Re: Theos-World LCC's place in Christian Movement
Feb 18, 2008 04:59 AM
by plcoles1
Hi Morton,
All I can say is that the LCC offers something within the Christian
tradition that is positive in that it promotes freedom of belief and
it genuinely embraces other traditions as valid pathways and does not
claim Christianity as being the only valid pathway; this is in itself
to my mind something worthwhile.
I don't think it is fair to pigeonhole all the people within the LCC
as "a group of well meaning persons, who lives in a narrowminded
christianized thought-pattern".
My experience has not been that, your experience must be different to
mine, individually in some cases in my experience it may be true but
I would disagree that this is generally true.
Many people including myself resonate with Christian symbolism just
as some resonate with the Buddhist etc, I don't think this is in
anyway showing an antipathy for other cultures in fact my experience
has been that most LCC people are equally comfortable with and
interested in most religious traditions.
--- In, "Morten Nymann Olesen" <global-
theosophy@...> wrote:
> To all readers
> My views are:
> Dear Perry, I do consider you below words as very interesting.
> I do however as a theosophical seeker ask myself if what is and was
being taught at LCC was Gupta-Vidya and not a mere dualistic doctrine
about a male "holy ghost" so to speak.
> We know, that Gnosis is the same as Gupta-Vidya and Atma-Vidya
according to theosophical terminology.
> So when I lean over and so to speak use my x-ray lenses on the LCC
and its activities, the only thing I see is a group of wellmeaning
persons, who lives in a narrowminded christianized thought-pattern
and not in the Gnosis world of multicultural wisdom and activity. It
is then I conclude, that the world of Gupta-Vidya, the real Gnosis,
is theosophy and not the fake narrowminded one the LCC undertakes and
supports. And I say this in all friendliness.
> Yes, The LCC is a path. But it is not a multicultural one. I guess
it is a path given to those who dislike anything multicultural but a
Christian outlook upon the world. You may prove be wrong if you are
able to do so.
> And a non-multicultural outlook upon the world we all know the sad
consequences of.
> The fact is that LCC have never clearly demonstrated the huge
difference there is between its own doctrines, whether it is the
theosophical doctrines, and the doctrines of the Jesuits (or "False
Christians" is perhaps a more precise use of words). When LCC will do
that I might consider them a solid alternative. When not, they are no
alternative at all in my anti-Jesuit worldview.
> H. P. Blavatsky wrote the following article, which the LCC camp as
far as I know not often contemplates:
> - - - - - - -
> I came to think about, whether the altar bread used are ecological
like it was at C. W. Leadbeater's time.
> I bet it today is bread based on a pesticid and hormon-regulated
crop, but I might be wrong. Here could at least be done an effort, if
the Jesuit issue is too tough to swallow. :-)
> I do hope I have not shaken your worldview too much?
> M. Sufilight
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: plcoles1
> To:
> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 4:03 AM
> Subject: Theos-World LCC's place in Christian Movement
> Hello All,
> I just thought I'd like to add a few comments that perhaps try
> look at the Liberal Catholic Church as a part of the Christian
> movement rather than the theosophical movement.
> I have come to rethink over this issue and perhaps the below
> are worth considering.
> Christianity is a vastly diverse tradition.
> In my opinion the LCC fills a much needed niece today and
> more so when the LCC came into being, as with all groups they
> their own problems and internal issues that need to be worked
> through over time; it does however also offer people who feel a
> leaning towards mystical Christianity a place to explore it, in a
> on large non dogmatic fashion.
> While following a fairly set ritual practice it does not demand
> anybody to believe anything and permits any body to partake of
> Communion at its altars.
> It teaches Christianity as one path but not the only one, it
> certainly does not teach that a person who is not a Christian
> not find "Salvation" but rather teaches that the Sacraments are
> tools that can help rather than being essentials and that there
> many roads up the mountainside.
> CWL and Wedgwood took out all reference to hell fire and
> in the liturgy.
> If we get too focused in picking things to pieces sometimes we
> miss the positive aspects that there may be to find in something.
> The LCC is one of the few mystical churches in the world today
> surely this has a place and if people find this kind of mystical
> practice helpful who are we to sit in judgement, every person is
> their own spiritual journey and each person who participates in
> kind of ritual / spiritual practice has their own motives and way
> processing.
> Regards
> Perry
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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