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Re: Theos-World Re: TS - Elvira Carbonell & her letter to GC

May 25, 2008 02:40 PM
by mkr777

Thanks, Pedro.

It gets very interesting day by day.

My intent when I posted the message was someone can personally contact and
find out the real story behind Carbonell's e-mail to GC members.

Circumstantially, obviously the person who mailed the letters from
Pondicherry who had access to the members addresses and used it to mail the
letters to members in India.

I have a sense that this election could be one of the most critical to TS &
Theosophy and none of the members see it coming.

Let us see what next?


PS: When high level or low level individuals who handle important and
sensitive information are found to have violated confidence or misused their
position of trust, they are terminated instantly and escorted out of the
office and would not even be allowed to retrieve personal effects and office
locks changed so that they cannot do further mischief or damage. It may look
very odd, but businesses which have been burnt in the past have learnt
a lesson at a high cost.

On 5/25/08, prmoliveira <> wrote:
> --- In <>, mkr777@...
> wrote:
> > Does any one know about the current whereabouts of Elvira
> Carbonell?
> I have been told by a non-Indian friend and long time resident at
> Adyar, who is not a member of any Committee, that Elvira Carbonell
> took up residence in Pondicherry after she left Adyar. According to
> the same friend, Elvira also told some Adyar residents that she had
> decided to stay in India and not to go back to the US because she was
> convinced John Algeo would win the election.
> More recently an Indian member, from Bombay, wrote to me and said
> that he had received an envelope from Pondicherry, but without the
> sender's address on it. When he opened it, he discovered that it
> contained a copy of Betty Bland's letter of 19 March 2008 on one side
> of the paper, and on the other Radha Burnier's letter of 12 March
> 2008. I have since been informed that this letter has been received
> by a number of TS members in different parts of India. The envelopes
> did not carry the sender's address on them, but had been posted in
> Pondicherry.
> As far as I know, there is no TS Lodge in Pondicherry. The identity
> of the sender of such letters remains unknown. However, whoever sent
> these letters had access to addresses of a number of TS members in
> India.
> I received a copy of Betty Bland's email message referred to above,
> which contained the text of Radha Burnier's letter to the General
> Council members (which was sent by air mail), on 21 March 2008 from a
> friend in New Zealand. I reproduce below the opening information in
> Betty's email:
> "----- Original Message -----
> From: Betty Bland
> To: Betty Bland
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 1:52 PM
> Subject: International elections
> I am sending this to every Gen Sec. You may see lightening striking
> me!
> Feel free to share it with others. BB"
> Pedro
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