Re: Anand, do you believe Leadbeater was right about Mars???
Oct 24, 2008 10:25 AM
by Anand
Blavatsky only says that life on other planets is different from life
on earth. Leadbeater's description also shows some differences. He
does not say that life on earth and Mars or Mercury is identical.
Leadbeater wrote about earlier conditions on Mars and Mercury wrote
"Mars and Mercury were still in a condition largely gaseous and
etheric, and only astral bodies were employed by the entities who
lived their lives upon these two planets. Our own planet D already
contained a good deal of solid physical matter, but in a condition of
heat so intense that there were still lakes and seas and even showers
of molten metal, so that it would have been quite impossible for
people with bodies in the slightest degree like ours to live there at
Blavatsky, in passages brought by you, does not describe anything
about how life is on Mars or Mercury. In the absence of her
description of life on Mars we can not show differences between
Blavatsky's and Leadbeater's observation, if there were any differences.
Scientists have little information about Mars. Leadbeater says that
there is only a strip of 100 miles which has inhabitants. That being
tiny part of Mars, it is quite possible that scientists have not yet
reached that area in their investigation.
Blavatsky criticizes Swedenborg saying "Swedenborg, who goes so far as
to dress the inhabitants of Mercury". Leadbeater has not written
anything about how people on Mercury dress. So you can't show
difference between opinions of Blavatsky and CWL about inhabitants on
After considering these points, I think your attack on Leadbeater is
not appropriate regarding inhabitants of Mars and Mercury.
Anand Gholap
--- In, "danielhcaldwell"
<danielhcaldwell@...> wrote:
> Anand,
> You write to me:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> I wonder how you and Pedro can say Leadbeater was wrong about Mars and
> Mercury....
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Really???
> Do you seriously believe that Leadbeater was right and correct about
> Mars???
> Readers can see how Leadbeater describes Mars by going to:
> Anand, do you believe that on Mars there are (to quote
> Leadbeater) "forests and cultivated fields, and vegetation of all
> sorts"?
> Anand, do you yourself accept Leadbeater's statement that there are
> Martians on Mars and "in physical appearance the Martians are not
> unlike ourselves, except that they are considerably smaller"?
> Do you really believe that some of these Martians "are blondes and
> brunettes, some of the people having a faintly yellowish skin and
> black hair, while the majority have yellow hair and blue or violet
> eyes - somewhat Norwegian in appearance"?
> Are you telling me that you believe that the Martians "are very fond
> of flowers, of which there is a great variety, and their towns are
> built on the general plan of the garden-city, the houses usually
> being one-storeyed only, but built round inner courtyards and
> straggling over a great deal of ground...."?
> Anand, are you telling us that this description of Mars by Leadbeater
> is true, accurate, factual, reliable and ..... REAL????
> And yet Mr. Leadbeater assures his readers that he knows that all of
> this is true. Why? Because he says:
> "The information which I have given above is based upon observation
> and inquiry during various visits to the planet...."
> I suggest you compare what Leadbeater says about Mars with what you
> can find at Wikipedia:
> Anand, what scientific evidence is there to confirm any of
> Leadbeater's clairvoyant information about Mars????
> Now turning to what you say about Madame Blavatsky.
> You write:
> -----------------------------------------------------
> I wonder how you and Pedro can say Leadbeater was wrong about Mars and
> Mercury.
> Here are the passages from Blavatsky's writing....
> To a considerable extent Blavatsky's writing supports Leadbeater's
> claims of life and habitation on Mars and Mercury. Blavatsky did not
> describe in detail the life of people on Mars and Mercury. Because of
> it, it is not possible to prove Leadbeater's in detail observation was
> wrong by comparing it with Blavatsky's writing.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> But if other Theos-Talk readers go to:
> they will see that you Anand leave out some important paragraphs from
> what HPB wrote.
> I quote those statements of HPB that you leave out:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> . . We find in the romances as in all the so-called scientific
> fictions and spiritistic revelations from moon, stars, and planets,
> merely fresh combinations or modifications of the men and things, the
> passions and forms of life with which we are familiar, when even on
> the other planets of our own system nature and life are entirely
> different from ours. Swedenborg was pre-eminent in inculcating such
> an erroneous belief....
> Many are the romances and tales, some purely fanciful, others
> bristling with scientific knowledge, which have attempted to imagine
> and describe life on other globes. But one and all, they give but
> some distorted copy of the drama of life around us. It is either,
> with Voltaire, the men of our own race under a microscope, or, with
> de Bergerac, a graceful play of fancy and satire; but we always find
> that at bottom the new world is but the one we ourselves live in. So
> strong is this tendency that even great natural, though non-initiated
> seers, when untrained, fall a victim to it; witness Swedenborg, who
> goes so far as to dress the inhabitants of Mercury, whom he meets
> with in the spirit-world, in clothes such as are worn in Europe.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Notice, Anand, what HPB writes about Swedenborg and ask yourself if
> Leadbeater does this too?????
> HPB tells us that "non-initiated seers, when untrained," fall victim
> to this "tendency". Hmmm, could we include Leadbeater and his
> clairvoyance in this category of "seers"???
> And turning to Leadbeater's statement which reads:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> At the present time this secret society [on Mars] is very widely
> spread, and at the head of it at this moment is a pupil of ONE OF OUR
> MASTERS. Even now after all these centuries its existence is not
> officially known to the authorities [on Mars]...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> But I will not comment on the relevance of this paragraph to our
> discussion until you state your own position in regards to my
> question:
> Do you seriously believe that Leadbeater was right and correct about
> Mars???
> Daniel
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