Mahatma KH on Evolution through a Series of Worlds
Nov 07, 2008 03:54 PM
by danielhcaldwell
Mahatma K.H. wrote to A.P. Sinnett:
The cycle of intelligent existences commences at the highest worlds
or planets -- the term "highest" meaning here the most spiritually
perfect. Evoluting from cosmic matter -- which is akasa, the primeval
not the secondary plastic medium, or Ether of Science instinctively
suspected, unproven as the rest -- man first evolutes from this
matter in its most sublimated state, appearing at the threshold of
Eternity as a perfectly Etherial -- not Spiritual Entity, say -- a
Planetary Spirit. He is but one remove from the universal and
Spiritual World Essence -- the Anima Mundi of the Greeks, or that
which humanity in its spiritual decadence has degraded into a
mythical personal God. Hence, at that stage, the Spirit -- man is at
best an active Power, an immutable, therefore an unthinking Principle
(the term "immutable" being again used here but to denote that state
for the time being, the immutability applying here but to the inner
principle which will vanish and disappear as soon as the speck of the
material in him will start on its cyclic work of Evolution and
transformation). In his subsequent descent, and in proportion of the
increase of matter he will assert more and more his activity. Now,
the congeries of the star-worlds (including our own planet) inhabited
by intelligent beings may be likened to an orb or rather an
epicycloid formed of rings like a chain -- worlds inter-linked
together, the totality representing an imaginary endless ring, or
circle. The progress of man throughout the whole -- from its starting
to its closing points meeting on the highest point of its
circumference -- is what we call the Maha Yug or Great Cycle, the
Kuklos, whose head is lost in a crown of absolute Spirit, and its
lowest point of circumference in absolute matter -- to viz. the point
of cessation of action of the active principle. If using a more
familiar term we call the Great Cycle the Macrokosm and its component
parts or the inter-linked star worlds Microkosms, the occultists'
meaning in representing each of the latter as perfect copies of the
former will become evident. The Great is the Prototype of the smaller
cycles: and as such, each star world has in its turn its own cycle of
Evolution which starts with a purer and ends with a grosser or more
material nature. As they descend, each world presents itself
naturally more and more shadowy, becoming at the "antipodes" absolute
matter. Propelled by the irresistible cyclic impulse the Planetary
Spirit has to descend before he can reascend. On his way he has to
pass through the whole ladder of Evolution, missing no rung, to halt
at every star world as he would at a station; and, besides the
unavoidable cycle of that particular and every respective star world
to perform in it his own "life-cycle" to, viz.: returning and
reincarnating as many times as he fails to complete his round of life
in it, as he dies on it before reaching the age of reason as
correctly stated in Isis.....After circling, so to say, along the arc
of the cycle, circling along and within it (the daily and yearly
rotation of the Earth is as good an illustration as any) when the
Spirit-man reaches our planet, which is one of the lowest, having
lost at every station some of the etherial and acquired an increase
of material nature, both spirit and matter have become pretty much
equilibrized in him. But then, he has the Earth's cycle to perform;
and, as in the process of involution and evolution downward, matter
is ever striving to stifle spirit, when arrived to the lowest point
of his pilgrimage, the once pure Planetary Spirit will be found
dwindled to -- what Science agrees to call a primitive or Primordial
man -- amidst a nature as primordial -- speaking geologically, for
physical nature keeps pace with the physiological as well as the
spiritual man, in her cyclic career. At that point the great Law
begins its work of selection. Matter found entirely divorced from
spirit is thrown over into the still lower worlds -- into the
sixth "GATE" or "way of rebirth" of the vegetable and mineral worlds,
and of the primitive animal forms. From thence, matter ground over in
the workshop of nature proceeds soulless back to its Mother Fount;
while the Egos purified of their dross are enabled to resume their
progress once more onward. It is here, then, that the laggard Egos
perish by the millions. It is the solemn moment of the "survival of
the fittest," the annihilation of those unfit. It is but matter (or
material man) which is compelled by its own weight to descend to the
very bottom of the "circle of necessity" to there assume animal form;
as to the winner of that race throughout the worlds -- the Spiritual
Ego, he will ascend from star to star, from one world to another,
circling onward to rebecome the once pure planetary Spirit, then
higher still, to finally reach its first starting point, and from
thence -- to merge into MYSTERY. No adept has ever penetrated beyond
the veil of primitive Kosmic matter. The highest, the most perfect
vision is limited to the universe of Form and Matter.
Quoted from:
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