Re: Recreating TS History
Nov 21, 2007 01:11 PM
by Konstantin Zaitzev
--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@...>
> The Adyar TS as it exists today was incorporated only in 1905 by
> Annie Besant.
> So, from that point Beant is her mother.
> The other question is, whether this TS of 1905 is the same as the
> Adyar TS of 1882 during HPB.:'s stay until 1885.
Don't forget that the incorporation was made under the
President-Founder H.S. Olcott. From outer point of view (and we are
talking about an organization) Olcott was more important person than
Till now in Asia he is more well-known than Blavatsky who is mostly
known in Russia and America.
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