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Re: Theos-World Theosophical Traditions & New Students of Theosophy

Feb 10, 2008 01:31 PM
by Martin

Well check this vid out :-)

--- Cass Silva <> wrote:

> At this stage Morten, I will give him the benefit of
> the doubt, as I have never read anything from him or
> about him that states he believed he was an Avatar. 
> Yes, he was schooled by Besant and Leadbeater to be
> the next messiah, but I believe he saw the hypocricy
> in this and his advaitism that he walked away.
>   His last video shows that he died angry and that
> he felt his life's mission had failed.
>   Cass
> Morten Nymann Olesen <>
> wrote:
>           To all readers
> My views are justmy views:
> Aaaaargh Cass.
> I thought you read my recent thread and emails at
> Theos-l forum about Krishnamurti?
> Krishnamurti called himself an Avatar in his
> writings and allowed officially to announced being
> such a creature, no doubt there. Although he
> officially rejected the thought of being a saviour
> who needed followers and fanatics when alive and
> when dead, - he very well knew what the endresult
> would be if he did not deny being a Messiah. When he
> in his young age allowed Annie Besant to announce
> him as the Maitreya for four years before he
> dissolved The Order of The Star in the East, - he
> INDEED created what he needed. 
> His Adwaita Vedanta teachings was not and is not
> anything new, and are and was not the best teachings
> available. Sure Advaita is not for everyone. Yet
> each an everyone will one day learn its esoteric
> teachings in one form or another.
> M. Sufilight
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Cass Silva 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 3:20 AM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Theosophical Traditions &
> New Students of Theosophy
> If you have read Krishnamurti, Morten, you will see
> that he did not see himself as a saviour, rather the
> opposite. As HPB brought the ancient teachings to
> the 20th century, Krishnamurti brought Advaita
> philosophy to the 21st century. Advaita is not for
> everyone, I have heard that it is a quicker route
> but fraught with pitfalls.
> Cass
> Morten Nymann Olesen <>
> wrote:
> Allow me to repeat a short exerpt from the below
> with words by HPB:
> "The Secret 
> Doctrine, original edition, Vol. I, p. viii. Italics
> added. 
> "... A new and rapidly growing
> threatening...the spread 
> of the pure Esoteric Philosophy and knowledge....I
> allude to those 
> charlatanesque imitations of Occultism and
> Theosophy....By pandering 
> to the prejudices of people, and especially by
> adopting the false 
> ideas of a personal God and a personal, carnalized
> Saviour, as the 
> groundwork of their teaching, the leaders of this
> 'swindle' (for such 
> it is) are endeavoring to draw men to them and in
> particular to turn 
> Theosophists from the true path." E.S. Instruction
> No. I., 1890 
> edition, p. 2. Italics added."
> Eureka! Let the fanatics, Krishnamurti followers and
> similar saviour-worshippers listen to that one.
> M. Sufilight
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: nhcareyta 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 6:39 AM
> Subject: Theos-World Theosophical Traditions & New
> Students of Theosophy
> There are at least a dozen different Theosophical
> "traditions" 
> or "schools" based on the claims of various
> prominent individuals in 
> the modern Theosophical Movement. 
> H.P. Blavatsky (1831-1891) was the first person in
> modern times to 
> write about the Theosophical Adepts, especially the
> Masters Morya and 
> Koot Hoomi. 
> Madame Blavatsky wrote:
> " . . . I was the first in the United States to
> bring the existence 
> of our Masters into publicity; and . . . exposed the
> holy names of 
> two members of a Brotherhood hitherto unknown to
> Europe and America 
> (save to a few mystics and Initiates of every age),
> yet sacred and 
> revered throughout the East, and especially India .
> . . . " "The 
> Theosophical Mahatmas." The Path, December, 1886.
> But after H.P.B.'s death in 1891, we find numerous
> claims of contact 
> with the same Adepts. See a list of persons making
> such claims.
> These various claims are dependent on Mme.
> Blavatsky's original 
> statements and testimony. 
> For example, if H.P.B. was a fraud, her Masters
> fictional characters, 
> and her teachings false or simply made up and/or
> borrowed from 
> genuine previously existing religious and esoteric
> beliefs, then all 
> the later claims based on hers would also be false. 
> "You cannot acquire psychic power until the causes
> of psychic 
> debility are removed. . . . You have scarcely
> learned the elements of 
> self-control in psychism. . . . "
> "Your vivid creative fancy [imagination] evokes
> illusive Gurus and 
> chelas, and puts into their mouths words coined the
> instant before in 
> the mint of your mind, unknown to yourself." 
> "The false appears as real, as the true, and you
> have no exact method 
> of detection, since you are yet prone to force your
> communications to 
> agree with your preconceptions." 
> Master Koot Hoomi, 
> Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas,
> Letter 17 Bold added.
> But if H.P.B.'s claims and teachings are true and
> genuine, that is 
> no guarantee that any of the later claims are
> therefore true and 
> genuine, too. All later claims might be false.
> Or only one or only some of the later claims might
> be true but the 
> rest might be false. Etc. 
> Looking briefly at Theosophical history, we find
> that in the 1890s, 
> William Q. Judge and Annie Besant (both students of
> H.P.B.) claimed 
> to be in contact with H.P.B.'s Master Morya. But
> each of them 
> reported opposite and contradictory statements as
> coming from Master 
> M. (1)
> Some Theosophists sided with Mr. Judge; others with
> Mrs. Besant. 
> This "division" led eventually to the breakup of the
> original 
> Theosophical Society into two separate and competing
> organizations. 
> The contradictory claims by Judge and Besant
> apparently were the 
> beginning of the various lineage claims concerning
> "esoteric" 
> successors to Madame Blavatsky.
> In the Adyar Theosophical Society, we find the
> following lineage of 
> succession: 
> H.P. Blavatsky > Annie Besant & Charles W.
> Leadbeater > the next 
=== message truncated ===

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