Re: Theos-World Re: TS - Elvira Carbonell & her letter to GC
May 25, 2008 04:47 PM
by MarieMAJ41
Perhaps not, but it may have been an inadvertent alluding to another [alleged] event in her life, during childbirth, when she [allegedly] experienced a near death experience. This [alleged] experience propelled her onto the stage she finds herself on today. Perhaps, not such a mistake after all.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 25 May 2008 6:39 pm
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: TS - Elvira Carbonell & her letter to GC
When I first received the snail mailed letter from Betty Bland, from the
diction, vocabulary and style, it was clear that someone with excellent
command of English language must have drafted and/or edited it, because it
was too good to be written by her. In closing lines of the letter quoted by
Pedro states:
"I am sending this to every Gen Sec. You may see lightening striking me!
Feel free to share it with others. BB"
When I looked at the word "lightening" in the dictionary, its definition is:
"the descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity, occurring toward the end
of pregnancy, changing the contour of the abdomen and facilitating breathing
by lessening pressure under the diaphragm."
I am sure this is not what she meant!!!
On 5/25/08, prmoliveira <> wrote:
> --- In <>, mkr777@...
> wrote:
> > Does any one know about the current whereabouts of Elvira
> Carbonell?
> I have been told by a non-Indian friend and long time resident at
> Adyar, who is not a member of any Committee, that Elvira Carbonell
> took up residence in Pondicherry after she left Adyar. According to
> the same friend, Elvira also told some Adyar residents that she had
> decided to stay in India and not to go back to the US because she was
> convinced John Algeo would win the election.
> More recently an Indian member, from Bombay, wrote to me and said
> that he had received an envelope from Pondicherry, but without the
> sender's address on it. When he opened it, he discovered that it
> contained a copy of Betty Bland's letter of 19 March 2008 on one side
> of the paper, and on the other Radha Burnier's letter of 12 March
> 2008. I have since been informed that this letter has been received
> by a number of TS members in different parts of India. The envelopes
> did not carry the sender's address on them, but had been posted in
> Pondicherry.
> As far as I know, there is no TS Lodge in Pondicherry. The identity
> of the sender of such letters remains unknown. However, whoever sent
> these letters had access to addresses of a number of TS members in
> India.
> I received a copy of Betty Bland's email message referred to above,
> which contained the text of Radha Burnier's letter to the General
> Council members (which was sent by air mail), on 21 March 2008 from a
> friend in New Zealand. I reproduce below the opening information in
> Betty's email:
> "----- Original Message -----
> From: Betty Bland
> To: Betty Bland
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 1:52 PM
> Subject: International elections
> I am sending this to every Gen Sec. You may see lightening striking
> me!
> Feel free to share it with others. BB"
> Pedro
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