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Re: Blavatsky's factory of fake Mahatma Letters

Oct 12, 2008 09:36 AM
by Anand

--- In, "danielhcaldwell"
<danielhcaldwell@...> wrote:
> Anand Gholap believes that there is:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ...a strong possibility that many of the Mahatma Letters were not
> having thoughts of the Masters, but were carrying thoughts of
> Blavatsky PRETENDING to be thoughts of Masters.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> So if letters and messages attributed to Master Koot Hoomi
> might only contain "thoughts of Blavatsky PRETENDING to be thoughts
> of Masters", then I would suggest that this opens the door to other
> issues.
> I would assume that Anand will admit that H.P. Blavatskyy was a link,
> agent,etc. to the Masters Koot Hoomi and Morya.
> So if Anand really believes that HPB could PRETEND TO give thoughts
> and messages from the Masters when actually these thoughts and
> messages were just her own, then what about C.W. Leadbeater and Annie
> Besant????
> Could they too have been guilty of PRETENDING to relay messages or
> teachings, etc. from the Masters which were actually NOT from the
> Masters????
> As one example, take Annie Besant's words as follows:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> "And now I have to give you, by command of the King, HIS MESSAGE,
> and SOME OF THE MESSAGES of the Lord Maitreya and His great
> Brothers. . . what I am saying, as to matter of announcement, is
> definitely at the command of the King whom I serve....
> Whatever the effect, SINCE HE HAS SAID IT, it is done. . ."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> caps added.
> Could Mrs. Besant have been PRETENDING to give messages from the
> Masters which were NOT from any Master????
> And the same for Mr. Leadbeater?
> Remember Mme. Blavatsky was the teacher of both Mrs. Besant and Mr.
> Leadbeater and it was THROUGH Madame Blavatsky that Mrs. Besant and
> Mr. Leadbeater learned of the Masters.
> If as Anand apparently believes Mme. Blavatsky could do such
> PRETENDING, then what about her students Mrs. Besant and Mr.
> Leadbeater???
> The above material is offered as food for thought. And I hope that
> Anand will take the time and effort to address these issues which
> should not be passed over in silence or summarily dismissed with a
> few words.

Actually, Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater very rarely mentioned
Mahatma Letters. They never gave too much emphasis on Mahatma Letters.
One reason for it could be that AB and CWL knew some or all Mahatma
letters were fake.
 Here are some possibilities
1) All Mahatma Letters were fake. 
2)Some Mahatma Letters were fake.
3) Blavatsky's distorted Masters' thoughts and her own thoughts
entered into letters partially or fully. 
4) Possibility 3 happened in case of some or all Mahatma Letters.

Anand Gholap

Anand Gholap

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