy (or singularity) are 
structurally similar. As Einstein said, their is only one 
fundamental law of energy propagation throughout "total space." (He 
was referring only to the 4th lowest order metric physical space or 
aether, and didn't yet understand the non metric hyperphysical fields 
in the Planck vacuum as well as surrounding all the physical fields 
-- as now considered in superstring/M or QF and holographic paradigm 
>>> Mental = mento-magnetics(lesser intermediate frequency ) 
>>> { whatever "mento" may or may not be } 
>> LM] The "menton" is the analog of the electron on the 3rd higher 
>> order mental hyperspace field 
> Sorry, Leon, your rationale makes no sense to me. 

Then study the diagrams above and this one: 
Obviously, the fundamental particle-waves on each hyperspace field 
are "analogous and corresponding" to each other. See the cross 
section of a photon (spherically polarized standing wave) at: 
(Note that it is analogous to the fields of cosmogenesis, as are all 
the higher order sub quantum particles of the higher order fields -- 
that I have given different names, "astron", "menton" "atmon" so as 
to distinguish them as well as indicate their structural similarity). 

>>> Astro = astro-magnetics( lesser intermediate frequency ) 
>>> { whatever "astro" may or may not be } 
>> LM] The "astron" is the analog of the electron on the 2nd higher 
>> order astral or formative information field 
> Again, I can make no sense of what or where or how any of this stuff 
> relates to our physical universe. 

Check the diagram at: 
And note the similarity of the lower order physical spacetime field 
with the overall Cosmic fields. This is what I mean by "analogous and 
>>> Material = electromagnetics( lowest frequency ) 
>>> { electro as in electron s di-polar charge i.e. + and - } 
>> Yup, the "electron" is the fundamental negative electrically 
>> charged particle (spherical standing wave) on the lowest order 
>> physical/material plane (aether). 
> A wave is a metaphysical pattern, not a physical thing. 

A wave is the cyclic motion (at any frequency) of the aether space on 
the physical plane. Therefore, as pure energy, it is equivalent to 
mass (E-mc^2)... Thus, it is a "physical thing" in itself. That is 
why all information carried by the physical fields (as modulated wave 
interference patterns) are also "physical. Waves are also on the 
higher order hyperphysical planes -- since they also exist as 
frequency-energy vibrations of absolute space. 

Perhaps your confusion comes because you see the universe as solid 
geometries based on Fuller's structural diagrams. Maybe the 
following illustration, may help you see what Fuller actually based 
all his reasoning on. Incidentally, he and I discussed this 
hyperspherical basis of everything back in the 70's when we were 
adjunct teachers at the same technical institute (NYIT). 
Note the relationships between the octahedron and tetrahedron shapes 
as the fields expand fractally. 

>> It's opposite charged mass-energy partner is the "proton". 
> This is the first thing youve stated that actually makes any sense to 
> me and is aggreement with how I understand our physical universe. 
>> (The "photon" being the intermediate fundamental (primary) 
>> spherically polarized (Â neutral) particle generated from the 
>> aether at the symmetry breaking after initial inflation on this 
>> plane. See 
>> (At least, that's what my ABC model tells me.;-) 
> Now youve added and "aether" to you convoluted mix. 

The Ãther is the total underlying space out of which all the 
fundamental particles precipitate on the physical plane. See 
Einstein's 1920 Leyden lecture on the Ãther. 

Here is what Wikipedia says about it: 
"Although hypotheses of the Ãther vary somewhat in detail they all 
have certain characteristics in common. Essentially it is considered 
to be a physical medium occupying every point in Space, including 
within material bodies. A second essential feature is that its 
properties gives rise to the electric and magnetic and determines the 
propagation velocity of their effects. Therefore the speed of light 
and all other propagating effects are determined by the physical 
properties of the Ãther at the relevant location, analogous to the 
way that gaseous, liquid and solid media affect the propagation of 
sound waves. 

The Ãther is considered the over-all reference frame for the Universe 
and thus velocities are all absolute relative to its rest frame. 
Therefore, in this view, any physical consequences of those 
velocities are considered as having an absolute, i. e. real effects." 
> As ususal, I'm left sractching my head as to what it is what in your 
> GUTE. 
> Thanks for trying to clarify for me, once again. 

I hope I've clarified it a bit better. However, since the cosmos 
goes much deeper and further than the physical spacetime (and its 
ponderable matter--energy) that science can observe -- it can get a 
bit complex when fully manifest... Although at the roots -- it's 
unbelievably simple -- since everything is made up of nothing but 
zero-point absolute space stuff. 

This space stuff on our experiential 4th lowest order physical plane 
(Ãther) is in varying degrees of cyclic linear motion at all 
frequency-energies (particle-spherical standing waves) between zero 
and infinity -- which are each rooted in spin momentum 
"singularities" (of finite mass-energies) located everywhere. 

Therefore, unconditioned absolute space, that underlies everything, 
can be both *empty* (of form) and *full* of (infinite potential 
energy and information) simultaneously (in each zero-point-instant) 
-- located everywhere in the original "emptiness" at the primal 
beginning, as well as everywhere in configuration (hyperphysical and 
physical) spacetime on the physical/material plane. 

Thus, the entire cosmos is a hologram -- with all its structural 
information contained in every zero-point-instant -- like the 
structure of all sentient physical beings is contained in the DNA 
hologram located in every cell. Thus, the microcosm is the mirror of 
the macrocosm, and everything can be understood by analogy and 
correspondence (with allowances for indeterminacy at any level, due 
to random acts of individualized zero-point consciousness that 
interfere with each other) 

So, if you still have questions, I'll be happy to try and answer them 
as simply as I can. ;-) 

Best wishes,' 
Leon M 
> Rybo 

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