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Theos-World Re: 4th sub-race

Feb 05, 2009 05:54 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev

--- In, Cass Silva wrote:

> Yes you are right Frank - mixed up the dates - so if Poseidonis went
> down 10,000 years ago - it left 6000 years from that date for the

Both of these numbers are not correct. There is exact date in Mahatma

"In the Eocene Age even in its very first part the great cycle of the
fourth Race men, the Atlanteans, had already reached its highest
point, and the great continent, the father of nearly all the present
continents, showed the first symptoms of  sinking a process that
occupied it down to 11446 years ago, when its last  island, that,
translating its vernacular name, we may call with propriety 
Poseidonis, went down with a crash." (ML-23A, Rec. October 1882) See
also ML-23B.

So the turning point of the 4th race was very long ago. (There also
were greater cataclysms 75000 and 200000 years ago, than that of
11.500 ago).

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