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Re: Theos-World Re: Blavatsky-fundamentalists partying at Beverly Hills

Nov 17, 2007 02:57 PM
by Drpsionic

Actually the velociraptor was a small, extremely carnivorous dinosaur, which pretty much describes me.

Chuck the Heretic 

-----Original Message-----
From: christinaleestemaker <>
Sent: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 1:28 pm
Subject: Theos-World Re: Blavatsky-fundamentalists partying at Beverly Hills

-So ... from bloody vampiring , you musquito......

to veloci rapping ...tor= beetle....

a real fast reptilian 

by the way what is a velociraptor, never heard about such thing?

Christina from Blavatskyhills.

-- In, Drpsionic@... wrote:
> The Human Velociraptor strikes again!!? Ha Ha!
> Chuck the Reptilian Heretic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cass Silva <silva_cass@...>
> To:
> Sent: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:02 am
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Blavatsky-fundamentalists partying at 
Beverly Hills
> Maybe that explains Chuck!!! lol
> Cass
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Frank Reitemeyer <dzyan@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:40:56 AM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Blavatsky-fundamentalists partying at 
Beverly Hills
> With HPB one has to discriminate three things:
> 1. The ancient wisdom - Theosophy
> 2. It's imperfect vehicle - Theosophical Society/Movement
> 3. Theosophists
> Furthermore there are also merely members of a theosophical group.
> In this discrimination lies your answer.
> The manasa-putras cannot modify your ego.
> It's up to you and only to you to grow.
> If you don't want to go higher, no manasa-putra and no Jesus on the 
> can do it for you.
> Icke seems to have true information from ancient wisdom with 
> combined.
> But I fear the reptiles are really among us.
> Frank
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: opetha
> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 12:36 AM
> Subject: Theos-World Re: Blavatsky-fundament alists partying at 
Beverly Hills
> Hello be it,
> I like hearing the term "Blavatski fundementalist" , is it with 
> and acceptance you use this phrase (as a theosophist? because I have
> always felt that the theosophical movement was based on rhetoric and
> not experience (i.e. meditation).
> I mentioned something like this on the anthrospophy site and got a
> death threat from a coven Blavatski the new Mohammed and
> Secret Doctrine the new Q'uran?
> But to change the subject a little bit...theosophy teaches that this
> fourth manvantara is remarked by spiritual powers modifying man's 
> (mind/manas) . This is interesting if we equate the facts of modern
> society, its informational overload---includin g occult as 
information- --
> and how the personality of the modernite justifies itself with EGO-
> totems. Is it safe to say that the rise in consciousness that we are
> seeing, not with yogi's and magicians, but with TV personalities and
> youngsters extraverted arrogance, and the overcoming of romance in 
> and cinema with plastic ruthlessness- -is this the work of the
> predominant architects? work that has detroyed soul in music and 
> If it is then do you see the pattern in which modern "esotericists"
> have sided *against* Christianity, for not providing for the EGO-
> as Thelema, theosophy etc, do? here is the battle of soul versus 
> I suppose the Manasa-Pitris have been modifying man's EGO-mind for a
> much longer period than this relatively recent fall of Christianity 
> rise in modernity, so if the rise in informational mind is the work 
> natural forces then we can only guess why it is now that they've 
> the ruthless boost.
> This reminds one of the "Pleadian Agenda" of the Mayan-new agers and
> David Ike's reptile paranoia (or even Rael's alien creators). It's a
> question of how the modifiers relate to these similar ideas and what
> faction after all is the benefactor and which the enslaver, etc. 
> Godot.
> --- In theos-talk@yahoogro, "Anand" <AnandGholap@ ...> 
> >
> > Theo-talk list completed it's seven years a month back. In all 
> > seven years lowest number of messages in a month were in October 
> > In this month, it received just 80 posts. What does this indicate
> > Does this mean that interest in Theos-talk is reducing ? Does this
> > mean members think time can be used in better way than talking at
> > Theos-talk ? According to sources, Blavatsky-fundament alists were
> > partying at Beverly Hills.
> > Anand
> >
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