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Theos-World Re: Failure of Krishnamurti on the path of occultism

May 05, 2008 10:02 AM
by christinaleestemaker

Lama Buddhism is also a dugpa religion.
Dalai Lama has his dugpa's and red cap rituals too.
So what do you think people need????????????????
Christian,Roman Catholic and satanic rituals????
No, I think not.
That is why TS try to teach eye openers to the people.
And as I wrote before Krisnaji and also Rudolph Steiner have had 
there own way for teaching us; an importable way of living.
Not that only Krishnaji or Steiner have truth, but all together sure 
they have.
And it is up to US what we need!!!!!!!!

Or is there one want to be the holy Spirit by himself???>
That will be a lot of responsability.
Better you than me,

--- In, "Anand" <AnandGholap@...> wrote:
> Many followers of Krishnamurti tried to tell me that Krishnamurti's
> teaching is same as Buddhism. They told me that Guru or Spiritual
> Master does not exist in Buddhism and it is inner Guru, which is the
> only Guru, no other Guru is required. Unfortunately these followers 
> Krishnamurti are grossly wrong about their idea of Buddhism.
> Below I am giving the information about concept Guru as understood 
> Buddhism. It is taken from wikipedia and it confirms what I was told
> by a lama who is international speaker on Buddhism.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Source: Wikipedia
> Guru in Buddhism
> In the Theravada Buddhist tradition, the teacher is a valued and
> honoured mentor worthy of great respect, and is a source of
> inspiration on the path to Enlightenment.
> Blessed by the guru, whom the disciple regards as a Bodhisattva, or
> the embodiment of Buddha, the disciple can continue on the way to
> experiencing the true nature of reality. The disciple shows great
> appreciation and devotion for the guru, whose blessing is the last 
> the four foundations of Vajrayana Buddhism.
> In the Tibetan tradition, the guru is seen as the Buddha, the very
> root of spiritual realization and the basis of the path. Without the
> teacher, it is asserted, there can be no experience or insight. In
> Tibetan texts, great emphasis is placed upon praising the virtues of
> the guru.
> The Dalai Lama, speaking of the importance of the guru, said: "Rely 
> the teachings to evaluate a guru: Do not have blind faith, but also 
> blind criticism." He also observed that the term 'living Buddha' is 
> translation of the Chinese words huo fuo. In Tibetan, he said, the
> operative word is lama which means 'guru'. A guru is someone who is
> not necessarily a Buddha, but is heavy with knowledge. The term 
> is also used, meaning 'master'.
> Tantric teachings include visualizing the guru and making offerings
> praising the guru. The guru is known as the vajra (literally
> "diamond") guru. Initiations or ritual empowerments are necessary
> before the student is permitted to practise a particular tantra. The
> guru does not perform initiation as an individual, but as the 
> own Buddha-nature reflected in the personality of the guru. The
> disciple is asked to make vows and commitments which preserve the
> spiritual link to the guru, and is told that to break this link is a
> serious downfall."
> -----------------------------------------------
> Wikipedia topic ends here.
> ---------------------------------
> Anand Gholap : This idea of Guru is very similar to idea of Guru in
> Hinduism. And after studying attitude of Christian devotees towards
> Jesus, I think that they give Jesus similar position which Buddhists
> or Hindus give to Guru.
> And one can see that Krishnamurti's condemnation of Guru concept 
> not fit at all in Buddhist or any other major religious tradition.
> Anand Gholap

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