Re: Correction: Re: Theos-World Religious cloning
Dec 20, 2008 09:36 AM
by Augoeides-222
Thanks for your posts and links .
>>> Would it be all right to destroy a clone, because the Pope deems it unclean and not from God?<<<
Well I haven't read of any Vatican executions in several centuries lol! The Morality in regard to Clones is still in the developmental stage in it's rudiments. I think a profound understanding still escapes mankind in general as most people react from the emotional body rather quickly or dogmatically re-uttering the pronouncements of their peers and religious mentor figures. One can kill a body whether clone or natural but Life is beyond reach itself.
>>>If Christian's aught to regard Clones like the Pope appearntly does, how are they regarding cloned food or just hybrid plants? As unclean? <<<
Well, if I remember right the Catholic Church yet believes that "LIFE" Begins upon "conception. And that it is then that the "soul" is come to a unity with a material formation. So it seems to me that the same thing happens to a clone they get a "soul" too! Who can prove otherwise??? Will some one propose dipping the clones in water like the crazy people did here in early America to test witches?
As far as Food being cloned the horses long ago left the barn. Only certain "Heritage Seed" Co-ops can plant the old time vegetables all else we eat is already some deviated form of clonal improvement expressly developed for modern agricultural farming to provide food in sufficiently large quantities for the worlds huge population that never stops expanding. Many people still regard this changed food as unacceptable or unclean as your usage. It is irrelevant today, there is no returning to the deep past however nostalgic one may remember.
>>> And would they be able to justify the idea, that, that various existing races somehow are clones from the past and no real humans? Should the Jews again be afraid to be discovered as being clones?<<<
It seems the mixing of the genes of the mother and father is a cloning process that began in Eden? lol. The Human Genome Project is complete and they have mapped the entire genome content of living humans today. They now have the tools to cast into final oblivion many of the cherished biases, prejudices and misunderstandings of mankind that have been perpetuated upon gross ignorance and which have caused great suffering to mankind as a whole. The time is come to grow up, Mankind stands in a Gate nebulous to time and the Challenge is before it again.
>>>the Pope has a clear officially stated goal - acrusade - towards having the Christian faith written on the EU constitution as the cultural heritage<<<
The one thing absent in your world view is the contrasting of parelells in Islam which you always omitt. Proselytizing Religions are not only Christian we don't have to look too far back to see Islam in Europe by force. Islam has had it's own "Inquisitions". And that Religion does perform executions.
People may see the world colored by ego, considerations, agreements, fixed ideas, fancy,ignorance . Most do not represent Truth. Just my personal view.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Morten Nymann Olesen" <>
To all readers and Cass
Sorry, my fingers slipped. Here is a more proper version.
My views are:
The e-mail was for your consideration. If you do not get anything new from it, that is fine for you.
Others might get something else. And that is and was one of the points with the e-mail.
It is Christmas and the "holy mass" or "masses" are being prepared. :-)
*** Some questions could be considered ***
1. Would it be allright to destroy a clone, because the Pope deems it unclean and not from God?
The difference between this view and that of Thomas Aquina is clear it seems, yet also very small when reading it carefully:
Here a passage mentioned by Blavatsky in her article on the Jesuits:
"Reply to Objection 2: All men alike, both guilty and innocent, die the death of nature: which death of nature is inflicted by the power of God on account of original sin, according to 1 Kgs. 2:6: "The Lord killeth and maketh alive." Consequently, by the command of God, death can be inflicted on any man, guilty or innocent, without any injustice whatever. In like manner adultery is intercourse with another's wife; who is allotted to him by the law emanating from God. Consequently intercourse with any woman, by the command of God, is neither adultery nor fornication. The same applies to theft, which is the taking of another's property. For whatever is taken by the command of God, to Whom all things belong, is not taken against the will of its owner, whereas it is in this that theft consists. Nor is it only in human things, that whatever is commanded by God is right; but also in natural things, whatever is done by God, is, in some way, natural, as stated in the FP, Question [105], Ar
ticle [6], ad 1."
Take for instance the following as a part of the respect the Church and the present Pope and former leader of the Inquisition shows Thomas Aquina today:
"In the Encyclical "Pascendi", prescribing remedies against Modernism, Pius X, following in this his illustrious predecessor, gives the first place to "Scholastic philosophy, especially as it was taught by Thomas Aquinas"; St. Thomas is still "The Angel of the Schools". "
New York Times 1914. The Pope back ordained the book "The Summa Theologica" by Thomas Aquina as a principal text book.
2. If Christian's aught to regard Clones like the Pope appearntly does, how are they regarding cloned food or just hybrid plants? As unclean?
3. And would they be able to justifiy the idea, that, that various existing races somehow are clones from the past and no real humans? Should the Jews again be afraid to be discovered as being clones?
These questions seems important to ask especially because of the present Popes childhood in HitlerJugend, and because he was ordained by the Nazi Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber ( ). Faulhaber was one of the most important hands behind the Reichskonkordat from 1933, which ruled all other religious faiths out in Hitlers Germany except the Christian one. It is said to be still valid today, since it has never been changed. And the Pope has a clear officially stated goal - acrusade - towards having the Christian faith written on the EU constitution as the cultural heritage, which EU citizens are doomed to build ´their lives on. I would say: Despotism at its best.
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: Cass Silva
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Religious cloning
What point are you making?
From: Morten Nymann Olesen <>
Sent: Saturday, 20 December, 2008 7:12:36 AM
Subject: Theos-World Religious cloning
Dear friends
My views are:
I posted the following e-mail here at Theos-talk, April 18th 2005.
(One day before the present Pope Ratzinger was secretly elected).
http://www.theos- archives/ 200504/tt01115. html
One link in the above E-mail was this one:
Ratzinger seems to be an anti-democrat
http://www.ctaww. org/articles/ williams_ vicepopewieldswi deinfluence. htm
His views on cloning:
"Man is capable of producing another man in the laboratory who therefore is no longer a gift from God or of nature. ... Just as he can be fabricated, he can be destroyed," Ratzinger said."
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ The_Pied_ Piper_of_ Hamelin
Merry Christmas to all the poor and poor in spirit on the Planet.
M. Sufilight
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