Re: Theos-World Re: TS Adyar's policy or non-policy?
Jan 08, 2009 03:14 PM
by Raquel Rodríguez
Is it my imagination, did I not noticed before?, but I find you endowed with a new sense of humor this new year.
Warm Regards
--- El jue, 8/1/09, <> escribió:
De: <>
Asunto: Re: Theos-World Re: TS Adyar's policy or non-policy?
Fecha: jueves, 8 enero, 2009 6:02
On the lighter side when i read "Phaedofilia" I ran to get
Plato's "Phaedrus" to figure out why CWL loved it (Philia" )
Tongue in cheek!
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Raquel Rodríguez <>
Cass, Chistina
Yes, provably I took it wrong. I have to say I did not read the whole of the
discussion, I agree the word is been said far too much and this discussion is
getting nowhere. I think all Theosophist are acquainted with the
Leadbeater-Beasant controversy and everyone has their own right to choose
whether they want to study without being insulted for that.
Discussion about controversies and different teachings have been very important
to me in the past of this forum, as I have been able to gather as many different
point of views as possible and arrive at my own conclusions. After certain point
and over certain tone the discussion becomes nonsense and even annoying.
Warm Regards
--- El jue, 8/1/09, Cass Silva <> escribió:
De: Cass Silva <>
Asunto: Re: Theos-World Re: TS Adyar's policy or non-policy?
Fecha: jueves, 8 enero, 2009 3:14
My reading was that Zaitev was making the point that anyone can be called a
paedofile but that doesn't prove the accusation - it was a defence of
Leadbeater - innocent until proven guilty
One would imagine though that leadbeater would have expressed the same sort of
anger that Morten did - but then we cannot ask people to behave the way we
expect them too. Anyway I close with the 'not the paedofilia thing
____________ _________ _________ __
From: Raquel Rodríguez <raquel_rpj@yahoo. es>
To: theos-talk@yahoogro
Sent: Thursday, 8 January, 2009 8:44:38 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: TS Adyar's policy or non-policy?
I think, it would be more correct if you use the pronoun I instead we. Myself
personally, would not find any reason at all to apply such an adjective on
Morten. I also can not imagine what drives you to make such an insulting
assertion, but sounds totally unnecessary.
Maybe is not we that insult Morten, but You, who insults everyone.
--- El mié, 7/1/09, Konstantin Zaitzev <kay_ziatz@yahoo. com> escribió:
De: Konstantin Zaitzev <kay_ziatz@yahoo. com>
Asunto: Theos-World Re: TS Adyar's policy or non-policy?
Para: theos-talk@yahoogro
Fecha: miércoles, 7 enero, 2009 6:56
--- In theos-talk@yahoogro, "Morten Nymann Olesen"
<global-theosophy@ ...> wrote:
> C. W. Leadbeater was given the name phaedophile in may 1906.
We can give this name to you too.
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