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Sep 29, 2008 01:30 AM
by t_s_theosophist
Editorial Opinion JOHN ALGEO REPLIES AND WE RESPOND We have read and studied John Algeos recent internet reply, his apologia about the proposed rule changes. We agree with him on one point, that we should attempt to dis-agree without being disagreeable. Honorable and Honest persons can dialogue in a respectful manner and this should be always encouraged. Nothing worthwhile is accomplished by emotionalism. The main point of his reply totally skirts the issue.....No One in his right mind can be against change, it is the order of nature. We don't have to quote the Buddha or any other religious figure to know that. The idea of change is a part of our Theosophical Teachings. What people are enraged about is the Secretive and Devious nature by which a few are seeking to bring about change for ther own ambtious agendas. WHY wasn't there any Transparancy and openness about proposed changes. WHY Not trust the general membership to decide about important changes such as depriving them of their voting rights? NO, John something is not "On The Level" with your response. It IS natural that over the years certain rules need to be changed and updated to suit the times, NO ONE is against that. Again we must state...It is the secrective and devious manner employed by the present proposers that cause Just suspicion among the general membership....WHY was there No Transparancy? How would you explain to an objecive observer the curious pattern of behavior by a certain group of people who during the last Presidential election intentionally withheld important information vital to an informed vote about Radhas health from their membership? And now these Very Same people are claiming that it is "Better that They Make The Important Decisions" because the general membership is not informed enough about the issues and candidates ??? Please don't stretch our credulity! It is the duty of General Secretaries to make sure that their membership is fully informed about these issues.....If we are not, THEY are Not doing their job correctly. In democracies which you refer to, there is transparancy and revelation of important information necessary for the voter to make an informed choice. And there is immediate communication of results. Has it ever occured to you that maybe the Indian Section is so large because maybe they "Have Been Doing Something Right" which if we all would emulate would give us similar results. It is unfair to cry and complain about the Indian Section....IF WE were doing the things we need to be doing ...our membership would increase also, WHY such competitive jealousy about the Indian Section. This competitive ambition is very UN-Theosophical. ------------------------------ This is a good comment posted on one of the websites: Interesting Comment Posted on Katinka Hesselink website..... Konstantin is right on the money. Sections outside India need to work to increase the membership instead of whining and trying take away our voting rights. While membership in India grew, in rest of the world it took a nose dive. Sections are autonomous and hence the leaders in these countries are responsible for this sorry state and not International leadership, rules or management techniques or technology. In the USA, during the last decades, the membership dropped by 50% according to some. One of the leaders during this downturn in USA was Algeo. The current situation in the USA is equally sorry with very poor member retention. No one is talking about this issue. Leaders need to step back and look at the immediate more serious problem before possibly destroying the society. Posted September 28, 2008 http://www.squidoo.com/theosophical-organisation-08 -------------------------- No John, It is NOT the Indian Section, It IS ourselves who are the missing the mark. WHY such an upsurge of such competitive ambition....and jealousy?? This is VERY uncharacteristic of the whole Ethos of Theosophy. IF we concentrated more on Doing THE WORK with INTEGRITY & An ALTRUISTIC SPIRIT there is NO POWER ON Earth or in any other dimension that could keep us from growing. In the West in certain countries there has been too much emphasis on competitive egotism and craving for immediate resuts....This of course is the best way to short circuit Spirtual energies. We need to weed out the predatory polititions from our ranks, those who would deceive us, and those wh have violated our trust....and Refocus ourselves on INTEGRITY, BROTHERLY AFFECTION AND CO-OPERATION....Studying and Teaching Theosophy.....NOT worring about results....AND The Masters of Wisdom can't but powerfully help us in Their work. THE END NEVER JUSTIFIES THE MEANS John your response is appreciated even though it does not address the primary concern of outraged members but just rhetorically fills in blank space as does a Senate filabuster. It is good to finally hear from you. By the way WHY did it take you soooo long to respond. You knew about these secretive plans way back before the Presidential election, didn't you? A more immediate response at that time would give your rhetoric more of a semblance of credibility. Lets refocus on the main issues which have members outraged and lets be perfectly Clear.. 1. No One is Against Change when it is legitimate and necessary. 2. No One Wants To Be Deprived of Their Freedom & Rght To Vote. 3. There needs to be transparancy and openness...( Their should be NOTHING to hide.) 4. The Members want Leaders who can be TRUSTED. They don't want to be tricked and decieved. 5. Any Theosophical Leader must have a genuine Respect for the intelligence of the membership. 6. The Society and Its Important Work MUST always take first priority and Not egotistic agendas. John, I'm afraid that your response does not answer or address the Real issue of our outrage, the pattern, that has already been established of deception and secretive political machination.....But we are Always Open to further Dialogue, will we hear from you again? Fraternal Best; William Delahunt Orlando, Florida Member of the T.S. Since 1969 Theosophist@webtv.net http://www.tso-orlando.org ============================ Stay Informed On This Critical Issue: FURTHER INFORMATION: Apologia http://www.theosophicalsociety.gr/English_Site/BY_LAWS/apologia.html ----------------- After the TS President Elections 2008 http://www.teozofija.info/Teozofsko_gibanje/After_Elections_2008.htm ---------------- TEXT OF PROPOSED CHANGES (Click link) http://www.katinkahesselink.net/other/Theosophical-soc-reg-08.html ----------------- SPECIAL BLOG & POLL OF REPONSES CLICK HERE TO EXPRESS YOUR OPINION AND READ WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID. (click link) http://www.squidoo.com/theosophical-organisation-08 --------- PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS NOTE TO OTHER THEOSOPHISTS YOU KNOW OF. AND SHARE WITH YOUR LODGES & GROUPS. =================== =================== ===================