Re: Theos-World Letter to the International President of the TS
Oct 09, 2008 12:29 PM
by Anton Rozman
Let's be honest. Let' see the facts.
We have two opposing forces in the Theosophical Society Adyar. One is
gathered around the President and her administration at the
Headquarters in Adyar, the other around some GS of National Sections.
First one is trying to keep things as they are; the second want some
changes. It is assumed that first one "dominate the Society
by `constitutional' means", the second that it
performs "dictatorship".
It is a fact that actual President was the first one who violated the
TS Rules and Regulations in the past election process. It is a fact
that the Executive Committee isn't composed and doesn't act according
to the TS Rules and Regulations as a body of the General Council but
as an extended arm of the President and her administration. It is a
fact that the President and the Executive Committee completely ignore
complaints of some members of the General Council. It is a fact that
we didn't hear one word from the President in regard to the present
critical situation in the Theosophical Society. So, do we have the
President at all? Who is actually running the Theosophical Society?
What service does the Headquarters actually offer to the National
Sections? What the Headquarters actually do to promote Theosophy in
the world?
On the other hand is a fact that in past elections general violation
of the TS Rules and Regulations and an unethical behavior followed
the action of the President. It is a fact that after losing the
elections some GS of the National Sections or members of the General
Council has secretly proposed the amendments to the TS Rules and
Regulations to get more influence on the policy of the Society and
the election of the President. It is a fact that there is in general
lack of transparency and communication between the leaders and
members in the National Sections. It is also a fact that there is
serious decline of membership too.
Now, what? We have diagnosed the disease, so let's begin the therapy!
Polarization is a method to keep society divided, immersed in
internal struggles, so that interests of those who are pulling the
strings can be realized. Therefore the question is: in whose interest
is to keep the international Theosophical Society and some of its
National Societies to great extend sterile, unable to really perform
their mission? Maybe the answer to this question is not an easy one,
but it is quite easy to understand that every thought, emotion and
deed from the part of the Society's members which tends to enforce
this polarization contributes to keep the Society crippled.
There is no reason and it is unreasonable to continue this game.
Every Member, every Lodge, every National Society, every Federation,
is autonomous and free to act and interact with others in the best
interests of the Society. There is no reason and it is unreasonable
not to attempt to apply transparency and collaboration on the level
of Individual Members, Lodges, National Societies, and Federations if
we are not able yet, for now, to apply it on international level.
There is no reason and it is unreasonable not to try to attain
collaboration on the level of Individual Members, Lodges, National
Societies, and Federations and launch different projects and realize
different ideas which were already put on the table.
Best regards,
--- In, "Morten Nymann Olesen" <global-
theosophy@...> wrote:
> Pedro wrote:
> "You have shown us that the essence of Theosophy is
> indeed human regeneration and, in doing so, you have helped to keep
> alive within us, members, the message of the Founders."
> I guess, when we call the founders H. P. Blavatsky and H. S.
Olcott, I will have to express my honest doubt about the truth in
that statement. Any comments anyone?
> M. Sufilight
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Pedro Oliveira
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 5:51 AM
> Subject: Theos-World Letter to the International President of the
> Dear Radhaji,
> As the TS goes through another of its periodical crises, the
> being perhaps one of the most serious in the last one hundred
> my thoughts are very much with you at this moment.
> I am sure I am joined in my concern for both your well-being and
> well-being of The Theosophical Society by members in many
> One joins the TS in order to serve its purpose and ideals, and
> is a privilege of many lifetimes, as the Society exists to help
> Powers of Goodness and Wisdom in their work of regenerating the
> consciousness.
> Those who, in the recent Presidential election in the TS, used
> health as an instrument of political manipulation and power, are
> attempting to curtail your constitutional prerogatives as the
> elected President of the TS, among other things. They are also
> attempting to disenfranchise the entire membership of the Society
> from their fundamental right to elect the International President.
> We have seen such forces acting at different times in the history
> the Society. They are the instruments of division, strife and
> separateness. However, every time such forces have raised their
> heads, and attempted to deviate the Society from its sacred
> they have been prevented from doing so by the collective will of
> majority of the members. The present attempt is perhaps more
> because it includes manipulation and politicking from within the
> General Council. Those who are doing so, as you know, have not
> consulted you at any time regarding their intended actions.
> Your life and your work speak for themselves. When members world-
> successively elected you as President of the Theosophical
> they expressed their choice. Your mandate therefore has been
given to
> you by the members of the TS. Your contribution to the Society is
> such that it has maintained the TS as a strong spiritual body
> internationally. You have shown us that the essence of Theosophy
> indeed human regeneration and, in doing so, you have helped to
> alive within us, members, the message of the Founders.
> With strong support for your work, for Adyar and with warm and
> fraternal good wishes,
> Pedro Oliveira
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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