Re: Theos-World Re: Daniel, why don't you warn readers about Blavatsky's mist...
Sep 24, 2008 11:12 PM
by Drpsionic
Yes, exactly, no time, no space, nothingness. And then, from 13 billion
years in the future there is this big banging noise and a bunch of physicists
going, "Hmm, we never quite expected that to happen."
But think of all the fun we will have when our Christian brethren try the
old, "Who created the Big Bang?" line on us and we can say, "We did!"
To quote our southern friends, Yeeehaaa!!
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 9/24/2008 8:12:16 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Yeah your right, weak and strong forces arising from a sea of nothingness.
----- Original Message ----
From: "_Drpsionic@aol.Drp_ ( " <_Drpsionic@aol.Drp_
( >
To: _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_ (
Sent: Wednesday, 24 September, 2008 1:57:45 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Daniel, why don't you warn readers about
Blavatsky's mist...
I think the physicists have a somewhat different explanation.
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 9/23/2008 8:38:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
silva_cass@yahoo. com writes:
Uncertainty? Only because the higher spiritual energies rely on the lower
elemental energies to convert to matter - and these little tackers can
sometimes get it wrong.
----- Original Message ----
From: "_Drpsionic@From: "_Drpsionic@<WBR>aFrom:
To: _theos-talk@ yahoogrotheos- t_ (mailto:theos-To: _theos-talk@ yahoog
Sent: Wednesday, 24 September, 2008 1:29:35 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Daniel, why don't you warn readers about
Blavatsky's mist...
If Theosophy is anything, it is ambiguous. The cosmos is built upon
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 9/23/2008 7:36:04 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
silva_cass@yahoo. com writes:
Theosophy is a philosophy not a religion and as a philosophy it must be
coherent and without ambiguity. Leadbeater brought ambiguity into theosophy
preaching opposing dogma to what was stated by the originators. Dugpas are
Masters of Uncertainty!
----- Original Message ----
From: Martin <_Mvandertak@ yahoo.Mva_ (mailto:Mvandertak@ _Mvandertak@ >
To: _theos-talk@ yahoogrotheos- t_ (mailto:theos- To: _theos-talk@ yahoog
Sent: Tuesday, 23 September, 2008 8:40:10 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Daniel, why don't you warn readers about
Blavatsky's mistakes ?
Aren't we all believing in lies and half Truths?
Theosophy is wisdom of the gods it is said; if we want to believe in the
Truth we need to go for Ethymo-sophia or the wisdom of the Real or reality
not some poxy stuff about gods, philosophers and scientists. Reality is now
and not in the past nor the future; we can use the now springboarding into
If there was so much truth in theosophy, why are people still discussing it
instead of launching new ideas coming from the same source and developing
f.i. anthroposophy and alike science...
--- On Tue, 9/23/08, Cass Silva <silva_cass@ silva_cass> wrote:
From: Cass Silva <silva_cass@ silva_cass>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Daniel, why don't you warn readers about
Blavatsky's mistakes ?
To: theos-talk@yahoogro
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 2:23 AM
Anand will never admit that Leadbeater got it wrong because he would then
have to admit that he (Anand) has spent 40 years in believing in lies.
----- Original Message ----
From: Anand <AnandGholap@>
To: theos-talk@yahoogro
Sent: Monday, 22 September, 2008 7:05:53 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Daniel, why don't you warn readers about
Blavatsky's mistakes ?
Subject of Theosophy, as understood by world and students of
Theosophy, is complex. When I read messages of students of Blavatsky
and messages of students of CWL, I find that what they understand
Theosophy and it's main concepts is very different. That means
Theosophical understanding of students of Blavatsky is different from
understanding of students of Leadbeater. Differences are big and on
important topics. It is possible that HPB and CWL had same meaning in
mind but expressed that in different words. But their impact is
certainly different on people. If somebody is referring Theosophy, I
might ask "are you talking about Theosophy of Blavatsky or are you
talking about Theosophy of Besant-Leadbeater ?"
Similarly reactions of westerners and Christians to Theosophy depend
on what they consider as Theosophy. When they consider Blavatsky's
writing as Theosophy, they ridicule, hate Theosophy. Such hatred is
not expressed by those Christians who consider CWL's writing as Theosophy.
I have come to a point where it is necessary to make clear distinction
between Theosophy of Leadbeater-Besant and Theosophy of Blavatsky. As
these two are different and have different effects on people, I feel
that such distinction is very necessary. It is because we often come
in contact with students of Blavatsky not agreeing with students of
Leadbeater and CWL-students ignoring Blavatsky's writing.
I am also feeling a need of writing article making it clear which
Theosophy I support and which Theosophy I reject. I agreed with CWL,
but I did not agree with Krishnamurti. I felt Krishnamurti' s teaching
would do damage to humanity. So I rejected openly K's teaching, just
as Catholic church openly rejects abortion and gay marriage.
I feel that I should now write article on which Theosophical ideas I
support and which Theosophical ideas I reject.
Anand Gholap
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