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Re: Theos-World Check out "Larisa Alexandrovna: All the President's Nazis (Real and Imagined): An Open Letter to Bush

May 18, 2008 05:11 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Gosh, another example, how strange family karma works.
The father a fine man with lofty ideals and pure ethics -- and such a son!!!

What Jews forget to mention is that they played a leading role in Hitler's Reich:

1. Main sponsor of Hitler was Warburg.
2. The President of the national Reichsbank, in fact a private jewish bank founded by 15 jewish bankers, was Hijlmar Schacht up to 1939.
He was also a high degree mason and visited frequently the City of London until 1939.
This means in fact, that the City of London controlled the finances of Germany up to Spring of 1939, when Hitler replaced Schacht by the German banker Funk.
That the Reichsbank was now under German control, was symbolized by the change of the Eagle logo as well by the new name "Deutsche Reichsbank".
3. Adolf Eichmann, the organizer of the concentration camp system, was a Jew (look his face).
4. His superior, Reinhard Heydrich, was a Jew (look his face). His mother was a born Suess ("sweet").
5. The only person in the Reich who was allowed to say "Du" to Hitler and use his first name, was his jewish driver Maurice.
6. Hitler's girl friend Eva Braun was a Jew (look her and all her sisters faces). Braun ("Brown") is a typical jewish name (as most with colors, animal names, German forenames as last names etc.)
7. In 1933 the World Jewish Congress made the Haavara (emigration) treaty with Hitler, forcing from him education of the 500,000 Jews for new jobs needed in Palestine (farmer, carpenter etc.).
8. The armed camp guards were jewish, among them Simon Wiesenthal.
9. Hitler  upgraded 150,000 jewish soldiers to officiers, see:
Bryan Mark Rigg: Hitler's Jewish Soldiers:
10. The Jewish World Congress offered Hitler up to Oktober 1944 to change the front and fight for the Reich against Russia, GB and USA!
11. Upon the Haavara treaty SS steamers shipped thousands of Jews to Palestine.
British parachutists prevented the ships from landing. The ships tried to land in USA, England, France, Spain etc.
No country allowed the landing of the Jews.

So while Bush's family was pro Nazi, they were Jews.
But not that you say that Nazis automatically were Jews.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Leon Maurer 
To: undisclosed-recipients: 
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 6:30 AM
Subject: Theos-World Check out "Larisa Alexandrovna: All the President's Nazis (Real and Imagined): An Open Letter to Bush

Click Here: Check out "Larisa Alexandrovna: All the President's Nazis 
(Real and Imagined): An Open Letter to Bush" 

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