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Re: Theos-World Re: So Anand, what about Master Koot Hoomi??

Oct 18, 2008 05:01 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Poppycock, without a Master you will never come to buddhi.
That is proud (female?) new age rhetoric and Reiki blabla, psychic illusions, but not theosophy and not reality.

"Evolution goes on"?

Do you say that evolution changed the last 100 years?

Again, no one of those people who claimed to get possession of the occult teachings without a master have so far presented a proof - for example one single page of the quality of The Secret Doctrine.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: christinaleestemaker 
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 12:36 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re: So Anand, what about Master Koot Hoomi??

Frank, that is a century ago.
Possibly with buddhi insight, one don't need a master, for he or she 
is a master him -or herself.And for sure there would be any etherical 
influence from the higher levels.

I take what is in the teachings, but don't stay hanging in it.Times 
goes on , or evolution goes on.For everyone, what he or she needed.

Why we cannot influence the bad, materialistic, selfish economy in 
this world, with the knowledge we have???
Is that not a great issue for theosophy ? Better than staying outside 
this world.Or sitting on a rose cloud. In this world we have to make 
it and as we see we have not learned yet in a century.What can few 
persons do? we need the scale of 100 or maybe 1000 or more.

--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@...> 
> But HPB does not belong to the group of people who believe they can 
find the teachings wihtout a leader.
> She had her own Master.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: christinaleestemaker 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:42 PM
> Subject: Theos-World Re: So Anand, what about Master Koot Hoomi??
> Such people did not hang it on the Big Ben.For reasons you see what 
> happened to HPB.
> --- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > >By the way, who need leaders?
> > 
> > 
> > Everyone, who wants to receive the occult teachings in the right 
> way needs a 
> > teacher.
> > 
> > Those, who do not need the teachings and are satisfied with 
> themselves or 
> > with the books they can buy need no teacher.
> > As this is the mindset f.e. of the ULT, no teacher comes to them 
> and they 
> > miss him not.
> > So both sides are satisfied.
> > 
> > >Cannot we lead ourselves?
> > 
> > Hardly possible. In fact I have never met such a person or have 
> heard about 
> > it.
> > Those who proudly proclaim that they can find the teachings for 
> themselves 
> > have so far never given a proof of their claim.
> > 
> > Frank
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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